Earth Day Quiz: How Green Are You?

Written by Rebecca Bales — Updated: April 10, 2023
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Welcome to the “How Green Are You?” Earth Day Quiz! In honor of Earth Day, we invite you to take this quiz to determine just how much you are doing to reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the environment!

Are you a dedicated environmentalist who always carries a reusable water bottle and composts your food scraps? Or are you just starting your journey toward a more sustainable lifestyle? Wherever you fall on the spectrum, this quiz will give you insight into your habits and provide tips on how you can make small changes to live a greener life.

So, let’s dive right into how Green you are for this coming Earth Day!

How often do you recycle?

  • I recycle occasionally
  • I don't recycle
  • I recycle a few times a week
  • I recycle every day

Do you turn off the lights when leaving a room?

  • Most of the time
  • Sometimes
  • Never
  • Always

How often do you use reusable bags when shopping?

  • Sometimes
  • Most of the time
  • Every time
  • Never

Do you use a refillable water bottle?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Yes, all the time
  • No, never

Do you eat meat?

  • I eat meat at almost every meal
  • No, I am a vegetarian
  • I eat meat occasionally
  • I eat meat regularly

Do you use public transportation or walk/bike instead of driving?

  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • No, I always drive
  • Yes, I use public transportation or walk/bike regularly

Do you buy products with excessive packaging?

  • I don't really pay attention to packaging
  • No, I always try to buy products with minimal packaging
  • I don't care about packaging
  • I try to avoid excessive packaging, but it's not always possible

Do you compost food waste?

  • Rarely
  • Yes, always
  • No, never
  • Sometimes

Do you turn off electronics when not in use?

  • Never
  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Most of the time

Do you buy products made from recycled materials?

  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • No, I don't care if products are made from recycled materials
  • Yes, I always try to buy products made from recycled materials

You matched equally for multiple answers:

You are a Green Champion!

Being a green champion means that you are committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainability in all aspects of your life. You are passionate about reducing your carbon footprint, minimizing waste, and preserving natural resources. You take active steps to conserve energy by using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, and reducing your energy consumption. You also prioritize eco-friendly transportation, such as cycling or using public transport, instead of relying on single-occupancy vehicles.

As a green champion, you recognize the importance of protecting the planet for future generations and take proactive measures to ensure its well-being. Your dedication to sustainability serves as an inspiration to others and highlights the crucial role that each individual can play in creating a more sustainable future for all.

You matched equally for multiple answers:

You are Eco-Friendly!

Being eco-friendly means that you are conscious of the impact your actions have on the environment and are actively taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint. You understand that every individual has a responsibility to protect the planet and are committed to making environmentally sustainable choices in all aspects of your life.

As an eco-friendly individual, you recognize that small changes can make a big difference in protecting the planet and are committed to doing your part to promote sustainability. Your actions serve as a model for others to follow and help to create a more sustainable future for all.

You matched equally for multiple answers:

You are Moderately Green!

You make some sustainable choices in your daily life, such as recycling, conserving energy, and using reusable products. However, you may still have some habits that are not as eco-friendly as they could be, such as relying on single-use plastic items, using excessive water, or driving a car instead of using public transport or walking/cycling.

To become more sustainable, you can take more proactive measures to reduce your impact on the environment. This could include investing in renewable energy sources, like solar panels, reducing your consumption of meat and dairy products, supporting local and eco-friendly businesses, reducing your use of disposable plastics, and making an effort to reduce your overall waste.

By making these changes, you can significantly reduce your environmental impact and help to create a more sustainable future for our planet.

You matched equally for multiple answers:

You Have Opportunity to be More Green!

You have a lot of opportunity to become more Green!

There are many ways you can become more green, such as reducing your energy consumption, conserving water, minimizing waste, and supporting eco-friendly businesses. You can start by making small changes in your daily habits, such as turning off lights when not in use, using a reusable water bottle instead of disposable plastic ones, bringing your own shopping bags to the store, and supporting local and eco-friendly products.

You can also educate yourself on environmental issues and learn how your actions impact the planet. By understanding the impact of your actions, you can make informed choices that benefit both you and the environment.

Becoming more green is not just about reducing your impact on the environment. It’s also about creating a more sustainable and fulfilling life for yourself.

About the Author

Rebecca is an experienced Professional Freelancer with nearly a decade of expertise in writing SEO Content, Digital Illustrations, and Graphic Design. When not engrossed in her creative endeavors, Rebecca dedicates her time to cycling and filming her nature adventures. When not focused on her passion for creating and crafting optimized materials, she harbors a deep fascination and love for cats, jumping spiders, and pet rats.

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