What Is a Strawberry Moon? Definition, Spiritual Meaning, and More!

Pink full super moon glowing with pink halo surrounded by stars on black sky background
© Lukasz Pawel Szczepanski/Shutterstock.com

Written by Dina Sostarec

Published: November 10, 2023

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Throughout history, many cultures gave different names to the Moon appearing in the sky at different times of the year. These names were very important, as they helped them keep track of seasons. One such name is “Strawberry Moon.” Here, we’ll explore what it is, how it got this name, and its potential spiritual meanings.

What Is a Strawberry Moon?

The strawberry Supermoon (Supermoon of strawberry) at sunset gradient from blue to pink on the city skyline in June 2020 in Spain.

The Moon can sometimes appear to have strawberry red and pink hues. However, it is never truly red or pink, and the color has nothing to do with this particular name.

©Ivan Morato photography/Shutterstock.com

“Strawberry Moon” is a name referring to the full Moon in June, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, which publishes full Moon names based on Native American, Colonial American, European, and other sources. It is typically the last full Moon of spring and the first full Moon of summer.

The Strawberry Moon got this name because it roughly coincided with the ripening of wild strawberries in the northeastern United States. However, outside this area, people often used other names to refer to June’s full Month, such as Honey Moon, Rose Moon, Planting Moon, and Hot Moon, just to name a few variations. This was so because strawberries simply weren’t as important or common in other parts of the world.

In some parts of Europe, for example, honey was more important and also harvested in June. Hence, the name “Honey Moon” ended up being more popular there.

To the dismay of many, the Strawberry Moon is not pink or red. However, the Moon can sometimes appear as such thanks to different air-borne particles, such as ash from volcanic eruptions. As a side note, April’s full Moon is often referred to as the “Pink Moon” as well, despite not being actually pink.

When Is the Next Strawberry Moon?

Pink full super moon glowing with pink halo surrounded by stars on black sky background

Always take your location into account when looking up the time and date of the Strawberry Moon.

©Lukasz Pawel Szczepanski/Shutterstock.com

The exact time and date of the next Strawberry Moon will vary depending on your location. The full Moon does not appear in the sky at the exact same time at different places in the world. For example:

  • The next Strawberry Moon in New York will take place on June 21, 2024, around 9:07 p.m.
  • The next Strawberry Moon in Chicago will take place on June 21, 2024, around 8:07 p.m.
  • The next Strawberry Moon in Paris will take place on 22 Jun 2024, around 03:07 a.m.

So, when looking up the next Strawberry Moon in lunar calendars, make sure to select the appropriate time zone or location.

Summer Solstice

Florida empty beach landscape with five palm trees and ocean at sunset

The summer solstice marks the beginning of the summer.


The next Strawberry Moon falls on almost the same day as the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Here, the summer solstice will take place on June 20, 2024. So, just a day before the Strawberry Moon lights up the night sky.

The summer solstice marks a time when the path of the Sun is farthest north in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere, according to Britannica. This means it’s also a time when the Sun travels the longest through the sky, which is why this day has the most daylight. In other words, this is the longest day and the shortest night in the Northern Hemisphere.

What Should You Do During the Strawberry Moon?

You don’t need to do anything. However, certain agricultural traditions and contemporary spiritual groups believe there are things you can do to improve your farming and gardening efforts or even your life in general. We’ll explore some of them below.

Farming and Gardening

Ripe organic strawberry bush in the garden close up. Growing a crop of natural strawberries

Doing certain gardening chores can be beneficial at this time — even if you aren’t growing strawberries.


If you’re a farmer or a gardener, you may be interested in learning what the folklore advises you to do during the Strawberry Moon. Except for harvesting ripe strawberries, you can try organizing your planting schedule based on when the Strawberry Moon appears.

According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, many agricultural traditions believed that you should plant above-ground crops — like lettuce or spinach — before the Moon is full, i.e., while it’s waxing. Conversely, below-ground crops, like potatoes, should be planted after the full Moon.

If you want to try this strategy, plant above-ground crops just before the Strawberry Moon and below-ground crops just after it. In general, you may have better results with above-ground crops because you’re planting them during the waxing Moon phases. These are believed to be more fertile, wet, and, thus, more favorable for successful planting.

Livestock farmers also supposedly believed that the full Moon was a favorable time for changes. For example, if you’ve been wanting to switch to more sustainable feeding practices, now may be the best time to do it.


Super blue moon. Full moon. Second moon of the month of August. 2023. Bright night with a black background and bright stars where they accompany the satellite. Astrophotography. 28 october. Eclipse

In spirituality, every full Moon is thought to have special significance. The Strawberry Moon is no exception.

©Fernando Astasio Avila/Shutterstock.com

Many contemporary spiritual groups are promoting the idea of “working with the Moon” in order to improve your life. Most notably, they’re focused on using the Moon’s supposed energy to attract what they want and release what they don’t want in their lives. According to such interpretations, the full Moon is always the most important and powerful.

During it, you can focus on the things that have already manifested in your life. Celebrate your current success and express gratitude. Alternatively, this time may help you realize what you need to let go of in order to achieve your goals.

The strong moonlight during every full Moon (the Strawberry Moon included) is thought to give us clarity, especially about where we want to go next. We may suddenly realize that we want to change our path and that doing so will require us to quit certain habits or even end some relationships. Whatever it is, it may be precisely what you need to do in order to reach your goals.

Taking Astrology Into Account

The next Strawberry Moon will be in the fiery sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is known as many things; the philosopher, the archer, and the adventurer of the zodiac. These nicknames perfectly reflect the sign’s versatile, free-spirited, and energetic nature. Its ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion.

So, during this time, you can try performing rituals that involve fire, such as candle rituals. You can also focus on things you want to expand in your life, such as your wealth, your family, or even your mindset. Alternatively, you can ask for a bit of luck in a certain area of your life, like relationships.

Other traits, concepts, and areas associated with Sagittarius include:

  • Areas: Traveling (both physical and mental/astral), higher learning, religion, spirituality, law, order
  • Traits: Happy-go-lucky attitude, strong beliefs and opinions, honesty, bluntness, confidence, independence, high energy, enthusiasm
  • Rules over the thighs, legs, and the liver

And while the Moon will be in Sag, the Sun will at the same time be in the water sign of Cancer. Cancer is often referred to as the mother of the zodiac. It is ruled by the Moon, making natives sensitive, intuitive, family-oriented, and extremely caring. That’s why Moon rituals in general are great to do during this time!

Traits, concepts, and areas associated with Cancer include:

  • Areas: Family, children, comfort, self-care, food (especially home-made food), history, tradition
  • Traits: Sensitivity, nurturing nature, moodiness, intuitiveness, sentimentalism, loyalty, empathy, manipulation
  • Rules over the womb, breasts, stomach, and chest

Other Things to Do During the Next Strawberry Moon

Looking for some extra ideas on how to mark the upcoming Strawberry Moon? We got you. Fun ideas coming right up!

Moon Gazing

Couple stargazing together with a astronomical telescope, looking at planets, stars, lunar eclipse and meteor shower.

Gazing at the Strawberry Moon can also make for a terrific date idea.


This one may seem obvious — but such obvious things often slip our minds. So, here’s a quick reminder to set some time aside to simply enjoy the beautiful view of the Strawberry Moon. To make things more interesting, you can turn regular Moon gazing into a unique meditative experience. Cue in Trataka.

Besides being a Sanskrit word that could be translated as “to gaze,” Trataka also refers to a yogic meditation technique where we focus on one object. Err, or a concept, or a feeling, and so on. Actually, what we decide to focus on is less important; what matters is that we have one, single point of focus.

In this case, the Strawberry Moon can be your object of attention. It’s preferred you do this exercise outdoors, but gazing through your window will do as well. All you need to do from there is relax!

Taking a Trip

Golden Retriever Dog on a road trip

Time to be your free-spirited, spontaneous self!

©MPH Photos/Shutterstock.com

Given that the next Strawberry Moon will be in the adventurous, travel-loving sign of Sagittarius, it may be a favorable time for taking some fun trips. Perhaps the best option is to visit a place where you can enjoy the luminous Moon outdoors in nature. But that part is totally optional. The most important thing is you have fun wherever you are!

Considering that the Sun will at the same time be in the family-oriented sign of Cancer, perhaps you should make this trip a family one.

Making Moon Water

Pure, clear drink water in glass bowl or plate on blue background

How about adding a hint of magic to regular ol’ water?

©AlxeyPnferov/iStock via Getty Images

If you’re into manifestation and magic, you may also want to try making Moon water; water charged by the Moon’s energy. It’s really easy to do. It comes down to leaving your water outside or on a windowsill — preferably in a container, of course — and letting the Moon do its thing overnight.

Before you do that, you can also set some intentions. Is there anything you want to achieve? Or anything you want to manifest into your life? If so, set appropriate intentions and recite them, either aloud or in your mind, as you’re preparing your water.

You want to place it somewhere where the moonlight can actually reach it; that’s kind of the whole point of this ritual. It is believed that water has receptive energy, so it can receive and capture the Moon’s energy as well. This is prevalently feminine energy, which has to do with the subconscious, intuition, and emotions. That’s why many use it for beauty and love rituals, but you’re free to do with it as you wish.

In the morning, move the water to a different place where the Sun can’t reach it. You don’t want it to interfere with the Moon’s energy. After that, you can use your Moon water for baths and other rituals, or you can simply drink it. Some like to drink it for three consecutive days, while simultaneously reciting their intentions.

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Beautiful woman practicing Yoga by the lake - Sun salutation series - Virabhadrasana - Toned image

Sun salutations, for example, help you express your gratitude toward the Sun — while simultaneously making you stronger and more flexible.


The summer solstice takes place the day before the Strawberry Moon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still celebrate it. After all, it marks only the beginning of summer, so there’s still plenty of time to enjoy this warm season and bask in the Sun.

If you want to celebrate this happy occasion, we have several ideas you can try. First, consider reconnecting with nature — whether by getting your hands dirty in the garden, taking a stroll in the woods, or simply going to the beach and enjoying the ocean. Second, do some Sun salutations. There are several Sun salutation sequences to choose from, so pick the one that seems the best for you.

Finally, consider what the Sun represents: creativity, positivity, joy. The easiest way to honor it, then, is to work on your happiness and express your creativity. Consider doing some DIY projects, painting, or journaling.

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About the Author

Dina Sostarec is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is on symbolism, mammals, and various plants. Dina holds a Master's Degree in Philosophy and English language, and has been working as a full-time, professional writer since 2021. A resident of Croatia, Dina enjoys long walks in nature, yoga, and caring for her dog Chiquitita.

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