Suspenseful Moments for Football Fans as Cat Dangles From the Upper Deck

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Written by Zeek Lepakko

Updated: October 25, 2023

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playful tuxedo cat raising paw showing claws on gray background with copy space
© Nils Jacobi/

Ever feel like you’ve been hanging by a thread during a sports game? Well, in the video below, one unlucky cat found exactly that happening to him! It seems he accompanied his family along to a football match, but the balcony seats proved a bit unsafe for kitties. At first, he’s snagged by his neck, but after being freed, his predicament becomes even more perilous. What’s most likely shreds of fabric are the only things holding him from certain doom.

About the Unbelievable Video!

The excruciating moments tick by, it not being clear if he’ll make it out of this one or not. Now, although the saying goes that cats always land on their feet, this time around our feline friend needed a little help. Thankfully, the fans below had a nearby American flag and were able to fashion it into a soft landing spot. It looks like this cat was actually spared from losing one of his nine lives!

Armed with a happy ending after all, let’s read on and learn some interesting facts about these shockingly lucky animals.

Why Are Cats Said to Have Nine Lives?

That question is certainly one for the historians. While it’s not entirely clear where this concept originated, the clever and nimble nature of cats is usually the inspiration. Some believe that the ancient Egyptians surrounded cats with this thought via their legendary feats. Others look to the whimsical works of Shakespeare for spinning such fancy tales about felines.

To make things even more confusing, some regions simply don’t agree on the number nine. In many countries including Spain and Germany, they supposedly have seven. Furthermore, Turkey and surrounding countries find that six is more appropriate. Perhaps they’re all true for different, underlying reasons that only cats themselves know the secret of.

Are Tuxedo Cats Famous?

Black and White Cat Sitting in Grass Looking at the Camera, Cat with Heart Shaped Fur Pattern Sitting

Specific genes are the source of the trademark “tuxedo,” or piebald, markings of many dual-colored animals.

©Samantha Gould/

Although the cat we see in the below clip got his several seconds of fame, there have been many before him with similar notoriety. For example, Beethoven, Isaac Newton, and William Shakespeare all had feline companions that were stylishly black and white. A rodent control tuxedo cat named Simon was awarded a medal for saving Allied supplies from pests during World War II. And, amazingly enough, one brave kitty named Roderick earned the title of the only cat to make it to the top of Mount Everest. You could say these monochrome superstars really know how to steal the show!

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About the Author

Zeek is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering wildlife in Africa and international travel. Zeek has been studying animals for over 15 years and holds an Associate's Degree in Arts from Lone Star Montgomery, earned in 2011. A resident of Washington, Zeek enjoys designing video games and training his Shiba Inu, Cheems.

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