9 Juicy Fruits to Pick and Eat in July for Fresh and Delicious Flavors


Written by Em Casalena

Updated: July 20, 2023

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Welcome to the peak of summer, where nature’s vibrant palette unfurls its delicious offerings across the United States. July brings with it a cornucopia of delectable juicy fruits, ripe for the picking and ready to grace our tables with their sweet and refreshing flavors. As the sun casts its warm embrace upon the land, it’s time to explore the bounty that awaits us in this fruitful season.

From the sun-soaked orchards of the East Coast to the sprawling fields of the West, July heralds a splendid array of fruits. Each fruit is a testament to nature’s bounty and the artistry of cultivation. It’s a time when orchards and gardens alike burst with vibrant colors and tantalizing aromas. These are enticing us to embark on a flavorful adventure.

In the United States, July marks the peak of the growing season, presenting us with an abundance of succulent treasures. Whether you’re a seasoned fruit enthusiast or simply looking to explore the joys of locally harvested produce, this guide will introduce you to some of the delectable fruits that reach their prime in July!

1. Strawberries

Delicious and colorful strawberries are adored for their sweet and tart flavor. They have a particular place in the hearts of fruit lovers all around the world. These delicious juicy fruits are brimming with vital vitamins and minerals.

In various parts of the United States where the environment is conducive to their development, July is the height of the strawberry season. California is a popular place for strawberry farming at the moment. California sometimes referred to as the “Strawberry Capital of the World,” is home to a sizable area of rich land. This is especially so in areas like the Central Coast, Santa Maria, and Watsonville. Strawberries grow best in these locations because of the optimum conditions of mild temperatures, lots of sunshine, and well-drained soil.

Oregon, Washington, and Michigan are among other states that have abundant strawberry harvests in July. These areas have milder climates, with cooler summertime temperatures and longer summer day lengths. They can effectively grow strawberries as a consequence, giving customers delicious, luscious berries at this time of year.

Strawberries are known for being rich in vitamin C.

2. Raspberries

Raspberries are a popular juicy fruit that many people like due to their vivid colors and blasts of tart flavors. These luscious berries are a lovely addition to any diet. They are not only sweet but also rich in healthy nutrients.

In many areas of the United States, the month of July is an ideal period for raspberry picking. The Pacific Northwest, which includes states like Washington, Oregon, and sections of northern California, is one of the popular regions for raspberry farming this month. These areas’ temperate weather, moderate rainfall, and fertile soil are perfect for raspberry plants’ growth and a bountiful crop.

Just as well, a plentiful raspberry harvest also occurs in July in the Northeastern part of the United States. This includes states like New York, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Since the summers are gentler there, raspberry plants can develop to their full potential. In the Northeast, raspberries are prized for their exceptional flavor and quality. They grow well because of the region’s ideal conditions for sunshine, moisture, and well-drained soil.


Raspberries have an excellent amount of potassium, which is necessary for heart function.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are tiny, antioxidant-rich gems that are known for their unique flavor profile and vibrant blue hue. These delicious berries, belonging to the Vaccinium genus, are not only a delightful treat but also a nutritional powerhouse.

In July, blueberry harvesting reaches its peak in several regions across the United States. This provides ample opportunities to enjoy these delectable and juicy fruits. One prominent area for blueberry cultivation during this month is the state of Maine. Known as the “Blueberry State,” Maine boasts vast expanses of wild blueberry fields that come alive in July. The acidic soil, cool summers, and ample rainfall in the region create ideal conditions for the growth of these flavorful berries.

Other states renowned for their blueberry harvest in July include Michigan, New Jersey, and Oregon. These regions benefit from a combination of factors such as well-drained soils, mild climates, and adequate sunlight. In Michigan, the Great Lakes region provides a conducive environment for blueberry cultivation, while New Jersey’s sandy soil and moderate temperatures contribute to the success of its blueberry crops. Similarly, Oregon’s diverse microclimates support the growth of various blueberry varieties.

During July, farmers’ markets and grocery stores in these regions are brimming with fresh blueberries, enticing consumers with their sweet, tangy flavor. Blueberries can be enjoyed on their own as a healthy snack, incorporated into baked goods, or added to smoothies and salads, offering a burst of flavor and a host of nutritional benefits.


Blueberries are extremely rich in antioxidants and are believed to help manage cholesterol.

4. Melons

Melons are loved for their juicy, sweet flesh and high water content. They are the definition of pleasant summer juicy fruits! These succulent treats, which are members of the Cucurbitaceae family, come in a variety of flavors and are quite popular in the summer.

Melons are harvested in many areas of the United States in July, giving the summer season a flavorful boost. California’s Central Valley is one important region for melon farming. This region produces a broad variety of melons, including watermelons, cantaloupes, and honeydews. The area is renowned for its rich soil and ideal growing environment. The Central Valley’s hot, dry summers are perfect for melon harvests to grow. Thus, giving rise to lots of tasty and juicy fruits.

Arizona, Texas, and Georgia are other states well-known for their July melon harvests. Similar mild weather, with plenty of sunshine and moisture, prevails in these areas and promotes the development and ripening of melons. This time of year, Texas in particular is widely known for its watermelon crop. The renowned “Texas watermelon” is a summertime favorite.

A wide range of melons are sold in July at farmers’ markets and grocery shops throughout the country. They provide customers with a cool and hydrating alternative. Melons offer a lovely way to avoid the summer heat and savor the tastes of the season. They are eaten sliced, added to fruit salads, or blended into smoothies.

three dull-orange cantaloupeslices in the foreground against a background of whole, unsliced canteloupes

Melons are rich in nutrients that are beneficial to bone health.

5. Cherries

Cherries are a beloved summer delicacy because of their small size, brilliant color, and distinctive sweet-tart flavor. These juicy fruits are not only a treat for their flavor, but they also provide a whole host of health advantages.

The peak cherry season in the United States occurs in July, and numerous areas in the nation are renowned for their enormous cherry crop. Washington State is a notable region for cherry farming this month. Washington sometimes referred to as the “Cherry Capital of the World,” is home to extensive cherry orchards that provide a wide range of cherries, including Bing, Rainier, and Montmorency cherries. The extraordinary quality and flavor of Washington cherries are due in large part to the area’s mild environment, fertile soil, and abundant sunlight.

California, Oregon, and Michigan are among other states that are well-known for their July cherry crop. While the Willamette Valley and Hood River Valley of Oregon are well-known for their sour cherries, the Central Valley and Central Coast of California are well-known for their luscious sweet cherries. Cherry harvests are plentiful in Michigan, sometimes known as the “Cherry State,” and both sweet and sour types are available.

Fresh organic Acerola cherry.Thai or Acerola cherries fruit on the tree with water drop, high vitamin C and antioxidant fruits.

Cherries are excellent juicy fruits to eat if you want to promote restful sleep and relieve muscle soreness.

6. Grapes

Grapes are succulent and versatile juicy fruits that are renowned for their sweet and tangy flavors. Whether enjoyed fresh off the vine, transformed into wine, or used in various culinary creations, grapes are a true delight. These fruiting berries, belonging to the Vitaceae family, are cultivated in several regions across the United States, including those harvested in July.

One prominent area for grape cultivation during this month is California, particularly in the famous wine regions of Napa Valley and Sonoma County. These regions benefit from warm, sunny climates and diverse soil types, creating ideal conditions for grapevines to flourish. In July, the grape harvest, known as “crush,” begins, with vineyards bustling with activity as winemakers and workers pick and sort the ripe grape clusters.

Other states known for their grape harvest in July include Washington, Oregon, and New York. The Columbia Valley in Washington, the Willamette Valley in Oregon, and the Finger Lakes region in New York are renowned for their grape production. These regions experience milder summers and longer daylight hours, which contribute to the development of grapes with excellent flavor profiles.

In July, vineyards and farmers’ markets across these regions showcase an array of grapes, ranging from table grapes to those specifically grown for winemaking. Grapes are not only enjoyed as a fresh snack but are also transformed into wines, juices, jellies, and various culinary delights. 

Are Grapes Dangerous - Red Grapes

Grapes can help reduce one’s chances of getting cancer and can lower blood pressure.

7. Blackberries

Blackberries have a sweet and tangy flavor that is quite popular in the United States. They are prized for their rich taste and versatility in culinary applications. These delectable berries, belonging to the Rubus genus, are a favorite among fruit lovers and are widely enjoyed during the summer months.

In July, blackberries are in peak season, and they can be harvested in various regions across the United States. One prominent area for blackberry cultivation during this time is the Pacific Northwest, including states such as Oregon and Washington. The temperate climate, ample rainfall, and well-drained soils in these regions create optimal conditions for blackberry bushes to thrive. The fertile lands and moderate temperatures contribute to the development of plump and juicy blackberries.

Just as well, states like California, Texas, and Georgia also yield abundant blackberry harvests in July. In California, the Central Valley and coastal areas provide suitable conditions for blackberry cultivation. Texas boasts a variety of blackberry farms, especially in regions like East Texas. In Georgia, the southern part of the state is known for its thriving blackberry crops.

During July, farmers’ markets and grocery stores in these regions showcase an abundance of fresh blackberries, enticing consumers with their deep purple hue and irresistible sweetness.

marionberry vs blackberry

Blackberries can boost the body’s overall function and are a great source of vitamins K and C.

8. Figs

Figs are appreciated for their delicate texture and adaptability in culinary creations due to their distinctive sweet and mildly earthy flavor. These historical fruits from the Ficus genus have a lengthy history and are loved by many people all over the world.

Figs are a delicious summer delicacy that may be harvested in the United States’ various locations in July. California is one famous region at this time for fig farming. California has a climate similar to the Mediterranean, with warm, dry summers that are perfect for producing figs. Fresno, Sacramento, and San Diego are just a few of the places in Southern California and the Central Valley that are well renowned for their hefty fig harvests. The state’s lengthy growing season and plentiful sunshine help figs grow to be tasty and juicy.

In July, figs are also harvested in Texas, Arizona, and Florida, among other places. These areas have hot yet mild weather that makes it possible to successfully grow fig trees. Figs flourish in Texas’ southern regions, especially the Rio Grande Valley, while Arizona’s Sonoran Desert offers favorable environmental conditions. Taking advantage of the subtropical environment, figs are gathered in Florida’s southern and central regions.

These areas’ farmers’ markets and neighborhood supermarkets have a range of fresh figs throughout July, including Black Mission, Brown Turkey, Kadota, and Calimyrna. Figs have a delicious flavor and add to the summer’s thriving culinary scene whether they are consumed fresh or dried.

Halved and a whole fig isolated on a white background

Figs can help improve digestion and relieve constipation.

9. Apricots

Apricots, with their delicate sweetness and vibrant color, are cherished fruit enjoyed during the summer months. These small, golden fruits, scientifically known as Prunus armeniaca, offer a unique flavor profile that combines tartness and subtle hints of honey.

In the United States, July marks the peak of the apricot season, and several regions across the country are known for their abundant harvest. One significant area for apricot cultivation during this month is the state of California. The warm, Mediterranean-like climate and fertile soil in regions such as the San Joaquin Valley and the Central Valley create optimal conditions for apricot trees to thrive. The extended periods of sunshine and moderate temperatures contribute to the development of sweet and juicy apricots.

Other states renowned for their apricot harvest in July include Utah, Washington, and Idaho. These regions experience similar dry and warm climates, allowing for successful apricot cultivation. Utah’s high desert climate, the Yakima Valley in Washington, and Idaho’s Snake River Valley provide suitable conditions for the growth of apricot trees.

During July, farmers’ markets and grocery stores nationwide showcase an abundance of fresh apricots, tempting consumers with their aromatic fragrance and delightful flavor. Apricots can be enjoyed on their own as a healthy snack, added to salads, used in jams and preserves, or incorporated into both sweet and savory dishes. Their availability during July offers the opportunity to relish the natural sweetness and luscious texture of apricots at the peak of their ripeness.

Apricot Tree

Apricots are an excellent juicy fruit that is low in calories but high in antioxidants.

Summary of 9 Juicy Fruits to Pick and Eat in July for Fresh and Delicious Flavors


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About the Author

Em Casalena is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on plants, gardening, and sustainability. Em has been writing and researching about plants for nearly a decade and is a proud Southwest Institute of Healing Arts graduate and certified Urban Farming instructor. Em is a resident of Arizona and enjoys learning about eco-conscious living, thrifting at local shops, and caring for their Siamese cat Vladimir.

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