Pet Insurance for Your Fish: What You Need to Know. Price, Coverage, and More

Fantail Goldfish in aquarium with green plants, and stones.

Written by Kirstin Harrington

Published: September 19, 2022

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Whether you have allergies, a busy lifestyle, or prefer to have a fur-free home, fish can make great pets! Believe it or not, fish are one of the most popular pets in the country, even more than cats and dogs. There are over 160 million pet fish in the United States. There are around 90 million pet cats and 95 million doggos. 

Many people choose to have fish because they’re a lot less work to take care of. Unfortunately, it’s much easier for most humans to relate to cats and dogs, especially when it comes to health issues. It can be hard to connect with a fish and feel compassionate towards their overall well-being. 

With that being said, you may want to consider fish pet insurance to ensure that your scaly friend can live a long and healthy life! There’s a lot that goes into pet insurance and it has a few differences from our medical insurance. Below you’ll find everything you need to know to keep your finned friend happy and healthy.

What is Fish Insurance?

If you don’t take action, fish might become ill or wounded and perish rapidly. It’s not easy to choose between assisting your aquatic buddies and reducing your bank account balance. 

Fortunately, compared to dog or cat insurance, fish insurance is relatively affordable. 

If you own a costly fish, it can add up to a significant monthly expense, but keep in mind that it will protect you in the case of death or theft. On the other hand, we suppose you can go without a policy if you’re ready to accept the risk of not treating your sick fish or paying a hefty price on occasion.

The Costs of Owning a Fish

Fish are one of the most cost-effective pets available. Well, it depends on the breed you have. Barbs, goldfish, bettas, and tetras are some of the most common varieties of pet fish, with prices ranging from $2 to $30. Although some more costly species, such as angelfish, tangs, and discus, can cost up to $200, others, such as arowanas, stingrays, gars, plecos, and others, can cost thousands of dollars. 

It’s worth noting that you should examine whether your desired species thrives in groups in order to determine whether you should spend more money and acquire more fish of the same variety.

The environment and the equipment required for maintenance are frequently more costly than the fish themselves. If you want a beautiful aquarium with a lot of accessories, you’ll have to dig deep into your wallet. Air pumps, filtration systems, temperature gauges, warmers, and tank cleaning supplies are all optional.

Food is necessary, but it is also inexpensive. For food supplies and treats, you’d need to save aside roughly $10 to $20 per year, per fish. 

Platinum Arowana

Platinum Arowana can cost as much as $400,000, so insuring them makes sense from a cost perspective.

How Much Does Fish Insurance Cost?

Because there are so many different species of fish, it’s hard to say how much your specific insurance plan will cost. Nationwide, a popular pet insurance company urges its customers to give them a call so that they may provide them with a custom estimate for their fish. 

Monthly rates for a common, affordable variety of fish may range from $9 to $30, which is far less than popular insurance policies for cats and dogs. If you have a premium fish species, such as an arowana or a rare koi strain, your personalized quotation might be substantially more expensive. 

Pet Assure charges a set monthly price of $9.95 for one fish and $16.95 for 2-4 fish. $6.58 for one fish and $12.42 for 2-4 fish if you pay annually. Furthermore, for a monthly price of $21.95, or $16.58 a month for a full year, you may pay for your entire school of fish under one plan. Enrolling in CareCredit and Wells Fargo Health Advantage is free, but you must pay the full amount of your vet bill, plus interest.

Common Fish Health Concerns

When individuals notice that anything is amiss with their fish, it is typically too late. They usually find out that their goldfish is sick or damaged when it is already drifting upside-down. 

We must be safe and accountable caregivers for our cherished pets, whether they dwell above or within the water, as pet owners. 

That is why, in order to keep our pets happy and healthy, we must educate ourselves on the species and breeds we possess.When it comes to fish, they might become ill in a variety of ways. Poisoning and immune system suppression can occur as a result of poor water conditions or poor food quality, and the afflicted fish will be unable to fight infections effectively.

Another factor that contributes to the quick onset of sickness is stress. 

Fish that are housed in a setting that is too far removed from their native habitat are more likely to die young. Strangely lighted and very loud environments are severe stimulants that will only upset and confuse them.

Fish with their fins clasped close to their body or swimming fast and jerky are anxious and worried, which can be one of the early indicators of disease. Fish in a community are prone to attacking one another. The presence of body discoloration, lesions, and bruises indicates that the fish has been damaged. 

In any of the aforementioned situations, it’s critical to get your fish to the veterinarian as soon as possible. They’ll take care of it professionally and provide you advice on how to care for it so that it heals properly. Vet clinics are always happy to give guidance on how to appropriately feed your fish and keep their environment in good shape.

Closeup view of a palette surgeonfish

Palette surgeonfish or blue tang costs between $60 to $300.

Nationwide Fish Insurance

Under their Bird & Exotic Pet Insurance plan, Nationwide is the only business in the country that offers pet insurance for fish. On every vet bill, you’ll be required to pay a ten percent co-payment. You’ll have to pay a $50 deductible per occurrence, which means you’ll have to repay it every time you file a claim. 

This plan reimburses you on a benefit timetable, which many fish owners prefer. Nationwide will decide how much you will be compensated for each diagnosis/treatment. Each year, these types of allowances are reset. 

It’s good in any veterinarian clinic around the globe, so you may save money no matter where you reside. The maximum reimbursement for each occurrence is $2,000, with a total payout of $7,000 per year. We love that there isn’t a lifetime payout limit.

Fish Insurance Alternatives

Pet fish insurance isn’t available from all pet insurance companies. The following alternatives provide financial help in a variety of ways when your fish are in need or in harm’s way. 

In terms of legal laws, underwriting, tests, waiting periods, age limitations, and so on, the firms we’ll discuss below are significantly more liberal than pet insurance. They don’t require any of that, but they don’t completely replace the value of implementing insurance coverage.


CareCredit Veterinary Financing is a unique approach to make sure you’re always one step ahead of your pet fish’s demands. 

This is a credit card that you may use for any veterinarian service. This includes accident, sickness, wellness, or preventative care done on your fish. It has no monthly costs. It is not accepted by all veterinary clinics, but it is accepted by 225,000 healthcare professionals, health-focused shops, and a few national health systems and hospitals. 

Medical expenditures for pre-existing and inherited illnesses can be paid using the CareCredit card, much like Pet Assure. Additionally, there aren’t any age limitations, waiting periods, or deductibles. 

Again, you paid the vet cost with your CareCredit card, and you should refund the money in full, plus interest, in the same way, you would with a regular credit card.

Pet Assure

Pet Assure claims to have over 150,000 registered pet owners. They provide pet insurance for all species, breeds, genders, sizes, and ages of animals. With them, you’ll get a 25% discount on any in-house veterinarian operation for a single monthly fee. 

Genetic, congenital, and pre-existing conditions, as well as any other health conditions, are all included. There are no holding restrictions, payout restrictions, or deductibles, and you get a 45-day trial period to try out the services. 

Pet Assure has a few drawbacks, including the fact that their discount isn’t good at all vet clinics. There are over 5,600 clinics throughout the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico where you may take advantage of the 25% discount. Furthermore, the Pet Assure discount does not apply to prescription medication.

Up Next

Want to know more about pet insurance? Check out these informative articles as well! 

  • Pet Insurance for Multiple Pets
  • Is Pet Insurance Worth It? 
  • Best Pet Insurance for Your Exotic Pet 
  • What Does Pet Insurance Cover?

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About the Author

Kirstin Harrington

Kirstin is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering animals, news topics, fun places, and helpful tips. Kirstin has been writing on a variety of topics for over five years. She has her real estate license, along with an associates degree in another field. A resident of Minnesota, Kirstin treats her two cats (Spook and Finlay) like the children they are. She never misses an opportunity to explore a thrift store with a coffee in hand, especially if it’s a cold autumn day!

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