Are Plums Safe For Dogs To Eat?

Written by Jesse Elop
Published: December 24, 2022
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Have you ever wondered what sweet treats you can give your pet? There are plenty of foods off the table or from the pantry that are perfectly safe for your pup; however, some foods can be harmful or even lethal to dogs. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, there are a lot of different rules and important things to know before you feed them to a dog. This article will investigate different fruits, focusing on plums and whether they are safe for dogs.

What should you consider before feeding your pet human food?

Many foods cooked with sauces can be unhealthy for dogs

Many foods cooked with sauces or seasonings can have a lot of salt and pose risks for your dog.

© Volkonskiy

When feeding your dog human food, including fruits, it is important to identify how it might be harmful to your pet. Some snacks like nuts or chips can have high sodium levels. Many things cooked with sauces or seasonings can have a lot of salt as well. If a dog consumes too much salt, they can get diarrhea, excessive thirst and urination, tremors, and in extreme cases, seizures. Also, some very commonly used cooking ingredients, like garlic, can be toxic to dogs. Garlic can cause pancreatitis, especially in smaller dogs like chihuahuas or small terriers.

Also consider what foods might be a choking hazard to your dog. Fruits often have large seeds or pits that can be a choking hazard, especially to smaller dogs. Swallowing these pits can also cause serious issues if the dog is not able to pass it in a bowel movement. Certain fruit seeds or pits can also contain toxic chemicals.

Another important consideration is to not overfeed your dog. Most foods that are safe for dogs to eat, like any food, is only safe in moderation. Overfeeding your pet can lead to obesity, hypertension, breathing problems, and heart problems. The occasional food scrap off the table or human food treat in moderation can be healthy but frequently giving dogs large amounts of human food on top of their regular meals can lead to weight gain and many associated health problems. In fact, the lifespan of overweight dogs is two and half years shorter than healthy dogs on average. Human foods should never be the primary component of a dog’s diet as many dog foods can provide better nutrition.

What fruits are safe for dogs?

Apples are healthy for dogs

Some fruits that make healthy dog treats are apples, pears, cucumbers, mangos, and peaches.

©Ellina Balioz/

Many fruits are safe and healthy snacks for dogs. Fruits make good treats that are tasty and have vitamins that are very beneficial to a dog’s health. Some fruits that make healthy dog treats are apples, pears, cucumbers, mangos, and peaches. Many of these fruits have high amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, folate, antioxidants, and several other nutrients. Oranges are also safe for dogs, but they can cause irritation to the stomach if they eat too much.

An important note to remember when feeding a pet fruit is to consider if the fruit has a pit or core that could be a choking hazard. When feeding apples or pears to a dog, remove the core first and cut the fruit into pieces. Similarly, remove the pits from mangoes, peaches, and other fruits with large seeds.

What fruits are unsafe for dogs?

Grapes are toxic for dogs

Grapes are extremely toxic to dogs and should always be avoided.


In addition to fruits with pits, other fruits pose unique threats to dogs. Grapes should absolutely be avoided and are not safe for dogs. Grapes are extremely toxic to dogs and can cause sudden kidney failure and death. Dogs may experience uncontrollable vomiting soon after ingesting the grapes. If your dog eats grapes or raisons, go to an emergency vet, contact your veterinarian, or contact a pet poison helpline. The precise toxic substance in grapes is unknown, there are several components that dogs cannot break down during digestion including tannins, flavonoids, and monosaccharides.

There are other fruits and vegetables you should be cautious with if you have dogs. Avocados in small amounts can be safe and have positive health effects. In large amounts, avocados can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and myocardial damage. They have high fat content and can cause pancreatitis. The fat content plus being high in calories also leads to weight gain if eaten in excess. Avocado pits also contain a substance called persin which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing. Seek emergency veterinary care immediately if your pet ingests an avocado pit.

Another harmful fruit is an unripe tomato. Unripe tomatoes have the chemicals solanine and tomatine, both of which can be toxic to dogs in high quantities. Although these fruits aren’t as dangerous as grapes, they should still be avoided in large quantities.

Are plums safe for dogs to eat?

Plums are safe for dogs to eat

Plums are safe for dogs to eat in moderation.

© Marjanovic

So, are plums safe for dogs to eat? The short answer is yes, you can give your dogs plums as a sweet treat! Like most foods, they are only healthy to dogs in moderation. Plums are a healthy snack that can be a good source of fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins for your dog. These nutrients can be beneficial to your dog’s digestion, bone health, and fur health. Antioxidants are important for an animal’s immune system, vitamin A contributes to eye and fur health, and vitamin C also boosts the immune system.

There are reasons to be cautious about feeding your dog plums, though. The pit can pose a choking hazard to your dog, especially small dogs. Swallowing the pit can cause difficulty breathing and can potentially cause digestive issues. Also, excessive sugar in a dog’s diet can further provoke digestive issues. Additionally, plum pits contain cyanide. Cyanide is a toxic substance that can have adverse health effects in certain doses. If you have a plum tree, ensure your dog isn’t eating the roots or leaves, as they also contain hydrogen cyanide and can be toxic.

How do you feed your dog a plum safely?

Beagle puppy plum

When giving your dog a plum it is important to first remove the pit to ensure your dog does not choke or become poisoned.


Now that we know dogs can eat plums, what is the safest way to give it to them? When you’re giving your dog a plum for a treat, first make sure it is ripe. Scan the surface for any signs of mold and wash the plum to remove any dirt, pesticides, bacteria, or other substances that could be on the skin. Then, remove the pit of the plum to ensure the dog doesn’t choke or get cyanide poisoning. Before serving, cut the plum into manageable pieces depending on the size of your dog. Now your furry friend can safely enjoy a tasty and healthy treat!

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The photo featured at the top of this post is © Elena Sherengovskaya/

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About the Author

Jesse Elop is a graduate from the University of Oregon now working at the University of Washington National Primate Research Center. He is passionate about wildlife and loves learning about animal biology and conservation. His favorite animals- besides his pup, Rosie- are zebras, mandrills, and bonobos. Jesse's background in biology and anthropology have supplied him with many fun facts that might just pop up in some of his articles!

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