Watch What Happens When a Golden Retriever Meets Its Family’s New Tiny Kitten (Adorable!)

cat and dog meeting
© Sarah Verheul/

Written by Kaylee Keech

Updated: October 24, 2023

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Golden retrievers are one of the friendliest and goofiest dog breeds on the planet. It’s no surprise that one of these golden-furred pups would be ecstatic to meet his new playmate.

In the video, we see Bailey, the golden retriever, run into a bedroom where a gray tabby kitten is lying on the bed.

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Bailey floppily struggles to climb onto the tall bed to say “hi” to his new companion. At first, the kitten retreats from Bailey, hissing as he pulls himself onto the bed and gets closer.

Once on the bed, Bailey inches closer to the kitten, his nose outstretched in curiosity. The kitten bops him on the nose with one tiny paw. Bailey retreats momentarily but quickly turns back around. He “woofs” and excitedly buries his nose into the blankets.

The kitten quickly realizes that Bailey is not a threat but is confused by the dog’s excited antics. It presses its body against a pillow and watches Bailey in curiosity.

The kitten warms to Bailey in no time, and the two snuggle on the bed. The kitten rests its tiny head on Bailey’s paw and lifts one of its paws playfully toward Bailey’s face.

The kitten moves to Bailey’s other side, playfully batting at his large paw. The golden retriever and kitten continue cuddling throughout the rest of the video.

Is it Normal Behavior for Kittens to Snuggle up to Dogs?

Many cats display less affectionate behaviors than most dogs. It’s still not uncommon for kittens and cats to want to snuggle with their doggie friends.

Friendly dogs can make great cuddly companions for cats and kittens. They can offer them a sense of protection and safety, companionship, and a good heat source (especially big fluffy dogs like Bailey).

Dog and cat sleeping together

Dogs and cats are often quite affectionate with each other and enjoy snuggling and playing together.


But what do you do if your dog chases your cat? Try giving them more training and exercise, and help your cat feel more confident in their home.

Just because a cat doesn’t cuddle with their dog companion doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t like them, though. Some cats simply aren’t cuddly and show their affection in other ways. Cats may also groom their dog friends or bring them presents, among other things.

How to Safely Introduce a Big Dog to a Kitten

Always be careful when introducing a dog and a cat, especially with big size differences. Even the most well-behaved pets can act unpredictably.

The above video was adorable and turned out well. Still, the kitten was fearful at first and probably would have appreciated a more controlled environment.

Experts recommend giving the new cat a “sanctuary” space to retreat.

Keep the pets separate for the first three to four days so they can get used to each other without direct contact.

When introducing the animals face-to-face, keep the sessions short and in a common area. Keep the dog on a leash and allow the cat the freedom to leave if it wants to.

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How much chewing will allow?

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About the Author

I am a content writer who focuses on pets, wildlife, sustainability, and the environment. I specialize in blogs and love showing my readers how fascinating everything can be! I graduated from Millersville University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Concentration in Marine Biology and a Bachelor of Arts in Science Writing. I volunteered at Raven Ridge Wildlife Center for five years, where I helped care for injured and orphaned Pennsylvania wildlife. I love all animals, wild and domestic. I've had all kinds of pets, including dogs, cats, birds, fish, a lizard, a snake, and a guinea pig. I may be curled up with a good book or my crochet when I'm not writing. I also enjoy exploring new places, especially by hiking or kayaking.

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