August 7 Zodiac: Sign Personality Traits, Compatibility and More

Written by August Croft
Updated: July 31, 2023
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Leo season happens from July 22nd to August 22nd, depending on where the planets are during your specific year of birth. If you’re an August 7 zodiac sign, you are most definitely a Leo! A fixed fire sign and among the boldest signs of the zodiac, Leos live their lives passionately, generously, and optimistically. But are there any specific things we can say about a Leo born on August 7th?

A Leo is compatible with a Libra, Scorpio, Aries, and Sagittarius.

In fact, we can! By using numerology, symbology, and, of course, astrology, we can learn a lot about a person depending on when their specific birthday is. And that’s exactly what we’ll be doing today. If you’re an August 7th zodiac sign, this article’s all about you. Let’s get started and talk about all things Leo now!

August 7 Zodiac Sign: Leo

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There is a level of showmanship and display inside every Leo sun, which may ring true to you if you’re an August 7 zodiac sign.


Dynamic, bright, and bold, Leo suns light up every room they enter. As a fixed sign of the zodiac, Leos are incredibly reliable and stable, albeit a little controlling and stubborn too. And, as fire signs, Leos infuse everything they do with passion, energy, and ambition. Leos love to dazzle a room, a party, a partner. There is a level of showmanship and display inside every Leo sun, which may ring true to you if you’re an August 7 zodiac sign.

While Leos make excellent performers, it’s important for this fire sign to be vulnerable too. Often, Leos put on such a great show that they get insecure when it comes time to be themselves. These lions of the zodiac want to be seen as powerful, in control, and happy at all times. But it’s better for a Leo to accept that this way of living isn’t realistic, and sooner rather than later!

What is behind a Leo’s thriving life force? What is the ruling planet of this sign of the zodiac, and how does it influence a Leo daily? When it comes to this very special sign, Leos only have one ruling planet to thank for their bold, bright attitudes!

Ruling Planets of an August 7 Zodiac: the Sun

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Given this sign’s influence from the sun, Leos have a tough time operating without external validation and approval.


At the center of our universe, our entire being, is the sun. And so too, Leo longs to be the center of your universe. Without realizing it (or perhaps on purpose, depending on the Leo you know), Leo suns take over the spotlight, the center of every conversation. This fire sign is positively effervescent when it comes to social activities, impressing people, and otherwise earning attention. We all orbit the sun, after all!

The sun is exalted when in the sign of Leo. In the northern hemisphere, Leo season happens during the peak of summertime, which is just another reason why the sun is happiest when found in Leo. The warmest, brightest, and most memorable days of the year happen during Leo season, something that brings the average Leo an endless supply of joy!

Because Leos long to be remembered, thanks to their ruling planet. They want to be noticed and appreciated for their joyous efforts. While some Leos can come across as braggy or self-absorbed, this sign of the zodiac still maintains a level of self-awareness. Leos only wish to be lauded for things they feel as if they have earned; it’s difficult for Leos to be happy, bragging about things they haven’t done well enough!

However, being lauded and appreciated are inherent Leo desires. Given this sign’s influence from the sun, Leos have a tough time operating without external validation and approval. It can benefit a Leo immensely to find satisfaction in themselves rather than through all of the people who happen to be in their orbit!

August 7 Zodiac: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Personality of a Leo

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When they drop their performative mask, Leos are some of the most honest, vulnerable, and magnetic signs of the zodiac.

© paseven/

On the astrological wheel, Leos follow Cancer. The lion is the fifth sign of the zodiac and learned from Cancer the importance of being in touch with your emotions. While Leos don’t necessarily want to be analyzing their own emotions for hours upon hours, they do enjoy harnessing their emotional state in order to appease their large ambitions. Because Leos instinctually know how their emotions come across to others. Their emotions are within their control.

This isn’t to say that Leos live their lives completely calm and without complaint. Far from it– when a Leo is upset with you, you will know it! However, Leos use their emotional understanding to manipulate the way they act around others. They use their awareness to entertain the people in their lives and mask their insecurities, faults, and troubles. 

In astrology, the fifth house is known as the house of fun and pleasure. This is one of the reasons why the average Leo prefers to seek out play, romance, and adventure rather than face their deep-rooted fears. Leos want to keep that side of themselves a secret to better help their friends, family, and loved ones find pleasure in their own lives. However, this neglect of their emotional cores can lead some Leos down a lonely path.

When they drop their performative mask, Leos are some of the most honest, vulnerable, and magnetic signs of the zodiac. Their huge hearts help them make genuine connections with others. This is a fiercely loyal sign, one of the greatest friends in the entire zodiac. With a smile and a well-planned outfit, Leos are capable of anything, especially when it comes to social endeavors and lifelong dreams.

August 7 Zodiac: Numerological Significance

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As a Leo so connected to the number 7, you may have a drive or desire to find love in your life.


When it comes to a Leo born on August 7th, we can use numerology for further insight. The number 7 is clearly important to this Leo birthday, and the number 7 has a lot to say about this person, particularly romantically. In astrology, the seventh sign of the zodiac is Libra and the seventh house refers to our partnerships, cooperations, and the united fronts we form in our lives.

As a Leo so connected to the number 7, you may have a drive or desire to find love in your life. However, the seventh house refers to partnerships of all types. Whether it be a partnership at work, school, or in the home, a Leo so connected to the number 7 shouldn’t deny their desire to collaborate and cooperate with one other person.

When we turn to angel numbers and numerology in particular, the number 7 speaks of harmony, balance, and intuitive motivations. Libra is a sign known for fairness, a commitment to justice, and a capacity for finding balance and compromise in all things. A Leo born on August 7th may have a greater capability when it comes to balancing their lives or compromising in order to help others in their lives.

Given that Leos are a fixed sign, there is an inherent desire for romance and romantic connections, particularly long-term ones. A Leo so connected to the number 7 may long for such a connection more than other Leo birthdays. This sign of the zodiac may find themselves feeling unfulfilled until they are able to form a lasting love with another.

Career Paths for an August 7 Zodiac Sign

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Creativity in general is a wonderful outlet for Leos to consider, especially in the workplace.


Fire signs are among the most physically active signs of the zodiac, which is why Leos make excellent workers. There is a tireless ambition inside every Leo sun, though they need to be working on something they are passionate about in order to maintain their energies. Physical careers may help a Leo channel their endless energies into something lasting, such as careers in sports or athletics. Likewise, dancing or other artistically rooted athletic careers will speak to Leo suns.

Creativity in general is a wonderful outlet for Leos to consider, especially in the workplace. This sign of the zodiac will feel endlessly inspired to work on creative endeavors, particularly in writing, painting, sculpting, and more. We have yet to mention performance or acting careers for this sign, but we must. Acting is a natural route for a Leo to take, as this fire sign has a huge personality and ability to naturally interpret their actions on stage. Don’t shy away from the spotlight, Leo!

Speaking of the spotlight, most Leos do well in a job that affords them some level of attention. Being a part of a nameless, corporate machine is unlikely to bring a Leo any joy in their job, which means they won’t stick with it for very long. A Leo knows when they are being lauded as well as being ignored, and this shining star of the zodiac will not stand for being ignored in the workplace!

August 7 Zodiac in Relationships and Love

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A Leo in love is an unstoppable force, one that gives back more than they get.

©Marko Aliaksandr/

While over-the-top displays of affection are often common in a Leo sun, this sign of the zodiac knows how to tone down their romantic side in order to ensure that their partner is heard. Despite their big egos and personalities, Leos are among the most loyal, caring, and generous signs of the zodiac. What you give to them will be returned to you tenfold, particularly when it comes to physical affection and gift-giving.

A Leo hates to be outdone, especially in love. However, remember just how playful this sign of the zodiac is. A Leo won’t grow despondent if you shower them with attention and love. They will soak all of this in and give it right back to you because they want you to feel just as loved as they do. While Leos can get a bit bossy in relationships, never confuse this sign’s big personality for apathy toward your needs. Leos want to please their partners, particularly one born on August 7th.

Partnerships are incredibly healing for an August 7th zodiac sign. This Leo will find fulfillment, happiness, and satisfaction when in love. They will learn how to be vulnerable with their partner while maintaining their stability and reliability. A Leo in love is an unstoppable force, one that gives back more than they get. While they will crave your affection and reassurance, Leos are always worth the extra effort! 

Matches and Compatibility for August 7 Zodiac Signs

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Libras ignite the glamorous passion in every Leo sun and also strive for a romantic, long-term partnership.


Forming a lasting partnership is very important to a Leo born on August 7th. Astrological matches are possible no matter what sign you are; there are no impossible matches in the zodiac! However, when it comes to communication styles and methods of emotional expression, some signs simply click faster and easier than others.

For example, fire signs speak the same language as other fire signs, while air signs ignite something special in fire signs. Water signs can dampen the spirit of a fire sign, while earth signs often get consumed by fire signs. There are certain signs that have to work harder to connect, but remember that all partnerships are possible in astrology!

With this in mind, what signs of the zodiac match well with an August 7th Leo in particular? Here are a few to consider!:

  • Libra. Given this Leo’s connection to the number 7, finding a strong Libra match may be a great idea! Libras ignite the glamorous passion in every Leo sun and also strive for a romantic, long-term partnership, making a Leo born on August 7th particularly appealing.
  • Scorpio. Fixed like Leo, Scorpios can add an intense dynamic to a relationship with one. While stubbornness is something that both of these signs need to watch out for, Scorpios can help Leos connect to their emotions and form a deep, lasting partnership.
  • Aries. Another fire sign but cardinal in modality like Libra, Aries suns bring life and joy into a Leo match. These two signs will speak a similar language and constantly bring playfulness into each other’s lives.

Historical Figures and Celebrities Born on August 7th

There have been plenty of famous and amazing Leos born on August 7th throughout the decades. What influential and historical individuals share this special day with you? While this isn’t everyone noteworthy, here are some of the most celebrated and well-known Leos that call August 7th their birthday!:

  • Elizabeth Báthory (countess)
  • Nathanael Greene (military leader)
  • Carl Ritter (geographer)
  • Ulrich Salchow (figure skater)
  • Louis Leakey (archeologist)
  • Ralph Bunche (diplomat)
  • Jo Baer (artist)
  • Robert Mueller (FBI director)
  • David Duchovny (actor)
  • Jimmy Wales (entrepreneur)
  • Sydney Penny (actor)
  • Greg Serano (actor)
  • Michael Shannon (actor)
  • Charlize Theron (actor)
  • Alex Timbers (director)
  • Eric Johnson (actor)

Important Events That Occurred on August 7th

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On this date in 1977, Mount Usu erupted in Japan.

©Tanya Antusenok/

When it comes to important, monumental, or inciting events that have happened throughout history, August 7th remains a date to remember. Just like our August 7th birthdays, we can’t list every single event that’s happened on August 7th throughout history. However, here are a few of the most noteworthy!:

  • 1420: the Florence Cathedral began constructing its dome
  • 1782: the Purple Heart medal was officially created by George Washington
  • 1939: Howard Hughes was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal
  • 1946: Booker T. Washington was commemorated on a half-dollar coin
  • 1977: Mount Usu erupted in Japan
  • 2008: the Russo-Georgian War officially started
  • 2018: the Mendocino Fire became the largest fire in California history
  • 2022: an official ceasefire occurred in Gaza

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Algernon77/

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About the Author

August Croft is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on astrology, symbolism, and gardening. August has been writing a variety of content for over 4 years and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theater from Southern Oregon University, which they earned in 2014. They are currently working toward a professional certification in astrology and chart reading. A resident of Oregon, August enjoys playwriting, craft beer, and cooking seasonal recipes for their friends and high school sweetheart.

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