Labradoodles have been among some of the most popular dog breeds for years now, but did you know that they’re not actually recognized as a breed by the American Kennel Club? Because these dogs are a new breed, hybridized from two existing breeds, they’re not considered AKC worthy. But, that doesn’t stop people from adopting these smart, low-shedding dogs in droves.
Let’s take a closer look at just what makes the Labradoodle so special!
1. Labradoodles Are Crosses Between Two Popular Breeds
Sure, there are a lot of funny dog breeds out there today—Cavapoos, Bernedoodles, Chiweenies, Chugs, and more. But, the Labradoodle’s name actually makes sense if you consider the two parent breeds. The dog is actually a mix of Labrador Retrievers and Poodles. Breeders may mix Labs with any size of Poodle, including toy, miniature, and standard. Every Labradoodle’s look and size comes from its parents.
2. Labradoodles Are (Almost) Hypoallergenic
Unfortunately for highly allergic humans, there are no true hypoallergenic dogs out there. Allergens come from pet dander, which is made up of your pet’s dead skin cells (we all shed those, it’s actually normal), and shed fur. Pets that shed more—like German Shepherds and Akitas—create more allergens, so people with allergies have more significant reactions to them.
But, here’s what’s great about Labradoodles; they’re specifically bred to spread fewer allergens. So, if you love dogs but are mildly allergic to them, Labradoodles might be your choice.
3. Labradoodles Love People
If you’ve got a big family, or maybe you have a full social schedule, then Labradoodles might be a great choice for you. These dogs thrive on company; they love adults, children, groups, and even other pets. These dogs, like Goldendoodles, are the extroverts of the dog world. If they don’t get enough socializing, these dogs are more likely to be depressed and bored and may develop negative behaviors. So, if you live alone and work long days, a Labradoodle might not be the right choice for you.
4. Labradoodles Come In Different Sizes
Since there are different sizes of poodles (toy, miniature, and standard), you can get Labradoodles in different sizes too. Their sizes are determined by the size of their Poodle parents since Labrador Retrievers come in just one size. There are standard, medium, and miniature Labradoodles.
Standards weigh between 45-65 pounds and have at least one standard-sized Poodle in their background. Medium-sized Labradoodles are very popular and weigh between 30-45 pounds. The smallest of them all is the Mini Labradoodle, which generally weighs under 20 pounds and has at least one miniature Poodle in its background.
5. Labradoodles Need Lots Of Exercises
No matter the size, all Labradoodle pups need plenty of exercise. They’re energetic, especially as puppies, so expect to spend a good amount of time wearing them out. Good ways to exercise these dogs include plenty of walks, visits to friendly dog parks, hikes, and swimming. You can also play with your Labradoodle (think tug of war) to release some of its energy. It’s important to keep your dog happy, exercised, and stimulated; lack of exercise can lead to negative behaviors.
6. Labradoodles Are Smart And Easy To Train
It’s no surprise that a cross between Poodles and Labrador Retrievers, two of the smartest breeds out there, is an intelligent dog. Labradoodles are smart and energetic, and they’re also eager to please. These traits make them a joy to train. Interested owners can take their Labradoodles beyond basic ‘sit, stay’ training. These dogs enjoy learning new things and benefit from more advanced obedience and skill classes.
7. Most Labradoodles Have Mustaches
That’s right! Unless your pup has very short, wiry fur, they probably have a mustache. Dog mustaches happen when long-furred breeds grow long fur, even on their muzzles. These mustaches can be hilarious, especially when they’re dripping wet, but they can also be a bit of a pain to keep clean. Many Labradoodle owners opt for keeping their dogs’ mustaches short. Since these dogs tend to have long fur that needs regular grooming, many owners have their pups professionally groomed.
8. Labradoodles Make Excellent Service Animals
There are many great things about Labradoodles, some of which are their intelligence, friendliness, and loyalty. All of these traits together make for excellent service, therapy, or emotional support animals. Labradoodles are a popular choice for owners looking for not just a companion but a working dog.
9. Labradoodles Love Swimming
Labradoodles love a lot of things, but water just might be one of their favorites. Because of this, these dogs are popular choices for dock diving enthusiasts. They’re great if you love taking trips to lakes, slow-moving rivers, or even ocean inlets. Labradoodles are particularly fond of chasing and retrieving toys or sticks thrown into the water. If you plan on taking your Labradoodle out to the water, just make sure you have a towel, or three, handy.
10. Labradoodles Aren’t Recognized By The AKC
The American Kennel Club only recognized purebred dogs. This means dogs whose ancestry includes only one breed of dog. Because Labradoodles are the hybrid product of two dog breeds, they’re not recognized as an official breed by the AKC. But that doesn’t mean they’re not excellent dogs. Labradoodles make excellent companions as long as they get enough exercise, love, and stimulation.
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