10 Incredible Elephant Seal Facts

Loudest Animals: Northern Elephant Seal

Written by Jennifer Gaeng

Published: August 25, 2022

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Elephant seals are “feather- or fin-footed” (Pinnipedia) marine mammals. Elephant seals are Phocidae seals. True seals have no external ear and short limbs, and shorter limbs make them more water friendly. Traveling on land is difficult since they are unable to walk like otariids by rotating their rear flippers forward, and large rear flippers let elephant seals swim faster. Elephant seals travel up to 60 miles per day when they go to the sea to hunt for food. Read below for more interesting information as we explore 10 Incredible Elephant Seal Facts!

1.   There Are Two Types Of Elephant Seals

walrus vs elephant seal

Although males of this species have longer trunks, they are the smaller of the two species overall.

Northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) are widespread from Alaska to Mexico, and you might come across a colony of them on any beach you visit. Although males of this species have longer trunks, they are the smaller of the two species overall. To see southern elephant seals, you’ll have to go south of the equator (Mirounga leonina).

2.   Males Have Huge, Inflatable Snouts

A colony of king penguins

Elephant seals may make various sounds, including snorts, grunts, and drum-like booms, which are audible from great distances.

A male elephant seal has a huge nose, and the accompanying sack-like appendage known as a proboscis makes him stand out from a female. Extending their probosci, elephant seals may make various sounds, including snorts, grunts, and drum-like booms, which are audible from great distances.

3.   Males Are Big Enough To Crush Vehicle

Two Elephant seals at Point Piedras Blancas, California

Harem masters have been seen to give birth to as many as 125 offspring.

A southern elephant seal named Homer is reputed to enjoy turning parked vehicles into scrap metal. Homer is 14 feet long and weighs 4,500 pounds. In May of 2000, Homer suddenly surfaced from the depths and began destroying cars, boat trailers, trees, and whatever else was in his path.

This led to him being shown on news broadcasts worldwide and giving him a modicum of notoriety. Even worse, he walked up to a local restaurant, nonchalantly smashed the external transformer, and cut off all electricity to the establishment. He has a real thing for cars, and when his two tons brush up against one, it makes a tiny mark. The best case scenario is that he goes back to the sub-Antarctic in search of female companionship.

4.   Alpha Male’s Main Duty Is Breeding

Northern elephant seal, male and female (Mirounga angustirostris)

A “harem master” is the dominant bull inside a colony who attracts and keeps numerous females for himself.

Two-year research conducted by scientists in the Falkland Islands focused on a single large colony. Harem masters have been seen to give birth to as many as 125 offspring, and dominant males fathered an astounding 90% of all observed pups. However, just 72% of male subordinates were witnessed mating.

A “harem master” is the dominant bull inside a colony who attracts and keeps numerous females for himself. After that, until he is “dethroned” by a challenger, he has virtually unrestricted access to their reproductive systems.

5.   Southern Elephant Seals Are Huge

Female Elephant seal (Mirounga leonina), on Kerguelen Island

There are 33 species of pinnipeds known to exist, with southern elephant seals being the largest.

Pinnipeds are a superorder that includes marine mammals like sea lions, seals, and walruses. In contrast to the bulk of other marine mammals like whales and dugongs, these animals can also survive on land. They come up out of the water to do things like sleep, molt, get hitched, and have babies. There are 33 species of pinnipeds known to exist, with southern elephant seals being the largest. A large individual can grow to a length of 20 feet and a weight of 8800 pounds.

6.   Male Elephant Seals Are Much Larger Than Females

Male southern elephant-seal (Mirounga leonina) on northern shore of Kerguelen Islands

The largest males can reach a length of about 13 feet and a weight of about 4500 pounds.

If you compare a female southern elephant seal to a bull that weighs 4.5 tons, the female will look little. Males often grow to be up to eight times heavier and two times as long as females. The plight of northern elephant seals is similar but not as dire. The largest males can reach a length of about 13 feet and a weight of about 4500 pounds, whereas the largest females reach a length of about 3 feet less and a weight of about 3000 pounds less.

7.   They Can Dive A Mile Or More Deep

King Penguins and Southern Elephant Seal at South Georgia Island

The elephant seal is a master breath-holder and can swim for as long as two hours without surface time.

In 2012, marine researchers witnessed a northern female dive an incredible 5788 feet beneath the surface. The elephant seal is a master breath-holder and can swim for as long as two hours without surface time.

8.   Enemy Males Recognize One Another By Their Noises

walrus vs elephant seal

With time, a hierarchy of men emerges, but it seems that a bull is unable to rise very far until he’s launched a few threats of his own.

The proboscis’s principal function is to make alarm calls to scare away rival males and prevent fights from breaking out. With time, a hierarchy of men emerges, but it seems that a bull is unable to rise very far until he’s launched a few threats of his own. Researchers have been stationed near the beaches of Ao Nuevo State Park since 2009. Over loudspeakers, they replayed recordings of the alarm calls made by certain guys who were known to visit the area.

9.   They Can Go Long Periods Without Drinking Water

Elephant seal colony

To avoid dehydrating, their kidneys produce concentrated urine, containing less water but more waste.

Whenever an elephant seal is on land, it may go days or even weeks without drinking. To avoid dehydrating, their kidneys produce concentrated urine, containing less water but more waste.

10. Elephant Seals Have Done Some Voice Acting

walrus vs elephant seal

The largest females reach a length of about 3 feet less and a weight of about 3000 pounds less than the largest males..

In The Fellowship of the Ring, the scrawny orcs of Moria utter a terrible battle cry. The sound effects creator took cues for the aquatic-themed cries of the elephant seal pups from various sources.

The unique noise can reverberate effectively; therefore, it was called “a great projecting call.” There are no elephant seals to be found in the “Drums in the deep” of the Moria mines. The pinnipeds make additional noises throughout the trilogy. Strong Uruk orcs’ vocalizations resemble those of sea lions, especially under agony, and those of tigers and leopards, respectively, suggesting that these predators served as inspiration for their savage attacks.

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About the Author

Jennifer Gaeng is a writer at A-Z-Animals focused on animals, lakes, and fishing. With over 15 years of collective experience in writing and researching, Jennifer has honed her skills in various niches, including nature, animals, family care, and self-care. Hailing from Missouri, Jennifer finds inspiration in spending quality time with her loved ones. Her creative spirit extends beyond her writing endeavors, as she finds joy in the art of drawing and immersing herself in the beauty of nature.

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