Prairie Dog Animal Pictures



Prairie dog barking an alert

Prairie dog barking an alert

Prairie dog barking an alert

Inquisitive family of Prairie Dogs standing alert.

Inquisitive family of Prairie Dogs standing alert.
Edwin Butter/

Inquisitive family of Prairie Dogs standing alert.

Prairie dog feeding on flowers.

Prairie dog feeding on flowers.
Scott Payne/

Prairie dog feeding on flowers.

A Black-tailed Prairie Dog emerging from its burrow.

A Black-tailed Prairie Dog emerging from its burrow.

A Black-tailed Prairie Dog emerging from its burrow.

Adult prairie dog and a baby sharing their food.

Adult prairie dog and a baby sharing their food.
Nick Fox/

Adult prairie dog and a baby sharing their food.

Black-tailed prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus, in front of white background

Black-tailed prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus, in front of white background
Eric Isselee/

Black-tailed prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus, in front of white background

What Do Prairie Dogs Eat
Geoffrey Kuchera/

Prairie dogs live in very arid environments with little rainfall, and therefore mostly get hydration from the plants they eat.

Baby prairie dogs eating

What Do Prairie Dogs Eat

Prairie dogs are chiefly herbivorous, though they eat some insects. Succulent parts of herbs and grasses, leaves, and new shrub growth are eaten in the spring.

Black tailed prairie dog eating carrot

What Do Prairie Dogs Eat

Where Do Prairie Dogs Live
Images by Dr. Alan Lipkin/

Where Do Prairie Dogs Live
Zoltan Tarlacz/

Prairie dogs out of their holes watching potential predators. Many species, like black-footed ferrets, use their burrows as homes. Prairie dogs even help aerate and fertilize the soil, allowing a greater diversity of plants to thrive.

Where Do Prairie Dogs Live
Marie Dirgova/

Prairie dogs are intelligent animals with complex communication. They have a range of different barks and chirps for communicating different messages.

Animals That Burrow Underground: Prairie Dog

Animals That Burrow Underground: Prairie Dog
AB Photographie/

Two Prairie dogs in a meadow. Their vocabulary is more advanced than any other animal language that's been decoded.

Prairie dog barking an alert

Prairie dog barking an alert

Prairie dog barking an alert