8 Herbs to Plant in June

Written by Heather Hall

Updated: July 27, 2023

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Coriander is also known as Cilantro, which is the Spanish word for Coriander. When the plant flowers and turns into seeds, the seeds are called Coriander.

As the weather warms up, many gardeners are eager to get their hands dirty and start planting. If you’re looking for some new herbs to add to your garden this month, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll be discussing some of the best herbs to plant in June, along with tips for how to care for them throughout the growing season. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these herbs are sure to add flavor and fragrance to your outdoor space. So grab your gardening gloves, and let’s get started!

June is still a great time to get some herbs planted in the garden. This month has many positives, with long days and plants growing quickly, plus a variety of colorful flowers in bloom.

8 Herbs to Plant in June

Akao Herb & Rose Garden

Herb gardens are beneficial to cooks and pollinators alike.

As the summer season approaches, many gardeners may believe that they have missed their chance to plant herbs in their outdoor space. However, June is actually a great time to add some new greenery to your garden and reap all of the benefits that come with it.

In addition to providing fresh ingredients for cooking and seasoning dishes, planting herbs in June can also help attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. These insects play a vital role in maintaining our ecosystem by helping plants reproduce through pollination.

So why not take advantage of the warm weather conditions this month by adding some new herb plants to your garden? Not only will you be able to enjoy fresh ingredients throughout the summer season, but you’ll also be doing your part in supporting local pollinators.


dill herb growing

Dill is key to making dill pickles!

Dill is a popular herb that belongs to the celery family and is known for its feathery green leaves. It has a subtle yet distinctive flavor that is commonly used in pickling, seafood dishes, soups, and salads. Dill seeds are also widely used as a spice and have a slightly bitter taste.

To plant dill seeds, you should first choose a sunny location with well-drained soil. The best time to sow dill seeds is in late spring or early summer when the soil temperature reaches around 60°F. You can either sow the seeds directly into the ground or start them indoors about four weeks before planting outside. Dill hates to be transplanted, so if you are starting seeds indoors, use compostable paper containers that you can put directly in the soil outdoors.

When planting outdoors, simply scatter the seeds on top of the soil and cover them lightly with more soil (around 1/4 inch deep). Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged until germination occurs within one to two weeks.

Once your dill plants reach about six inches tall, they are ready for harvest. You can clip off individual leaves or cut entire stems at once, depending on your needs. If you’re harvesting for seed production purposes, wait until their yellow flowers turn brown and dry out before collecting them.

Summer Savory

Medium close up shot of clusters of white calamint flowers.

Summery Savory is in the Mint family.

Summer savory is an herb that belongs to the mint family and is commonly used in culinary dishes for its strong, peppery flavor. It is a popular addition to soups, stews, and meat dishes due to its ability to enhance their flavors.

When it comes to planting and growing summer savory, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Firstly, it thrives best in sunny locations with well-draining soil. The ideal time for planting this herb would be during mid-to-late spring or early summer when the soil temperature has warmed up adequately. In short, June is the ideal month to plant summer savory in many locations.

The next step would be preparing the soil by adding compost or aged manure, as these will provide essential nutrients required for growth. Once this is done, sow seeds about ¼ inch deep into the soil at intervals of around 6 inches apart.

It’s important to ensure that your plants receive enough water during their initial growth stages but not too much, as over-watering can lead to root rot. You may also want to consider mulching your plants once they have grown taller than three inches, as this helps retain moisture in the soil while also preventing weed growth.

Harvesting summer savory can begin once your plant reaches six inches tall. Simply trim off individual leaves from each stalk using scissors or pruning shears. Remember not to harvest more than one-third of any given plant at any one time so as not to stunt its growth.

In conclusion, summer savory is a versatile herb to plant in June. It adds depth and complexity of flavor when used correctly in cooking recipes.


cilantro on white background

Cilantro (aka coriander) is widely used as a garnish.

Coriander, also known as cilantro or Chinese parsley, is a versatile herb that belongs to the Apiaceae family. It is commonly used in various cuisines around the world and has a distinctive flavor profile that adds depth and complexity to dishes.

When it comes to planting coriander, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, it thrives in well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight. Make sure to choose a spot that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight every day.

In terms of planting techniques, coriander can be sown directly into the ground or started indoors before transplanting outside. If starting indoors, use peat pots filled with a seed-starting mix for best results.

It’s important to note that coriander doesn’t like hot weather and tends to bolt (go to seed) quickly when temperatures rise above 75°F (24°C). To prevent this from happening too soon, make sure to plant it during cooler months, such as June or September.

Once planted, make sure to water regularly but not excessively, as coriander prefers slightly moist soil. Fertilizing once every four weeks with an all-purpose fertilizer can also help promote healthy growth.

Overall, growing coriander requires some patience and attention, but the rewards are definitely worth it!


parsley in garden

Parsley has both curly and flat-leaf varieties

Parsley is a versatile and flavorful herb that can be used in a variety of dishes, from soups and stews to salads and sauces. It is a biennial plant that typically grows to about 12-18 inches tall, with bright green leaves that are deeply divided into small segments.

When it comes to planting parsley, there are several things you should keep in mind. First, choose a location that gets plenty of sunlight (at least six hours per day) and has well-draining soil. Parsley prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.

To start your parsley plants from seed, sow the seeds directly into the ground or in containers about six weeks before the last frost date for your area. The seeds will take two to four weeks to germinate, so be patient! Once they do sprout, thin them out so that each plant has about six inches of space around it.

If you prefer to buy young plants instead of starting from seed, look for ones with healthy green leaves and no signs of disease or pests.

When it comes to caring for your parsley plants as they grow, make sure they get plenty of water (but don’t overwater!) and fertilize them every few weeks with an all-purpose fertilizer like fish emulsion or compost tea.

Harvesting parsley is easy. Simply snip off individual stems or leaves as needed throughout the growing season. If you want to harvest larger amounts at once, wait until


Borage flowers close up

Borage flowers are loved by pollinators in the garden.

Borage is a herb that is known for its blue, star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves. It can grow up to 2-3 feet tall and wide in ideal conditions. This herb is often used as a companion plant in vegetable gardens because it attracts beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs.

To plant borage, you will need well-draining soil with plenty of organic matter. Borage prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade. Sow the seeds directly into the ground or container in early June after any chance of frost has passed, spacing them about 12 inches apart.

Once planted, borage requires little maintenance beyond regular watering during dry spells. However, be aware that this herb self-seeds easily and may become invasive if not managed properly.

In terms of harvesting, borage leaves are best picked when young before they become tough and bitter. The flowers can also be harvested for use in salads or as a garnish on drinks.

Overall, planting borage can be an excellent addition to your garden both aesthetically and functionally due to its unique appearance and ability to attract beneficial insects.


close up of Genovese basil, also known as sweet basil plants consisting of bright green leaves. Genovese basil is ,.

There are many different flavors of basil, including cinnamon and lemon!

Basil is a popular herb that belongs to the mint family and is known for its distinctive aroma and taste. It has been cultivated for thousands of years and has become an essential ingredient in various cuisines worldwide, including Italian, Thai, and Indian cuisine.

If you are thinking of planting basil in June, it is important to choose a sunny location with well-drained soil. Basil thrives in warm temperatures between 70-80°F (21-27°C) and needs at least six hours of direct sunlight every day.

To plant basil from seeds, start by filling a pot with potting soil up to three-quarters full. Sow the seeds about one-quarter inch deep into the soil and cover them lightly with more soil. Water gently but thoroughly afterward.

Once your basil seedlings have grown to about two inches tall or have at least four leaves each, they can be transplanted outdoors into their final growing position. Ensure that there’s enough space between plants – around 12 inches apart – as this will allow each plant to receive sufficient air circulation for healthier growth.

When caring for your basil plants during growth stages, ensure that you keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, as overwatering can lead to root rot or disease buildup. Additionally, pinch off any flowers that may grow on your plants; otherwise, they may cause bitterness in the flavor of the leaves.

In conclusion: if you’re planning on cultivating fresh herbs this June, then look no further than planting some delicious-smelling basil!


Dried sage and fresh sage

Sage is an easy herb to plant in June. It grows happily all summer.

Sage is a perennial herb that belongs to the mint family. It has grayish-green leaves and produces beautiful purple-blue flowers in the summer months. Sage is known for its earthy, aromatic flavor that is commonly used in cooking, especially in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines.

When it comes to planting sage, it’s important to choose well-draining soil with plenty of sunlight exposure. The best time to plant sage is either in late spring or early fall when temperatures are cooler. Sage can be grown from seeds or cuttings taken from an existing plant.

To grow sage successfully, make sure you water it regularly but avoid over-watering as this can lead to root rot. Fertilizing every few weeks during the growing season will also help promote healthy growth.

One tip for harvesting your sage plant is to wait until after the first year before taking any leaves so that the plant has enough time to establish itself. Once established, you can harvest leaves as needed by simply cutting them off at their base.

Overall, growing and caring for a sage plant requires patience and attention but rewards it with delicious flavors and beautiful foliage throughout the seasons!


Woman cutting rosemary herb branches by scissors, Hand picking aromatic spice from vegetable home garden.
Rosemary is a perennial herb that will come back year after year in most climates.

Rosemary is a fragrant herb that is commonly used in cooking, particularly in Mediterranean cuisine. It has needle-like leaves that are dark green and have a woody stem. In addition to its culinary uses, rosemary also has medicinal properties and is believed to improve memory and concentration.

When it comes to planting and growing rosemary, there are several things to keep in mind. Rosemary prefers well-draining soil with a pH between 6.0-7.5, so make sure the soil you choose meets these requirements. It also needs full sun exposure for at least six hours per day.

If you’re starting from seed, plant them indoors about eight weeks before the last expected frost date in your area. Once they’ve sprouted and grown large enough (usually around four inches tall), transplant them into larger pots or directly into the ground if the weather permits.

When planting rosemary outside, make sure each plant has plenty of space (at least three feet apart), as it can grow quite large – up to five feet tall! Water your plants regularly but be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.

Overall, growing rosemary requires patience, but once established, it will provide you with plenty of delicious flavors for years to come!

Herb Cuttings in June

June is the perfect time to take softwood cuttings of your herb plants.

As the warm weather settles in, gardeners are eagerly planning their herb gardens and looking for ways to propagate their favorite plants. Luckily, June is a perfect time to take softwood cuttings of many popular herbs. Softwood cuttings are taken from new growth that has not yet hardened, making them more likely to root successfully. By taking these cuttings now, you can create new plants without spending any extra money.

To take softwood cuttings of your chosen herb plant, start by selecting healthy stems with no signs of disease or damage. Cut off a section about 4-6 inches long just below a set of leaves using sharp pruning shears. Remove the lower leaves on the stem so that only two or three sets remain at the top.

Next, dip the bottom inch or so of each cutting into rooting hormone powder before planting it in moist potting soil. Cover each pot with plastic wrap to keep moisture levels high while your new plants take root.

With proper care and attention over the coming weeks and months, your rooted herb cuttings will grow into thriving mature plants that will provide fresh flavors and aromas all season long!

Softwood herb cuttings to take in June:

  • Mint
  • Thyme
  • Sage
  • Lemon Verbena
  • Lemon Balm
  • Rosemary
  • Oregano

Summary of Herbs to Plant in June

2Summer Savory
8 Herbs to Plant in June

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About the Author

Heather Hall is a writer at A-Z Animals, where her primary focus is on plants and animals. Heather has been writing and editing since 2012 and holds a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture. As a resident of the Pacific Northwest, Heather enjoys hiking, gardening, and trail running through the mountains with her dogs.

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