There are over 3,800 different types of snakes species. Of these 3,800+ snake species over 600 have venomous fangs.
How well do you know these snakes? Which snakes are venomous and which ones aren’t?
The Python is a member of the Pythonidae family of snakes. There are over 40 species of pythons. They constrict their prey with strong, muscular bodies. The largest python ever recorded measured a massive 26.25 feet in length. They can be found in Africa, Australia, Oceana, and Asia.
Corn Snake
Corn snakes can be found in the Central & Southeast United States. These snakes are excellent climbers and prey on mice, rats, baby birds, and eggs.
Brown Snake
Brown snakes are native to Australia and southern New Guinea.
There is only one type of Snake that can truly be called a Boa constrictor the others are just cousins in the same family, the Boidae family.
Sunbeam Snake
The sunbeam snake can be found in Southeast Asia and can live 10-15 years. These snakes actually have two lungs (instead of the normal one lung found in most snakes).
These snakes have large eyes and are commonly referred to as the “cat snake.”
California Kingsnake
These snakes, at full size, can be 3.5 feet long. They can be found in Central and North America.
Named after the way that these snakes move, the Sidewinder lives in North America and Mexico.
Green Mamba
You might find the Green Mamba pulled over on the side of the road going over the speed limit as these fast snakes can travel over 7 miles per hour!
Timber Rattlesnake
These snakes hate the cold winter weather and hibernate up to 7 months.
Coral Snake
Coral snakes can be found in the Americas, India, Asia, and the islands of Southeast Asia.
Parrot Snake
These colorful snakes get their name as a tribute to their bright colors. They can be found in Central and South America.
Pine Snake
The Pine Snake can only be found in North America. The Pine Snake has a Scientific Name of Pituophis melanoleucus and are mostly active during the day.
Worm Snake
You might have a hard time finding these snakes since they like to burrow underground in the United States. These snakes hunt by following a prey’s scent.