Discover Seven Falls in Colorado (How to Visit and What to Expect from Someone Who’s Gone!)

© David from Colorado Springs, United States

Written by Nina Phillips

Published: February 25, 2024

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This image covers three of the total seven falls you’ll see when you climb up to the top of those stairs at Seven Falls in Colorado.

©michaelwm25 – Original / License

Seven Falls is one of the must-see attractions in Colorado. Though I’ve lived here for almost 20 years now, I never took the time to visit until the last few years.

Seven Falls is a part of the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. It’s a park made up of seven falls, Bridal Veil, Feather, Hill, Hull, Ramona, Shorty, and Weimer. Though that’s the star of the attraction, there is also a viewing platform, a few trails, and a small botanical garden to check out.

It’s easy enough to find information online about the park. However, if you want to know more about the park from first-hand experience, then keep reading below. I’ll cover my experiences, and what I think people need to know before entering the park.

Where Is Seven Falls in Colorado and How to Visit

The park is on Cheyenne Canyon Road in Colorado Springs. This is where you’ll see the seven falls. However, it’s not where you park.

To get in to see Seven Falls, you have to take the shuttle. They’re about five miles apart, with the shuttles picking up visitors from Lower Gold Camp Road, near Norris Pensorse Event Center. Thankfully, there’s plenty of parking, and the drive isn’t that far from the downtown area.

To visit, you simply need to buy your ticket online. Once you pick your date and time and purchase the ticket, drive to the shuttle pickup. You’ll want to arrive a few minutes early to park and get ready.

The shuttle will take you to the park. When you’re ready to go back, the shuttles will drive you back to your vehicle as well.

Hours of Operation for Seven Falls in Colorado

With the Christmas lights on the trees at the bottom, it was easy to see how high up you were, even at night.

© Phillips

Seven Falls change their hours throughout the year. Generally, in the summer, they’re open every day except for Tuesday. Then, they slowly decrease the days until they’re only open on the weekends. As spring comes, they slowly add the days back.

Usually, they open at 10 in the morning. Depending on the day and the season, they’ll close by 6 or 8 at night.

What You Need to Know Before You Go

There are plenty of lights near the stairs at night, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to see.

© Phillips

I think the first thing that stuck out to me is that it’s not wheelchair-friendly. While you can get into the park with a wheelchair, going up to the top of the falls requires walking a lot of steps (224 to be exact). And there are no ramps or elevators for those that might have difficulty.

There is a viewing platform, which is accessible by elevator, but it only lets you see the falls from a different angle, and not get to the top of the falls.

You also need to pick the best time to go based on what you want to see. During the day, you get the chance to see their botanical garden and explore some of the trails on top of climbing the stairs and learning the history of the area.

However, most people enjoy going at night. The park lights up the falls and the surrounding area to make the falls stand out. But, when it’s dark, it’s almost impossible to see the gardens and hiking is dangerous.

Dogs are also allowed! If you want to take your pup with you on a hike, or just give them a chance to explore a new place, Seven Falls is a great option. They just have to be on the leash.

My Experience

Seven Falls Park makes sure to light up the place during Christmas.

© Phillips

The trip started a little chaotically. Though I was staying right next to Seven Falls (less than a mile away), you can’t just walk or drive up to the falls. Instead, you have to drive to a parking lot about twenty minutes away and wait for a bus to pick you up.

I went during the holiday season, so there were a lot of lights. Not only was the waterfall lit up, but the trees were wrapped and there were little decorations around. I went at night, so I didn’t fully appreciate the decorations and scenery. But the falls were quite fabulous.

I do agree with other reviews I’ve seen that it’s a little overpriced, especially if you’re going at night. It cost us $18 a person. To spend a couple of hours hiking and exploring the garden and the falls, that’s not a bad price. But at night, there’s not much else to do but climb the stairs and explore the viewing platform.

It’s not something I’d always do, but I quite enjoyed the experience. I’d love to go again during the day and see some of the trails and more of the garden.

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About the Author

Nina is a writer at A-Z Animals, FIDIS Travel, and Giant Freakin Robot. Her focus is on wildlife, national parks, and the environment. She has been writing about animals for over three years. Nina holds a Bachelor's in Conservation Biology, which she uses when talking about animals and their natural habitats. In her free time, Nina also enjoys working on writing her novels and short stories. As a resident of Colorado, Nina enjoys getting out in nature, traveling, and watching snow hit the mountains from her enclosed porch.

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