Discover the Official State Flower of New York (When It Blooms and Where to See It!)

Pink Knockout Rose in a Rain Shower
© Emerald Pine Collective/

Written by Mitchelle Morgan

Published: April 14, 2023

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Each state in the US has an official state flower that’s symbolic. Some states pick the official flower for its abundance in the area, while others see it as a symbol of strength and history.

The official New York state flower is the rose. New York recognizes the numerous rose species under Arms and Great Seal of the State, Article 6, Section 75. This includes “any color or combination of colors common to it.”

Roses are beloved globally, and rose fossils are more than 30 million years old. Different cultures have cultivated roses for more than 5000 years.

Which is the Official State Flower of New York?

Different states in the US have adopted an official flower, and New York is no different. The official New York state flower is the rose.

It’s been well-documented that people have loved and cherished roses in New York for a long time. In fact, the rose has been a treasured flower across the world for centuries. Its cultivation is more than 5 centuries old.

However, it was not until 1955 that New York adopted the rose as its official state flower. Most people living in New York associate the tea rose with the state flower. However, the official legislation recognizes all types of roses under Arms and Great Seal of the State, Article 6, Section 75. This includes “any color or combination of colors common to it.”

20th April 1955 was the official day New York adopted the rose as the official state flower according to state legislation. However, the love for roses goes way back to 1891. A poll on Arbor Day involved school children and their teachers voting for the best flower. The Rose won with 294,816 votes beating the Goldenrod.

Why Did New Yorkers Adopt the Rose as the State Flower?

So, why did residents of New York pick the rose as their state flower? Many people view the rose as a beautiful flower whose genus is diverse and inspiring. There are over 150 different rose species worldwide. On top of that, there are 20000 plus hybrids.

North America is home to over 20 roses native to the diverse landscape. In the past, these roses grew in the wild. However, it’s possible to cultivate them in New York and other parts of the country.

Such diversity led to New Yorkers picking the rose as the official state flower. This beautiful flower has an exquisite shape and comes in diverse colors. On top of that, people recognize roses for their medicinal capabilities. Roses are a good source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

Which Type of Roses Grow in New York?

New York values the rose as its official state flower. Not only do roses grow in the wild, but people have always cultivated them in their homes. While roses are gorgeous, they need much patience to see them thrive.

Roses can be challenging to grow since they have a strict maintenance schedule. Plus, roses are vulnerable to diseases like black spots, which adds to the care necessary to keep the flower alive. However, the results are amazing if you take good care of roses.

In New York, different roses do well, and you can spot them in many gardens. It’s not uncommon to come across three different types of shrub roses. These include the Spirit of Freedom rose, Sophy’s rose, and Heritage rose.  

It’s also possible to come across Knockout roses, Double-Knock-Out roses, Rugosa roses, The Fairy Tale roses, David Austin roses, and Old-Fashioned roses.

When Do Roses Bloom in the State of New York?

Understanding the growing zone is the best way to find out when a rose will blood. New York is in Zone 4-7, characterized by long winters where roses remain dormant. However, they come alive in the spring and are ready to bloom from mid-April to early June.

It’s important to note that this isn’t a strict schedule and may vary depending on the rose species. Some roses bloom earlier (March), while others will bloom later in the year (July). Roses that begin blooming in July will keep doing so until the weather starts to cool down during fall.

If you want roses to make it through winter and come back in spring, it’s important to winterize the plant. Proper care, when the flower begins dormancy will ensure proper health in spring and summer. The growing season will see new leaves appear, and flowers will follow.

Are People Permitted to Pick Roses in New York?

The official state flower of New York is the rose. It’s common to see roses growing in the wild and places like state parks. In New York, picking any plant that grows in state parks, including beautiful roses, is illegal.

It is considered illegal and destructive to pick the plants that grow in state parks and other protected areas. Also, you shouldn’t pick roses if they grow in another person’s garden without their permission.

There are strict city park regulations that detail the do’s and don’ts in state parks. Park visitors are prohibited from defacing, writing upon, severing, mutilating, and killing plants. This rule covers all plants, including vegetation, shrubs, and flowers.

Where Can People See Roses in New York City?

Roses are important to New York. Many people do grow them in their gardens. However, if you want to see a wide variety of roses, head to places like the Peggy Rockefeller Rose Garden. Here, visitors take in the wonderful sight of over 600 rose varieties growing in the amazing space.

Rockefeller Rose Garden was initiated into the Rose Garden Hall of Fame in 2010. This is one of the most amazing places to tour in New York City when seeking roses.

Find the garden nestled inside the New York Botanical Garden. The colors and fragrances filling the garden as roses bloom are rewarding.

How to Grow Roses Successfully

Roses are gorgeous flowers, and they produce the most amazing fragrance. If you want to add them to your garden, you must have the right growing conditions. Growing roses requires patience and high maintenance, but the results are worth it. Here are a few tips to keep roses thriving in your garden in New York.

First, pick well-drained soil to grow roses. Proper drainage is crucial when you want to grow roses successfully at home. Also, ensure the soil you choose is fertile and rich in organic matter to feed the roses during the growing season.

Second, ensure the soil is moist, especially when growing in a garden. During the dry season, roses need extra care and attention to ensure the soil remains moist. Ensure not to overwater since this can lead to issues such as root rot.

Next, add organic fertilizer during the growing season to encourage more blooms. The more organic matter the soil has, the better the blooms and the longer they last. Cease adding fertilizer once the growing season ends to encourage dormancy.

Also, pick the right roses to grow in your garden. As mentioned earlier, roses are vulnerable to diseases such as black spit. This is why growing disease-resistant roses in your home garden are important. While this may not mean the plants are 100% protected from diseases, they can survive better.

Lastly, ensure roses get at least 6 hours of sunshine daily. Growing roses in a south-facing garden is a good idea. However, if you prefer pots, pick a spot with lots of sunlight daily.

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About the Author

Mitchelle is a content writer who loves nature. She loves writing about animals and plants. In her free time, she enjoys hiking and going for nature walks.

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