American Flag with Blue, Red, and Green Stripe: History, Meaning, and Symbolism

Thin blue line police flag american flag
© Svet foto/

Written by Kirstin Harrington

Published: August 6, 2023

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Each color on the flag holds significance: Red symbolizes valor and bravery, White represents purity and innocence, and Blue signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

Picture the American flag. Despite not giving it much thought, Americans have a strong attachment to color symbolism. Consider the colors of this flag as representing America: red, white, and blue. 

Therefore, it could be a little perplexing to see an American flag with an unusual color palette. What does it indicate when the American Flag is altered in color? Is it even legal? Actually, the answer is no. 

However, the laws have become a little more lenient in the past few years. Numerous individuals now concur that using a flag with different colors is acceptable. This is especially true if you fly the flag beside the original American flag. 

The number of flags expressing movements in politics and society can be difficult to keep track of given the freedom of speech in contemporary America. You may have seen different versions of the American flag flying about with one or more different colored stripes, prompting you to wonder what they were for. 

Let’s take a look at what the three most common colored lines represent.

American Flags With Red Stripes

Thin Red Line. Black Flag of USA with Firefighter red Line.

The thin red line represents firefighters.

©Popel Arseniy/

A single red stripe can be seen on this black-and-white American flag version. Instead of the customary red and white stripes, which alternate with black and white, a red stripe appears right below the 50-state stars. 

You can see a basic version of this flag with only one red line against a solid black background. There are several different stories about how this flag got its start, but the one that includes war is the most popular. 

History Behind A Red-Lined Flag

When the Crimean War’s Battle of Balaclava took place in 1854, British imperial forces found themselves in the second-to-last line of defense. They formed a two-row deep firing position once the defenses in front of them were breached, forcing their adversary to quickly turn.

Later, a journalist for The Times newspaper characterized the British firing line as the sole obstacle separating their camp and the enemy as a faint red stripe with a steel tip. This developed into a figure of speech where a thin red line denoted a defense force that was sparsely dispersed over time. 

Regarding its origins, it is clear that the red stripe or red line flag was created to express support and unity for those who work in the fire department. Additionally, it serves as a way to remember fallen or wounded firefighters. 

Civilians and other firefighters basically use the flag with the red line as a symbol of gratitude and admiration. The red line on an all-black background, known as “the red line of courage,” is another source of inspiration for this red stripe. 

Some continue to use the flags similarly despite the fact that their meanings are distinct. 

American Flags With Blue Stripes

Support the Police Thin Blue Line American Flag on the mast

This flag has an association with the “Blue Lives Matter” movement.

©Creative Photo Corner/

The American flag is a compelling representation of liberty, harmony, and patriotism. But in recent years, a brand-new variant of the flag has appeared, one with a striking blue stripe. Different people in the American populace have different opinions about the addition of the blue stripe to the National flag. 

Several people see the blue stripe as a symbol of their unwavering backing of law enforcement. This viewpoint holds that the blue stripe enhances rather than lessens the original significance of the flag by recognizing and thanking those who devote their life to protecting the law.

History Behind A Blue-Lined Flag

It’s important to comprehend the blue stripe’s context in history before looking at its symbolism. The “Thin Blue Line” movement, a phrase with British origins that has gained popularity in the US, is frequently associated with the blue stripe. 

It stands for the boundary that police personnel draw between society and disorder. The one blue line on a black and white American flag has become an iconic representation of this movement. 

This particular flag design symbolizes the police department’s commitment to keeping communities safe. Buying an American flag, particularly one with a blue stripe, is a way to acknowledge and respect these sacrifices.

American Flags With Green Stripes

American thin green line flag for your support of of border patrol and other federal agents

You may see this flag more often around military towns and bases.

©karen roach/

Another version of this type of flag you may see on a truck’s bumper or flying in your neighbor’s yard is one with a green stripe. What does the flag’s green band in the middle signify? The flag’s alternate design honors the devotion, service, and commitment of military personnel.

It expresses gratitude to the various service members from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard of the United States. The green stripe variety additionally acknowledges government agents, including federal conservation agents, park rangers, and border patrol personnel.

Controversy Surrounding These Flags

View of the United States Capitol Rotunda Dome in Washington DC with the Star Spangled American Flag against colorful dramatic sunset sky background

Many Americans see it as disrespectful to alter the flag in any way.


The main source of contention is a lack of knowledge or the conviction that the American flag should never change. Because of its resemblance to the blue line flag of the police, the red stripe flag has also earned a poor reputation. 

Regardless of how one feels about the police force, it’s crucial to understand that the flags are distinct while having a design that is comparable. Positively, the majority prefer to see these flags as a sign of community support for local firemen and security overall.  

This is the reason the flag has probably been seen around town or at the fire station. The flag with the blue line has the most controversy. Many people think this flag is a way to say that you support the police, even when they use excessive force.

More and more “Blue Lives Matter” flags popped up after the murder of George Floyd to show support toward police officers. The American flag with a green line doesn’t have much controversy surrounding it. It’s generally a sign of support for the selfless members of the military. 

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About the Author

Kirstin is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering animals, news topics, fun places, and helpful tips. Kirstin has been writing on a variety of topics for over five years. She has her real estate license, along with an associates degree in another field. A resident of Minnesota, Kirstin treats her two cats (Spook and Finlay) like the children they are. She never misses an opportunity to explore a thrift store with a coffee in hand, especially if it’s a cold autumn day!

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