March Full Moon: Discover the Origin and Meaning of the Worm Moon

Full moon with silhouette cosmos flower garden at night.
© Onkamon/

Written by Sammi Caramela

Published: March 5, 2024

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Every 29.5 days, we experience a beautiful, vibrant full moon. Full moons are wonderful celestial events that remind us how abundant and blessed we are by nature. Spiritually, we can tap into the moon’s power during any time of the lunar cycle, but full moons pack especially potent and healing energy.

This year’s March full moon, also called the Worm Moon, will occur on March 25. Discover the origin and meaning of the Worm Moon below.

Introduction: Exploring the Fascinating World of Full Moons and Their Significance

Full moons occur in the middle of a lunar cycle, following a waxing gibbous and preceding a waning gibbous. A full moon happens when the moon is positioned between the Earth and the sun, causing the side of the moon facing the Earth to be completely illuminated by the sun. This is why it appears like a bright circle in the sky from our view.

Romantic night scene - Beautiful pink flower blossom in garden with night skies and full moon. cosmos flower in night

Full moons represent completion and abundance.


Spiritually speaking, full moons signify clarity, completeness, release, and abundance. Every full moon has its different associated themes and energies. For instance, March’s full moon is called the Worm Moon and represents coming alive again after a long, restorative winter.

Origin of the Worm Moon: The Cultural and Historical Origins of the Name

The Worm Moon’s name origin is pretty straightforward. During the month of March, in most locations, the soil begins to warm and earthworms and other invertebrates begin to emerge, showing signs of life after a long winter.

March full moon rise, the worm moon with blue sky backgrounds

March’s full moon is referred to as the “Worm Moon.”


There are many other names for March’s full moon, but the Worm Moon is the most widely known name. Some others include Spring Moon, Death Moon, Crest Moon, Sap Moon, and more.

This year’s Worm Moon will occur on Monday, March 25 at 3 a.m. EST. You can see the moon in its full glory the few days before, the day of, and the few days after its peak on the 25th. 

Lunar Traditions and Beliefs: Understanding the Symbolic Meanings and Interpretations Associated with the Worm Moon

Restored Energy

The Worm Moon symbolizes potent energy and restoration. As the first full moon of the spring season (or the last full moon of the winter season, depending on the timing), this is a time to emerge from the darkness and embrace a brighter path forward. Since winter is a season of rest and reflection, spring is when we implement the changes we’ve made and begin anew.


As the soil begins to warm, we start to notice signs of life from earthworms and other invertebrates. This is why we call March’s full moon the “Worm Moon.” Similar to earthworms, we humans also begin to come out of our winter shells, take action on our goals, and allow ourselves to grow. Just as flowers begin to grow in the spring season, the seeds we planted during the winter can now start to flourish during this time, marking a period of growth.

Overhead view of coffee grounds being added to baby vegetables plant as natural organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen for growth

The Worm Moon symbolizes the end of winter and a time for regrowth.



While all full moons symbolize a time to release what is no longer serving us, the Worm Moon is an especially important time for shedding the past. This is because it marks a new season of growth and restored energy, as mentioned above. To fully embrace a brighter future ahead, we must first release and shed what no longer serves us. Perhaps there’s something you reflected on during the winter season that you can now release with love and acceptance. 

Celebration and Rituals: Exploring the Various Ways Different Cultures Celebrate and Honor the Worm Moon

Many ancient cultures and religions celebrate and honor the full moon each month. However, the Worm Moon marks a special sort of celebration.

Candles, aroma salt and lavender on tub table

Full moon rituals are great ways to celebrate the energy of the full moon each month.

©Tatyana Soares/

The essence of March’s full moon is all about honoring the cycles in your life. For example, every season serves a purpose, and each and every one of us requires periods of rest (winter) and periods of growth (spring). That being said, you should honor the full moon in a way that feels right to you.

To celebrate and honor the Worm Moon, write down the lessons you learned during the winter season and what you would like to leave behind. Then, decide what you want to call in and manifest in the spring season. What are some intentions that you can carry forward with you? What are some baby steps you can take toward your goals? Meditate to visualize your ideal future, and watch it flourish in the season to come.

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About the Author

Sammi is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering cats, nature, symbolism, and spirituality. Sammi is a published author and has been writing professionally for six+ years. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Writing Arts and double minors in Journalism and Psychology. A proud New Jersey resident, Sammi loves reading, traveling, and doing yoga with her little black cat, Poe.

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