Watch This Huge Nile Crocodile Bully a Pack of Dogs and Steal Their Lunch in a Flash

Written by Kirstin Harrington
Updated: October 17, 2023
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It all started when a pack of wild dogs successfully hunts down an impala. They’re enjoying the fresh catch when seemingly, out of nowhere, a Nile crocodile appears.

As the wild dogs drag the impala towards a body of water, they occasionally stop to take bites. More wild dogs appear as they get closer to the water. The Nile crocodile shoots its body onto the land, giving the wild dogs and viewers a glance at just how big it is! 

Watch the Action-Packed Video Footage Below!

Crocodiles are known for having the strongest bite force of any animal. The Nile crocodile is an idyllic example of this! 

Its bite has a force that is 15 times greater than that of a Rottweiler and eight times greater than that of a great white shark. Nevertheless, the strong muscles that close the jaws juxtapose with the small, feeble muscles that open them.

The Nile crocodile weighs about 900 pounds and ranges in length from three to 14.7 feet. However, specimens up to 16.4 feet long and 1,300 pounds in weight have been spotted. The croc takes the impala from the wild dogs with ease and pulls it into the water as the wild dogs watch from the shore. 

Nile crocodile jaws


Nile crocodile

on the river banks


Is It Common for Crocodiles to Steal Food From Other Predators Like Wild Dogs?

Being obligate carnivores, crocs devour the flesh of other living things as their main source of nutrition. The large animals consume the smaller ones, and they are also notorious for cannibalism. Depending on their species, size, and age, their nutrition varies tremendously.

In addition to eating carrion violently and stealing food from other predators, crocodiles are additionally believed to be scavengers. Observations of seeds in crocodiles’ feces and stomachs provide evidence that they also consume fruits. 

How Often Do Wild Dogs Hunt and Scavenge for Food?

African wild dogs have an 80% hunting success rate, partly due to their cohesiveness.

©Bart Swanson(Bkswanson), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons – License

Compared to other carnivores like tigers and leopards, African wild dogs have a hunting success rate of about 80%. Their cohesiveness is partly responsible for this high success rate. 

They hunt every day because, in comparison to their size, they need more protein than big cats do. What do wild dogs eat? Impala makes up about 80% of their diet, although they also hunt larger species such as zebras, kudu, waterbuck, reedbuck, and even wildebeests. Wild dogs typically hunt between sunrise and sunset because they rely on their vision to locate prey. 

Typically, they sneak up on their victim in silence, chase after it until it weary, and then attack and kill it. Their spotted appearance promotes hunting by creating an illusion that the pack is bigger than it is. 

The photo featured at the top of this post is © bayazed/

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About the Author

Kirstin is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering animals, news topics, fun places, and helpful tips. Kirstin has been writing on a variety of topics for over five years. She has her real estate license, along with an associates degree in another field. A resident of Minnesota, Kirstin treats her two cats (Spook and Finlay) like the children they are. She never misses an opportunity to explore a thrift store with a coffee in hand, especially if it’s a cold autumn day!

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