Rhino Beetle Animal Pictures

Mark Brandon/Shutterstock.com


Cockroach vs. Beetle - Rhinoceros Beetle
Mark Brandon/Shutterstock.com

Their thick outer wings or elytra cover membranous wings, which they use for flying. However, due to their massive size, they're not very efficient flyers. 

Strategus aloeus, the ox beetle, is a species of rhinoceros beetle, Carara National Park - Tarcoles, Wildlife in Costa Rica.

Ox Beetle

Strategus aloeus, the ox beetle, is a species of rhinoceros beetle.

The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle (Eupatorus graciliconis) known as Hercules beetles , Unicorn or Horn beetles , in tropical forest.

The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle (Eupatorus graciliconis) known as Hercules beetles , Unicorn or Horn beetles , in tropical forest.
Mark Brandon/Shutterstock.com

The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle (Eupatorus graciliconis) known as Hercules beetles , Unicorn or Horn beetles , in tropical forest.

Dynastinae or rhinoceros beetles (Allomyrina dithotomus) on tree

rhinoceros beetle on a bright green leaf

When competing to win over a female, male rhinoceros beetles use their horn to fight against each other.

The Life Cycle of a Beetle - pupa

The pupa of coconut rhinoceros beetle in the ground. The pupa is the third stage in the life cycle of a beetle.