Discover When Kiwi Is in Peak Season and Where It Grows

Kiwi fruit
© Maarten Zeehandelaar/

Written by Jennifer Hollohan

Published: July 20, 2023

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You have likely seen that small, brown, fuzzy fruit in the store, even if you haven’t tried it. That fascinating fruit is kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa), or Chinese gooseberry. It was first developed in China, which is how it got this unique name. It takes a little bit of effort to scoop out the sweet flesh. But it is well worth it. However, kiwi tastes the best when eaten in season. So, when is that? The article below answers that very question. Let’s dive in.

When Is the Peak Season for Kiwis?

The peak season for kiwi varies depending on the hemisphere in which it is grown. In the Northern Hemisphere, kiwi fruits typically get harvested from October to May. On the other hand, in the Southern Hemisphere, where countries like New Zealand and Chile dominate kiwi production, the peak season spans from March to August. And in some parts of Central and South America, kiwi thrives year-round. So, no matter when you crave kiwi, you will likely find it fresh in season most of the year.

delicious fresh kiwi total background

The entire kiwi, including the seeds and skin, is edible and packs a nutritional punch.


Where Is Kiwi Grown?

It may come as a surprise that kiwi grows all across the globe. Let’s take a look at some of the key growing regions.

New Zealand

New Zealand has gained a reputation as the leading exporter of kiwi fruits since it provides over half the world’s supply. Its peak harvesting season typically runs from late April until July. But that period may shorten or lengthen slightly depending on weather conditions. The country is most well-known for its Green (Hayward) and Gold (Gold3) varieties. However, in recent years, they started producing a red variety that is taking the produce world by storm.


China is the birthplace of kiwi and still holds a top spot in the production world. They come in second, just behind New Zealand, for total global exports. The country cultivates a wide range of varieties, including the renowned golden one. You can find Chinese-grown kiwi from August to October most years, although September and October are the peak harvest months.


Coming in third for global production, Italy has emerged as a significant player in the kiwi market. The most recent data shows that the country exported over 3 million tons during the previous season. You can find Italian varieties hitting the shelves as the Chinese ones are petering out. Their peak harvest is from October to November. While Italian kiwi producers do grow the Hayward variety, there are also many other options, including Rossana Hardy Kiwi. 


Chile rivals Italy for third place in the world of kiwi exports. They specialize in the Hayward and Golden varieties but also grow several other unique kiwi plants. Chile’s favorable climate means you can find its kiwifruit on store shelves during nearly every month of the year (except January).

United States

In the United States, California takes the lead in kiwi production. That should come as no surprise, given the state’s ideal climate for produce production. The Pacific Northwest (namely Oregon) also grows some commercially available kiwis, though on a much smaller scale. There are efforts underway to develop more cold hardy kiwi cultivars to extend the growing regions. You can find domestic fruit on grocery shelves beginning in November and lasting through to March.

Other Growing Regions

Kiwi cultivation extends beyond these regions, though. Greece, France, Japan, South Korea, and many more countries have successfully established their own orchards. You can expect them to start playing a larger role in global kiwi exports as they build a greater foothold in the industry.

Kiwi’s Nutritional Benefits

Kiwi isn’t just fun to eat. It also offers a host of nutritional benefits. It is an excellent source of vitamins E and C, fiber, potassium, antioxidants, fatty acids, folate, iron, and calcium. 

How to Eat Kiwi

Eating kiwi is messy but also fun. Choose your fruit by gently touching it. There should be a slight give. If it is rock-hard, it is unripe and needs a few more days. But avoid any squishy or wrinkled ones, as these are indications the fruit is past its prime. 

It can be enjoyed by itself as a refreshing snack or incorporated into salads, smoothies, and fruit bowls. Sliced kiwi also adds a beautiful touch to desserts such as cakes, tarts, and pavlovas. 

And for the brave amongst us….the fuzzy skin is also edible!

Kiwi fruit on wooden background with copy space

Slice your fruit up for salads, desserts, fruit mixes, or drinks.

©Oksana Mizina/

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About the Author

Jennifer Hollohan is a writer at A-Z Animals, where her primary focus is on gardening, mammals, and travel. Jennifer has over twenty years of writing experience. She holds a Master of Arts in Anthropology from the University of Colorado at Boulder, which she earned in 2005, and is a Herbalist. Jennifer lives in Colorado with her family. She loves hiking, admiring wildflowers, gardening, and making herbal tea.

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