Discover the 4 Different Colors Of Watermelon (Rarest to Most Common)

© wijitpanya

Written by Em Casalena

Published: August 22, 2023

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Diving into the juicy world of watermelons reveals a vibrant spectrum of colors that might surprise your taste buds. From classic crimson to strikingly tasty yellow and even mysterious orange, watermelons flaunt their diverse hues. These colors are more than just eye candy – they hint at intriguing flavors and unique nutritional benefits. 

Let’s learn about the four main colors that watermelons can come in! But first, let’s brush up on what exactly watermelons are and what gives them their unique colors.

What are Watermelons?

What’s not to love about watermelons? Juicy and cooling, watermelons are a favorite fruit of people all over the globe. They are a well-liked option, particularly in the sweltering summer, due to their vivid colors and sweet, watery flesh. They’re also packed with water, more so than most other types of fruits.


Citrullus lanatus, the scientific name for watermelons, is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. Squash, pumpkins, and cucumbers are other members of this family. These fruits stand out for their many black seeds, delicious inside, and thick exterior. The fruit’s high water content adds to its refreshing flavor and texture, making the moniker “watermelon” extremely appropriate.

A “pepo,” or fleshy fruit with a tough skin and many seeds, is a kind of berry that includes watermelons. Based on their size, shape, color, and sweetness, they are further divided into many types. Seedless, miniature, and traditional huge, spherical watermelons are a few popular kinds. The diversity in these varieties provides options to suit various preferences and needs.

The Science of Color

Lycopene, a natural pigment, gives watermelon flesh its intensely pink-red hue. This pigment is a member of a class of pigments called carotenoids, which give many fruits and vegetables their red, orange, and yellow colors. Lycopene builds up in the fleshy cells of watermelons, giving the fruit its deep red hue.

The environment, including sunshine, temperature, and soil conditions, has an impact on how lycopene and other pigments develop in watermelons. Lycopene production requires sufficient sunshine. The concentration of lycopene increases as the fruit ripens on the vine, enhancing the red hue. Cooler temperatures can slow down the ripening process and could have an impact on how the fruit develops its color.

Harvesting and Ripeness

Determining the optimal time for harvesting watermelons requires a keen eye. The color of the underside of the fruit, where it rests on the ground, can provide clues about its ripeness. A creamy, yellow spot indicates that the fruit has ripened and sweetened on the vine. Additionally, a dull sound when thumped and a firm texture are signs of a ripe watermelon.

The Benefits of Watermelons

Not only are watermelons a delectable and cooling summer treat, but they also provide a plethora of health advantages. This luscious fruit, which is packed with vitamins and water, has several benefits that improve general health.

Hydration and Electrolyte Balance

Our bodies need to stay hydrated, particularly in warmer temperatures or after strenuous exercise. 90% of a watermelon’s weight is water, making them a great natural source of hydration. Just as well, they include electrolytes like potassium and magnesium that assist healthy muscular activity and support the maintenance of the body’s fluid balance.

Rich in Vitamins and Antioxidants

A rich source of antioxidants and necessary vitamins is watermelon. They are very high in vitamin C, which supports healthy skin and the immune system. The fruit also has vitamin A, which is recognized for helping to preserve healthy skin and eyesight. Antioxidants like beta-carotene and lycopene help shield cells from the harm done by dangerous free radicals.

Heart Health and Blood Pressure Regulation

Watermelons contain the amino acid citrulline, which may have positive cardiovascular effects. Citrulline is transformed into the amino acid arginine, which can enhance blood flow, relax blood vessels, and maybe even assist reduce blood pressure. To lower the risk of heart disease, it is essential to maintain stable blood pressure.

Aiding Digestion

Watermelons contain dietary fiber, which supports digestive health. Fiber helps promote regular bowel movements and prevents constipation. It also contributes to a feeling of fullness, which can aid in weight management by curbing overeating.

Promoting Skin Health

The high water content in watermelons, coupled with their vitamins and antioxidants, makes them a boon for skin health. Hydration is key to maintaining supple and glowing skin. Vitamins A and C, along with antioxidants, contribute to collagen production, which helps keep the skin firm and youthful.

Potential Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Some compounds found in watermelons, such as lycopene and cucurbitacin E, exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is linked to various chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Consuming foods with anti-inflammatory properties, like watermelon, can contribute to overall health.

Weight Management

Watermelons are naturally low in calories and fat while being satisfying due to their water and fiber content. This combination makes them a great choice for those aiming to manage their weight. Including watermelon as a healthy snack can help satisfy cravings without derailing dietary goals.

The 4 Colors of Watermelons

1. White Flesh

Did you know that watermelons can come in more than just the usual shades of red? Some watermelon varieties surprise us with their refreshing white flesh, offering a unique and delicious twist on the classic summer fruit.

Several common types of watermelons exhibit this distinctive trait. The “Icebox” watermelon is a petite version perfect for personal servings. Hailing from Canada, the “Cream of Saskatchewan” variety boasts a sweet flavor, while the “Mountain Sweet Yellow” watermelon reveals a pale yellow or white interior that’s equally delightful.

So, what gives these watermelons their unconventional color? The secret lies in the absence of certain pigments. In typical watermelons, the red or pink color comes from a potent antioxidant called lycopene, as mentioned earlier in this guide. However, white-fleshed varieties have lower levels of lycopene, allowing the natural color of the fruit’s interior to shine through.

The flavor of white-fleshed watermelons sets them apart. With a milder and sweeter taste compared to the traditional red-fleshed types, they offer a refreshing option for those seeking a different palate experience. Despite their unique color, the texture remains as juicy and crisp as any other watermelon, ensuring a satisfying bite.

In culinary terms, white-fleshed watermelons prove their versatility. Their subdued flavor complements various dishes, from vibrant salads to tangy salsas. Their appearance also adds an interesting touch to fruit platters and desserts. Moreover, the absence of red juice reduces the risk of staining while enjoying the fruit.

2. Yellow Flesh

Yellow-fleshed watermelons bring a burst of sweetness and a touch of novelty to your summer snacking. Among the common watermelon varieties with yellow flesh, the “Yellow Doll” stands out. This petite melon offers a bright yellow interior and a delectably sweet taste. Another variety, the “Tendergold,” showcases a pale yellow flesh that’s both juicy and refreshing. And then there’s the “Yellow Petite,” a mini watermelon with tender, yellow-hued fruit that’s perfect for personal enjoyment.

The enchanting yellow color of these watermelons comes from a distinct set of pigments. Carotenoids, the same compounds responsible for the cheerful colors in carrots and sweet potatoes, lend their golden hue to these fruits. The presence of carotenoids, like beta-carotene, not only gives the flesh its color but also adds a dose of healthy antioxidants.

Yellow-fleshed watermelons boast more than just their sunny appearance. They often pack a sweeter taste compared to their red-fleshed counterparts, making them a favorite among those with a penchant for indulgent flavors. Their juicy texture remains a hallmark, delivering the quintessential watermelon experience.

These yellow-fleshed varieties aren’t just delicious; they’re also an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients. The carotenoids that grace their flesh provide health benefits, including supporting eye health and bolstering the immune system.

Yellow watermelon on pink background.

Yellow watermelons contain a decent amount of carotenoids which give them their golden hue.

©Anastasiia Krivenok/ via Getty Images

3. Orange Flesh

These vibrant orange fruits bring a burst of tangy sweetness and a pop of color to the table, adding a twist to the classic summer treat. Among the well-known orange-fleshed watermelon varieties, the “Orange Krush” stands out. With its juicy and refreshing flesh, this melon delivers a delightful balance of sweetness and tanginess. Another favorite, the “Orange Sunshine,” lives up to its name with a sunny hue and a zesty flavor profile.

The distinctive orange color of these watermelons is a result of high levels of beta-carotene, similar to yellow watermelons. This pigment is also found in carrots and gives these melons their citrusy hue. Beyond its color contribution, beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in the body, supporting healthy vision and immune function. The beta-carotene content in the orange flesh also provides antioxidant benefits, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall well-being.

Orange-fleshed watermelons offer more than just a tropical appearance. Their unique flavor profile leans toward the sweeter side, often combined with a hint of tanginess. This combination makes them a refreshing choice for summer snacking, lending a tropical vibe to every bite.

4. Pink or Red Flesh

The quintessential image of a watermelon often features vibrant pink flesh, radiating freshness and sweet indulgence. Pink-fleshed watermelons hold a special place in the realm of summer fruits, offering a burst of color and flavor that embodies the season.

Among the well-known pink-fleshed watermelon varieties, the “Crimson Sweet” takes center stage. Its deep green rind contrasts beautifully with its luscious pink interior, creating an enticing visual appeal. The “Sugar Baby” variety, a compact version, also boasts pink flesh and is a popular choice for its sweetness and convenience.

The enchanting pink hue of these watermelons is due to the presence of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Lycopene not only gives these melons their rosy color but also contributes to their potential health benefits. As an antioxidant, lycopene helps combat harmful free radicals in the body.

Beyond their color, pink-fleshed watermelons offer a mouthwatering taste that ranges from juicy and sweet to subtly tangy. This balance of flavors makes them a timeless summer treat, perfect for picnics, barbecues, and lazy afternoons by the pool.

funny kitten eats watermelon, shows his tongue, the cat licks his lips on watermelon day

Pink or red is the most common color of watermelon flesh.

©Skarynka Alena/

In the vibrant world of watermelons, colors go beyond the surface, offering a glimpse into their unique flavors and nutritional benefits. From the classic sweetness of pink-fleshed varieties to the tangy surprises of yellow and orange, and even the refreshing twists of white, each hue tells a story of taste and health. These colorful watermelons not only quench our thirst on scorching days but also nourish our bodies with antioxidants and hydration. So, whether you’re indulging in a pink slice by the pool or savoring the sunshine of an orange-fleshed delight, watermelon is a treat worth having!

Summary of the 5 Different Colors Of Watermelon

#Flesh ColorPopular Variety
1WhiteCream of Saskatchewan
2YellowYellow Doll
3OrangeOrange Krush
4Pink/RedSugar Baby

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About the Author

Em Casalena is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on plants, gardening, and sustainability. Em has been writing and researching about plants for nearly a decade and is a proud Southwest Institute of Healing Arts graduate and certified Urban Farming instructor. Em is a resident of Arizona and enjoys learning about eco-conscious living, thrifting at local shops, and caring for their Siamese cat Vladimir.

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