Watch a Huge Alligator Death Roll to Avoid Capture

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Written by Trina Julian Edwards

Published: January 13, 2025

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American Alligator, (Alligator mississippiensis)
TimVickers, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

A Hilton Head, South Carolina family was shocked to find an uninvited guest hanging out by the fire pit in their backyard. Nicknamed “George” by the locals, the huge alligator took up residence while the family was sheltering in place in the early days of the pandemic. The family wisely called Sea Pines Resort security, who sent four guards to evict George and relocate him to a more appropriate habitat.

In the video above, you can see that George was unhappy about security escorting him out. As the guards attempted to subdue him, the gator whacked the fire pit with his massive tail, then rapidly performed a spinning maneuver called a “death roll” before finally admitting defeat. However, why did George leave the water in the first place? How did he end up in a residential area? Keep reading to discover more about how alligator habits and habitats lead to encounters with humans.

Where Alligators Live in the U.S.

American alligators can be found wherever there is water. However, they primarily make their homes in ponds, marshes, swamps, and freshwater lakes and rivers across the southeast. Although they are cold-blooded reptiles, alligators have not adapted to temperatures below freezing. So they are typically only found as far north as North Carolina. Alligators are also common in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida.

American Alligator at the water’s edge in the bright morning sunlight at Jarvis Creek Park on Hilton Head Island.

What Brought the Alligator to the Family’s Yard?

There is some evidence that alligators can use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate back to familiar waters. So it is unlikely that George had become lost and wandered into the family’s yard by mistake. Urbanization increasingly encroaches on alligators’ preferred habitats. So it is not unusual for gators to venture closer to civilization in their search of food, mates, or a place to lay their eggs. According to the video, George arrived at the family’s home in late April. Since alligator courtship begins in April with mating in May and June, resort security believes George may have been searching for a mate.

Why Alligators Death Roll

Alligators typically perform death rolls when taking down large prey, as this allows them to tear their food into more manageable pieces. However, researchers have discovered that mealtime is not the only time an alligator death rolls. The alligators in the study used death rolls when fighting for dominance and competing for females. Alligators become more aggressive during the mating season, so it is likely George began to roll when confronted with a perceived threat.

What Should You Do if an Alligator Pays You an Unexpected Visit?

All’s well that ends well for George, as the family said they saw him sunning himself in a nearby lagoon shortly after his adventure. However, what if you see that an alligator has made itself at home on your property? If you are outside, slowly back away from the alligator until you can get indoors. Alligators feel more threatened on land, so never get between the alligator and the closest source of water. Then, call your local wildlife authorities so they can safely relocate the gator to a more suitable environment.

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About the Author

Trina Julian Edwards

Trina is a former instructional designer and curriculum writer turned author and editor. An avid reader and a relentless researcher, no rabbit hole is too deep in her quest for information. The Edwards Family are well-known animal lovers with a reputation as the neighborhood kitten wranglers and cat rescuers. When she is not writing about, or rescuing, animals, Trina can be found watching otter videos on social media or ruining her hearing listening to extreme metal.

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