Egyptian Vulture Animal Pictures

Neophron percnopterus

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Egyptian vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Single bird in flight, Spain, July 2016

Egyptian vulture

The Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) is a small Old World vulture native to Africa, Southern Europe, and Southern Asia. It inhabits open, arid areas near humans, with plenty of food options.

The vulture is one of the world’s most common scavengers. The vulture, often regarded as a nuisance, are an integral part of the ecosystem.

Egyptian Vulture, Neophron percnopterus, standing in front of white background
Eric Isselee/

Egyptian vulture (Neophron Percnopterus) Egyptian vulture (Neophron Percnopterus) sits on the stone, Socotra, Yemen

Egyptian Vulture, Animals In The Wild, Animal, Animal Wildlife, Animals Hunting
irinabal18/ via Getty Images