How to Keep Your Fraser Fir Christmas Tree Alive and Thriving All Season Long

Fraser Fir
© Animals

Written by Christine Colbert

Published: November 27, 2023

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The holiday season is a time of joy, goodwill, and the unmistakable scent of fresh pine wafting through your living room. And when it comes to Christmas trees, the Fraser Fir is perhaps one of the most-loved sub-species. It has that classic, inverted “v” Christmas tree shape, and it’s less likely to shed needles.

Many people associate the smell of the holiday season with the Fraser Fir due to its mellow, pleasing aroma. It’s also relatively sturdy and easy to find since it has become a symbol of the quintessential tree. If you’ve chosen the Fraser Fir for your Christmas tree, you’re going to want to keep this festive centerpiece alive and thriving until the last ornament is put away.

Caring for your Fraser Fir Christmas tree is more than just watering it. From selecting the right one to protecting it from cold drafts, there are a few ways you can keep your tree happy and healthy. Try the following tips to keep your Fraser Fir’s needles lush and green throughout the entire holiday season.

1. Choose Wisely

When you choose a tree, ensure it is the right size for your space.

©Enio DePaz/ via Getty Images

Before we dive into the details, you should know a few things about selecting your Christmas tree. Choosing the right Fraser Fir is important — you want to avoid getting a tree that is too big or too small for your space. Look for a tree with vibrant green needles that feel bendable. If they are dry and brittle, move on and find another tree. Another tip — gently grab a branch and give it a shake. It’s normal for a few needles to fall off. But it’s not for you if the tree is raining needles and you feel like you need a broom.

2. Give It a Fresh Cut

Giving the trunk of your Fraser Fir a trim helps keep it healthy.

©Greggory DiSalvo/ via Getty Images

Once you’ve found your tree of choice, it’s time to take it home. Before bringing it inside, slice off about an inch from the base of the trunk. Just like when you arrange fresh-cut flowers, giving your tree a little prune can help it soak up water more efficiently. A straight, clean cut will do wonders for its water intake.

3. Keep It Cool and Moist

Keep your tree away from heat sources and check the water levels daily.

©Polina Lebed/ via Getty Images

Now that your Fraser Fir is ready to go, it’s time to find the perfect spot for display. Ideally, you’ll want to place it as far away as possible from heat sources, like radiators or fireplaces. Christmas trees also need a comfortable climate. So, keep the room cool (but not too cool) to slow down needle shedding.

But there’s more to it than just temperature. Make sure your tree’s stand is always submerged in water. A thirsty tree becomes a dry and brittle tree, shedding needles faster than you can say “Jingle Bells.” And you don’t want your Christmas tree to become a flammable hazard inside your home. Check the water level daily and top it off whenever it gets low.

4. LED Lights Are the Way to Go

Use LED lights for efficiency and safety.

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Now that your Fraser Fir Christmas tree is feeling at home in its new space, it’s time to bust out those decorations. When it comes to lighting, it’s generally best to use energy-efficient LED lights. Not only do they emit less heat, reducing the risk of your tree turning into a yuletide bonfire, but they also last longer.

5. Choose Your Ornaments Wisely

Avoid overloading your tree with heavy ornaments, and be sure to decorate it evenly.

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As you decorate your tree with ornaments, remember that less is more. Fraser firs have delicate branches, and too many heavy decorations can lead to sagging or a toppled tree in the worst-case scenario. Choose lightweight ornaments and distribute them evenly to help maintain a healthy tree.

6. Shield Your Tree

Use screens or barriers to protect your Fraser Fir from drafts.

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Fraser firs don’t thrive in drafts. If your tree is near a drafty window or front door, consider placing a barrier between it and the cold air source. Happy trees are insulated trees.

You’ll also want to protect your tree from pets. For instance, cats are often attracted to Christmas trees and their dangly ornaments, much to their own detriment. You can cat-proof your tree by safely securing your ornaments and avoiding using tinsel.

7. Spritz It With Water

Spritz the needles of your tree with water to help them stay healthy.

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In many climates, cold winter temperatures mean dry indoor air, which can dry out your Fraser Fir. To prevent this, give your tree a spritz of water occasionally. A fine mist on the needles will keep them looking lush and healthy throughout the season.

8. Know When to Say Goodbye

Recycle and dispose of your Christmas tree when it starts shedding excessively.

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As the holiday season winds down, your Fraser Fir Christmas tree may start showing signs of fatigue. If the needles start shedding faster than you can keep up with, it might be time to bid this tree farewell. Be sure to give it a proper send-off by recycling it responsibly. Many communities offer tree recycling programs — like turning your tree into mulch for community gardens.

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