Pelican Animal Pictures
iliuta goean/
Dalmatian Pelican in winter, breeding plumage
Pelican colony in Danube Delta Romania
Pelicans use their expandable pouch to strain unwanted water before swallowing their food.
Pelicans are distinguished from other birds because all 4 of their toes are webbed!
Pelicans are distinguished from other birds because all 4 of their toes are webbed!
NicolasGrandjean - License Information.
Ansgar Walk - License Information.
Nehrams2020 - License Information.
Arnaud 25 - Public Domain
Arnaud 25 - Public Domain
Lucero del Alba - Public Domain
Arpingstone - Public Domain
Stephane Tougard - License Information.
Keven Law - License Information.
Nehrams2020 - License Information.