5 Insects With the Most Painful Stings

Written by Heather Burdo
Published: April 7, 2023
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Some insects pack a more powerful punch than others. Let’s delve into the world of the top five insects with the most painful sting. Brace yourself to uncover the creepy crawly creatures that can give you a shudder and cause agony.

1. Bullet Ant: The Most Painful Sting on Earth

The bullet ant has the most painful sting of all insects

The bullet ant has the most painful sting of all insects.


The notorious bullet ant, or Paraponera clavata, delivers the most excruciating sting of all insects. Found in Central and South America’s lush rainforests, these creatures grow up to an inch long with a unique reddish-black hue.

The Infamous Sting

The bullet ant’s sting is so painful that it is often compared to being shot, hence the name. The sting’s venom contains a neurotoxin called poneratoxin, which causes intense pain lasting up to 24 hours. In some cases, the pain is accompanied by fever, nausea, and temporary paralysis of the affected limb.

2. Tarantula Hawk: The Wasp with a Paralyzing Sting

Tarantula hawks deliver a paralyzing sting

Tarantula hawks can grow up to 2 inches in length and deliver a painful and paralyzing sting.

©Sari ONeal/Shutterstock.com

The tarantula hawk, a species of spider wasp, is well-known for its excruciating sting. Found primarily in America, Africa, and Southeast Asia, these wasps can grow up to 2 inches long and are easily identified by their black bodies and iridescent blue wings.

A Sting to Remember

The pain from the sting is described as electric, fierce, and debilitating. While the pain may only last for a few minutes, the sting can cause temporary loss of movement in the affected area.

3. Warrior Wasp: The Swarming Stingers

warrior wasp

Warrior wasps are known for their coordinated attacks.


The warrior wasp, or Synoeca septentrionalis, is a giant social wasp in Central and South America. These aggressive insects are known for their coordinated attacks and can swarm and sting any perceived threat.

The Sting of a Warrior

The pain is torturous and blinding, lasting up to two hours. Apart from the sharp pain, the sting can cause redness, swelling, and uncomfortable itching.

4. Velvet Ant: The Furry Deceiver

Velvet ant

The velvet ant is a wingless wasp that gets its name from its velvety hair.

©Tarsal Claw/Shutterstock.com

Despite its name, the velvet ant is not an ant but a wingless wasp species. These insects are covered in dense, velvety hair, giving them their name. Velvet ants can be found across the globe, inhabiting various environments from deserts to grasslands.

The Painful Velvet Ant Sting

Intense and fiery pain has been reported to last up to 30 minutes. In addition to the pain, the sting can lead to redness, swelling, and uncomfortable itching.

5. Paper Wasp: The Architects of Pain

Paper wasp

Paper wasps get their name from the nests they make using a papery substance.


Paper wasps, belonging to the Polistes genus, are known for their distinct nests made from a papery substance. These wasps are located in various areas, including North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. They are usually recognized by their slender bodies, long legs, and reddish-brown to black coloration with yellow markings.

The Painful Paper Wasp Sting

The pain has been described as similar to a hot nail being driven into the skin. While not as intense as the previously mentioned insects, the paper wasp’s sting is still significantly painful and can cause redness, swelling, and an itching sensation.

Recovering from Painful Insect Stings

Although the stings from these insects are pretty painful, recovery is possible by taking some simple steps. Here’s what you can do to recover from the stings of these notorious insects:

Stay Calm and Remove the Stinger (if present)

First and foremost, try to stay calm. Panic can increase your heart rate, which may lead to the venom spreading faster. If the insect has left a stinger in your skin, remove it immediately by scraping the edge of a credit card or your fingernail across the stinger. Avoid tweezers or pinching the stinger, as this could release more venom.

Clean the Affected Area

Wash the sting area with soap and water to minimize the risk of infection. Be gentle while cleaning to avoid irritating the affected area further.

Apply a Cold Pack or Ice

Applying a cold pack or ice wrapped in a cloth to the sting site can help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Use the cold pack for 10-20 minutes, taking breaks in between to prevent frostbite.

Elevate the Affected Area

If possible, elevate the stung body part to reduce swelling. This is particularly important if the sting is on a limb, such as an arm or leg. To help manage pain and reduce inflammation, consider taking over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or naproxen. Follow the dosing instructions on the label and consult your doctor if you have any concerns.

Apply Topical Creams and Antihistamines

Topical creams, such as hydrocortisone, can help alleviate itching and swelling. An oral antihistamine, like diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), can also help reduce itching and may be helpful if you’re experiencing an allergic reaction.

Monitor for Signs of Infection or Allergic Reaction

Keep an eye on the sting site for signs of infection, such as increased redness, warmth, or pus. Seek medical attention if you notice these symptoms. Additionally, if you experience difficulty breathing, chest tightness, dizziness, or severe swelling around the sting site, seek emergency medical care immediately, as these could be signs of a severe allergic reaction.

Give it Time

Recovery from painful insect stings may take some time, depending on the insect and the individual’s reaction to the venom. Rest and allow your body to heal while following the steps mentioned above.


Insects with painful stings can be found in various habitats around the world. While the bullet ant tops the list with its excruciating sting, other insects like the tarantula hawk, warrior wasp, velvet ant, and paper wasp also deliver painful stings that can ruin anyone’s day. It’s essential to be cautious and respectful of these creatures in their natural habitats, as their stings cause pain and can lead to severe allergic reactions or other complications.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Pavel Krasensky/Shutterstock.com

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About the Author

Heather Burdo is a digital marketing enthusiast who has written content for countless industries over the last decade. However, content related to animals, nature, and health has her heart. When she's not working her magic with content, she enjoys being with family, going for walks, camping, and gardening. Self-development is non-negotiable for her.

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