Absolute Unit! The Largest Lake Trout Ever Caught in Indiana

Closeup of a lake trout's head and mouth
© iStock.com/glxedwards

Written by Angie Menjivar

Updated: May 15, 2023

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For anglers who take the sport of fishing seriously, it’s not only about the satisfaction of the catch. It’s also about every moment that leads up to it. But every once in a while, a fisherman is out on the water, not paying much mind, and the unexpected happens. For an Indiana man, a trophy catch almost didn’t happen when he failed to realize what had hooked his line. Discover the largest lake trout ever caught in Indiana and what happened in the moments leading up to the monumental (albeit accidental) catch that obliterated the previous record for the state!

What Is Lake Trout?

Lake trout is a char that can be distinguished from other types of char by its significantly forked tail and the missing pink spots on its body. The body of lake trout is shaped like salmon and trout. The spots on their bodies are usually yellow or cream. However, the base color of this fish is more of a dark silver. The males and females share much of their appearance in common. Males, though, have a snout that is a little bit longer and pointer than a female’s snout.

When males are breeding, they develop distinctive dark stripes on their sides. In Canada, lake trout have a long lifespan, sometimes making it up to 70 years! On average, though, lake trout live for about 20 years. These fish prefer cold environments where they can enjoy deep, roomy lakes throughout their lives. When they spawn, they only do so at night and head over to the rocky bottom of the lake where it’s clean and undisturbed.

Males are the first to arrive at spawning sites and are followed by the females. The following spring, eggs start to hatch. Lake trout are rather reclusive. They spend their first several years looking for the sunlit areas of the lake where they can find and feed on plankton. After they reach age five, they start to spawn. This typically occurs every other year but, in some cases, may occur more seldomly or as much as every year.

Aside from feasting on plankton, lake trout develop a varied diet, including insect larvae, leeches, snails, and small crustaceans. Depending on their size, they may also go for other fish like whitefish and sculpins. Occasionally, they eat shrews and may even gobble up young birds. Lake trout are native to North America, ranging from Alaska south through Nova Scotia. They are especially popular in the Great Lakes, where the recreational fishery is worth several billion (annually!).

Fisherman releasing a lake trout

Lake trout are usually brown or olive-gray and feature yellowish or white spots; their underparts are typically white.

©Iryna Harry/Shutterstock.com

Lake Trout Fishing Basics

In Indiana, you must rely on smaller lakes stocked by the Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife to catch lake trout unless you’re open to rivers and streams throughout the state. When you head out to cool waters where these fish are found, have some spoons in tow. These are attractive to lake trout and give you the versatility you need to get right into the target zone. Bright jerk baits are another good tip, as these stand out in deep, dark waters.

A medium heavy 7’ rod is a good piece of equipment when looking for a trophy fish. However, you can go lighter with a light-medium action rod if you’re just looking for some fun out on the water. This goes without saying, but for newbies, it’s important: keep your eyes on the rod! Lake trout move quickly after grabbing your bait, and you can get all sorts of tangled if you’re not alert. Most importantly, remember that even the most experienced anglers return without a single catch some days. It’s much more important to have the memories of a good time out on the water, whether you’re alone or in good company.

The Largest Lake Trout Ever Caught in Indiana

The largest lake trout ever caught in Indiana was significantly older than the young man who caught it. Tyler Kreighbaum, the owner of Tightline Fishing Charters, was out on Lake Michigan on June 11, 2016, when he unthinkingly almost cut the line to his trophy fish. He was right by the Michigan state line and didn’t fathom he could have hooked a fish so big that it felt like the lake’s bottom. So, he tried breaking the line.

Kreighbaum admitted it was a complete accident. The trout ascended with ease, which only further substantiated his thinking that it was nothing but debris. He noticed its size and was surprised, but he had no idea that he had set a state record! The lake trout measured 44 inches long and weighed a total of 37.55 pounds. After realizing the significance of his catch, he quickly made plans to have a taxidermist create two replicas of his trophy fish for display.

Where Is Lake Michigan Located on a Map?

Lake Michigan is the only one of the five Great Lakes that is situated wholly within the U.S. The lake encompasses the states of Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Cities along its shore include Gary (Indiana), Muskegon (Michigan), Chicago (Illinois), and Milwaukee and Green Bay (Wisconsin).

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About the Author

Angie Menjivar is a writer at A-Z-Animals primarily covering pets, wildlife, and the human spirit. She has 14 years of experience, holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology, and continues her studies into human behavior, working as a copywriter in the mental health space. She resides in North Carolina, where she's fallen in love with thunderstorms and uses them as an excuse to get extra cuddles from her three cats.

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