Gypsy Cuckoo Bumblebee Animal Pictures

Bombus bohemicus

© Henri_Lehtola/


Macro photo of a Gypsy cuckoo bumblebee hovering on a faintly pink five petaled flower with mini stamens in the middle.. The bee is facing away from the front of the frame its tail is clearly visible and is white. It has three segments of black and then is primarily yellow with the black at its wing base. The background is out of focus greenery
© Mr. Meijer/

A macro of a Gypsy cuckoo bumblebee on a pink dome shaped flower with individual stamens. The bee is horizontal in the photograph with its head facing right frame its head is black it has a yellow collar a black thorax and a black and white striped abdomen with a clearly white tail. The bee is fairly hairy.
© Henrik Larsson/

Macro of a gypsy cuckoo bumblebee hovering over a fuchsia five petaled flower. The bee has a black head with a yellow collar. Its thorax is primarily black and its abdomen is white with a black band and a white tail. The bee is rather hairy except around its legs. Against a background of out of focus greenery.
© Henri_Lehtola/

Macro of a gypsy cuckoo bumblebee about to forage from a five pedaled fuchsia colored flower with whites stamen. The bee is in flight and has a black face, a yellow collar, and a black thorax. Its abdomen has alternating bands of very lira yellow to cream and black. Its tail is very pale. The bee is almost vertical in the frame and toward the left the flower it is approaching is frame right. The background is out of focus greenery.
© Henri_Lehtola/

Macro of a gypsy cuckoo bumblebee with its back facing the camera frame center the bee is forging from a light pink flower with five petals and very many stamen. The bee itself has a black head a yellow collar a black thorax and a striped abdomen with alternating light yellow to cream color and black bands. The background is out of focus greenery.
© Mr. Meijer/