Bark Scorpion Animal Pictures

Centruroides Sculpturatus

© Ernie Cooper/


Male Arizona bark scorpion, sitting against a tree. male Arizona bark scorpion, Centruroides sculpturatus, gertschi color morph, on bark

Male Arizona bark scorpion, sitting against a tree.
© Ernie Cooper/

Male Arizona bark scorpion, sitting against a tree.

juvenile Arizona bark scorpion, Centruroides sculpturatus, eating a non-biting midge (chironomid), on bark. Native to southwest USA & northwestern Mexico. The most dangerous North American scorpion.

Arizona bark scorpion crawling down a tree
© Ernie Cooper/

The Arizona bark scorpion is made up of two body segments–the cephalothorax and abdomen.

female Arizona bark scorpion, Centruroides sculpturatus, carrying newborn babies on back, close-up side view. Native to southwest USA & northwestern Mexico, and is the most dangerous North American sc

Arizona bark scorplings on mother
© Ernie Cooper/

Arizona bark scorplings on their mother.