See the Tense Moment a Tiger Nearly Breaks Free and Lunges for a Dog

Siberian tiger with its tongue out
© Thorsten Spoerlein/

Written by Zeek Lepakko

Published: November 6, 2023

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Taking the dog for a walk is a fun, chill way to get in your daily exercise. What about walking the tiger? In the footage below, we see a shocking display of what it takes, and how dangerous it is, to do so! First, the big cat’s handler seemingly has the animal under control, the critter restrained via a chain leash. Suddenly, a German Shepherd runs in from behind, which the tiger simply won’t stand for. A true struggle for control ensues as the man uses all of his might to stop his cat from reaching the dog. Although it looks close, he’s able to convince the tiger to stop, as another person jogs off into the distance to control the loose pup. Scroll on to see this intense moment unfold, and don’t blink or you’ll miss it!

See How Instantly Ferocious Big Cats Can Get

Do Tigers Dislike Dogs?

Siberian tiger resting in the orange moonlight.

As primarily nocturnal animals, tigers usually avoid contact with many of their cohabiting peers.

©Zita Stankova/

While certainly not a preferred prey animal for tigers, dogs are definitely below the striped big cat on the food chain. Although unquestionably apex predators, they still have to defend their title as the true king of the jungle. That said, it’s important to note that these felines have a naturally high level of aggression. This is especially true when their territory or food supply is at risk. In the case of the above video’s scuffle, the incoming dog may have simply trespassed on the tiger’s personal space! Another possible explanation for the violent outburst is that the German Shepherd surprised the otherwise calm tiger. Many species of cat don’t enjoy being surprised!

One other factor to keep in mind in this cats versus dogs debate is that, in the wild, tigers have reason to be wary of dholes. These clever wild canines will gang up on tigers, which are usually solitary creatures. Although tigers command a sheer amount of power, the odds are against them in an uneven battle.

So, is there bad blood between tigers and dogs? Not necessarily, but the unnatural environment of being in captivity does alter how animals interact with their surroundings.

What’s Up With Tigers in Captivity?

A tiger rests behind a wire fence at the Greater Vancouver Zoo in Abbotsford, British Columbia Canada.

The humane treatment of tigers in captivity has been a hotly debated topic for decades.

©Apsara Photo/

Tigers being bred to live outside of their natural habitat is a concerning matter. For context, recent studies indicate that there may currently be more of these creatures living in captivity than in the wild. As a species that once thrived across a broad range but is now endangered, this is clearly a pressing matter. Everyone can do their part in saving this majestic animal by raising awareness of their plight and helping to save their habitats.

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About the Author

Zeek is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering wildlife in Africa and international travel. Zeek has been studying animals for over 15 years and holds an Associate's Degree in Arts from Lone Star Montgomery, earned in 2011. A resident of Washington, Zeek enjoys designing video games and training his Shiba Inu, Cheems.

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