Rose Okeke
Author for A-Z Animals

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Hi! I am a writer, actor, and filmmaker. Reading is my favorite hobby. Watching old movies and taking short naps are a close second and third. I have been writing since childhood, with a vast collection of handwritten books sealed away in a duffel bag somewhere in my room. I love fiction, especially fantasy and adventure. I recently won the James Currey Prize 2022, so now, naturally, I feel like I own words. When I was 11, I wanted to be a marine biologist because I love animals, particularly dogs, cats, and owls. I also enjoy potatoes and chocolate in all their glorious forms.

11 Must-See Birds In New Jersey Picture

New Jersey boasts of hosting some of the rarest, quirkiest, and most enchanting birds in the eastern United States. Its wide range of habitable regions such as the woodlands, forests,… Read More

By Rose Okeke 1 year ago