March 23 Zodiac: Sign, Personality Traits, Compatibility, and More

Written by August Croft
Updated: July 7, 2023
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If you’re a March 23 zodiac sign, you may be wondering what astrology has to say about your specific birthday. When it comes to this particular birthday, you’re definitely an Aries through and through! But what are some typical traits and associations with Aries, including some other people and events that share this specific day with you?

Whether you want to know about compatible love interests, your career path, or even some of the symbology behind your unique date of birth, we’ve got you covered. If March 23rd is a special day for you or someone close to you, it’s time to learn all about people born on this day from an astrological perspective. Let’s dive in!

March 23 Zodiac Sign: Aries

Typically spanning from March 21st to April 19th, early Aries birthdays represent the most Aries personalities of all!

The very first sign of the zodiac, Aries belongs to the element of fire and the cardinal modalities. What does this mean? Well, with all of these notions combined, a huge amount of energy and instigating actions makeup Aries. This is a sign that greets each day anew, one that charges forward with confidence and courage in the hopes of enacting their wildest dreams. Sound overwhelming? This extreme “carpe diem” mentality is Aries’s bread and butter!

If you’re an Aries born on March 23rd, you make up the birthdays found during the first portion of the Aries season. Typically spanning from March 21st to April 19th, early Aries birthdays represent the most Aries personalities of all! As Aries season progresses, other fire signs and planetary energies have influences on these birthdays. However, as a March 23rd Aries, you only have one planet to thank for your boundless capacities: Mars.

Ruling Planets of a March 23 Zodiac

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Mars is a planet known for its aggression, its nonstop energy levels, and its independence.


Mars is indeed the planet that rules over Aries, and it presides over Scorpios as well. The energy of Mars is intense, obsessive, and all about power. In a birth chart, Mars rules how we as individuals behave in confrontations, our instincts, and our desires or passions. And passion is certainly a word that all Aries suns understand. The first sign of the zodiac never attempts anything unless they are passionate about it!

Mars is a planet known for its aggression, its nonstop energy levels, and its independence. All of these things can be attributed to Aries. This is a zodiac sign that is constantly in motion, always striving for the next best thing. There is a tirelessness to this sign as well as a confidence that’s rare to find in the average person. An Aries won’t hesitate to begin again, nor will they be afraid to defend their unique mindset, even if it means engaging in a conflict or argument.

While Mars helps Scorpios control the world around them from behind the scenes, the red planet lends Aries a straightforwardness. This sometimes blunt way of both communicating and enacting their goals makes the average Aries bold, brave, and occasionally bossy. Okay, sometimes more than occasionally. All cardinal signs are bossy, after all! Aries always mean well, even if they state their cases in a straightforward, unapologetic way thanks to Mars.

March 23 Zodiac: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Personality of an Aries

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The independence of a March 23rd Aries is often attributed to them being the first sign of the zodiac.


To be an Aries is to be the epitome of early spring. Not only is this when Aries season occurs in the northern hemisphere, but it also has a lot to say about the Aries personality from a symbolic perspective. As spring dawns, it brings new life, energy, and hopefulness into the world. Aries suns represent this hopefulness and newness, this revitalization in the way that they choose to tackle each and every day.

The independence of a March 23rd Aries is often attributed to them being the first sign of the zodiac. On the astrological wheel, all signs feel some level of influence or pull from the signs surrounding them and typically carry with them a lesson learned from their previous sign. However, Aries doesn’t have a previous sign to learn from. Their mindset and aspirations are only theirs, which is why they live life by their own rules, without fear of consequences. 

However, the first sign of the zodiac is also the youngest sign of the zodiac. The average Aries struggles with a number of things that we all struggle with in our youth, including emotional regulation and resistance to boredom. Wasted time, energy, and effort are detestable to an Aries, even though this sign has an endless capacity for new ideas and new emotions. An Aries born on March 23rd may benefit most from practicing patience, even in the face of unwelcome circumstances. 

However, Aries is more likely to use their boundless energy to reroute their efforts to something new. Cardinal signs all struggle with maintaining and persevering, but this is only because they have a huge capacity for new ideas and changes in general.

March 23 Zodiac: Numerological Significance 

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The number 5 may prompt an Aries sun to enjoy life a bit too much, neglecting their responsibilities and well-being.

©object on table/

The number 5 is significant when we dissect a March 23rd birthday. Adding 2+3, the number 5 manifests. This single-digit number has a lot to say about someone when it’s attached to their day of birth. The number 5 is associated with our senses, our intelligence, and what we consider pleasurable. Associated with the 5th sign of the zodiac (Leo) and the fifth house in astrology, the number 5 is a powerful number for an Aries to be associated with.

In the fifth house, we find creativity, pleasure, and discovery. Fun and entertainment, the joys of life, are also well within the realm of the fifth house. A March 23rd Aries may know exactly what they need in order to fully enjoy life, using all 5 senses to engage with the world around them. Creative careers or passions may also factor into the lifestyle of this Aries birthday. Anything that allows an Aries to enjoy life– that’s what the number 5 brings to this person.

However, there can always be too much of a good thing. The number 5 may prompt an Aries sun to enjoy life a bit too much, neglecting their responsibilities and well-being. It’s important to always find balance, even if having fun seems like the right call, Aries!

Career Paths for a March 23 Zodiac Sign

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No matter what day they are born, Aries suns need some independence in the workplace.


It can be easy for an Aries to work multiple jobs in their lifetime. This is especially true of an Aries born on March 23rd. Flexibility and adaptability are closely linked to the number 5, which means that this particular Aries birthday may find themselves switching up their job more often than other people. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with this, an Aries born on March 23rd may benefit from sticking with one career for longer than they want!

No matter what day they are born, Aries suns need some independence in the workplace. This isn’t a sign that typically plays well with others, though they are enigmatic and humorous coworkers. Aries suns prefer to be the bosses of themselves and themselves only. This young sign struggles to manage others and would often rather not bother, even if they do make inspiring and effective leaders.

An Aries can find independence in the workplace in a number of ways. Making their own schedule might be of use to the ram, or perhaps having a job with a variety of tasks suits them best. Athletic careers, high-risk careers, and jobs with interesting or energizing tasks will help an Aries succeed for the long haul!

March 23 Zodiac in a Relationship and Love

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It’s important to keep in mind that most Aries suns live life out loud.


An Aries in love is fearless, devoted, and eager. This is a sign that will likely ask you out before you ask them out. The Aries ability to instigate and initiate is unlike any other. A March 23rd Aries won’t hesitate to engage with someone they find attractive, interesting, and energetic. They will be seeking a match that can join them in just about anything, from dinner plans to active, elaborate dates. 

It’s important to keep in mind that most Aries suns live life out loud. What this means for a relationship with an Aries is that there are rarely secrets. An Aries never worries about telling you what’s on their mind, how they’re feeling, and what their motivations might be. This is a huge benefit over other matches that may leave you guessing what your partner is thinking.

Patience and recognizing what matters most to a March 23rd Aries are both important aspects of a healthy relationship with one. Since all Aries live their lives in the moment, they benefit most from a partner that can step back and see the bigger picture. However, it’s important to never belittle or mock an Aries for seeing things and feeling things as beginners. Remember that everything, at all times, is brand new in some way to the newborn of the zodiac!

The hot-tempered personality of an Aries born on March 23rd can definitely start some fights in a relationship. Remember that these moods shift frequently, and Aries often forget why they are upset once you recognize their feelings and validate them. This is a sign that will love deeply and ferociously, with endless desires to explore all facets of the world with their partner!

Matches and Compatibility for March 23 Zodiac Signs

Patience is one of the most important traits to keep in mind when loving an Aries sun. While all astrological signs are compatible and none are technically bad matches, some signs communicate with each other better than others. Paying attention to the modality and the element of your own sign and the sign of your potential match may help you make a more permanent connection!

In the grand scheme of things, fire signs (like Aries) do well with other fire signs as well as air signs Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius. While matches are always possible with earth and water signs, fire signs do best with fellow fire signs and air signs, as these two elements communicate with and excite Aries in similar ways! With all of this in mind, here are some potential matches when it comes to a March 23rd zodiac sign in particular:

  • Leo. The fifth sign of the zodiac, a March 23rd Aries will feel particularly drawn to Leo. As a fixed fire sign, Leos will struggle with the bossiness and combative nature of Aries at first. However, Leos are loyal, generous, and warm, which often leads them to compromises and solutions, especially with fellow fire signs. An Aries will love the attention that a Leo gives them and always appreciate their patient heart.
  • Gemini. Given that the number 5 is closely linked to Mercury, an Aries born on March 23rd may find that they are especially attracted to Geminis. Mutable and an air sign, Geminis are naturally curious and up for just about anything, much like Aries. This is a pair that is never bored, capable of talking for hours upon hours about anything. There will be a kinship and a special connection between a March 23rd Aries and Geminis.

Historical Figures and Celebrities Born on March 23rd

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March 23rd has been a pretty big day throughout history, and not just for the Aries that call this their date of birth!

©Tanya Antusenok/

It isn’t only your birthday today if you’re a March 23rd baby! Here is only a short list of some of the famous people and historical figures that share in this special day with you:

  • James Bradley (astronomer)
  • Fannie Farmer (chef)
  • Joan Crawford (actor)
  • Wernher von Braun (rocket scientist)
  • Rex Tillerson (businessman and politician)
  • Akira Kurosawa (screenwriter and director)
  • Chaka Khan (singer)
  • Laura Thorne (chef)
  • Moses Malone (NBA player)
  • Randall Park (actor and comedian)
  • Keri Russel (actor)
  • Mo Farah (runner)
  • Catherine Keener (actor)

Important Events That Occurred on March 23rd

March 23rd has been a pretty big day throughout history, and not just for the Aries that call this their date of birth! As early as 1775, this date saw evidence of the inciting, revolutionary energy of Aries season. March 23rd, 1775 was the date Patrick Henry gave his famous “Give me liberty or give me death” speech. Later, in 1857, the very first Otis elevator was installed and operating in New York City. Across the country a scant 11 years later, the University of California collegiate system was established on this day.

In international news, this date in 1919 is attributed to the establishment of the Soviet Union’s Politburo, a five-person political party with Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky among the members. On the very same day, Mussolini began his dictatorship in Italy. Similarly, Hitler was granted dictatorial powers in 1933 on March 23rd. Aries season only continues to bring violence as the battle of Okinawa began on this date in 1945.

In recent history, this date in 2010 saw the creation of the Affordable Care Act, designed to procure affordable health care for Americans. And, a decade later, the Covid-19 pandemic brought about a ceasefire worldwide on this date. No matter what happens during Aries season throughout history and the future, you can be sure it’ll be exciting and even world-changing!

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Marko Aliaksandr/

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About the Author

August Croft is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on astrology, symbolism, and gardening. August has been writing a variety of content for over 4 years and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theater from Southern Oregon University, which they earned in 2014. They are currently working toward a professional certification in astrology and chart reading. A resident of Oregon, August enjoys playwriting, craft beer, and cooking seasonal recipes for their friends and high school sweetheart.

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