How Often Do You Water Rosemary? Critical Tips Inside!

blossoming rosemary plants in the herb garden, selected focus, narrow depth of field
© Maren Winter/

Written by Shashi Kallae

Updated: November 6, 2023

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The delightful aroma of this herb fills the house, making everyone hungry. The food tastes incredible, as if someone discovered heavenly recipes. A single bite feels like a taste adventure, where flavors dance with joy. Imagine dishes like a rosemary-pepper beef roast, rosemary chicken with corn and sausage fricassee, rosemary garlic bread with butter and Parmesan cheese, roast leg of lamb seasoned with rosemary, and rosemary almond cookies. The menu is endless!

Are you looking for tips on how to water your rosemary plant for optimal growth? You’re in the right place!

New York Steak Cooked with Pepper topped with Garlic Butter and Rosemary.

Mouth-watering New York pepper strip garnished with fresh rosemary.

©JPphoto1992/iStock via Getty Images

Rosemary: An Overview

Rosemary is a woody herb with a unique taste and a scent like pine trees and colorful flowers.

This aromatic herb is native to the Mediterranean region and is a member of the Lamiaceae family. The word ‘Rosemary’ was first recorded in the 14th century and derived from the Latin word ros marinus, meaning ‘dew of the sea.’ For centuries, people used this aromatic herb for various medicinal, culinary, and aromatic purposes.

You can grow it easily as an annual or perennial. With proper watering, ensure a bountiful harvest by following these tips.

Detail of fresh rosemary herb. Rosemary herb garden. macro view.

Rosemary plants thrive with proper watering.

©Hulya Poyraz/

Watering Tips to Keep Your Rosemary Plant Healthy

Soil Moisture

Rosemary plants can tolerate dry conditions, but they require an adequate amount of water to flourish. Due to their shallow root systems, they are unable to retain water for extended periods, making them vulnerable to dehydration. If they do not receive enough water, they will wilt and eventually die. If you notice this happening, it is essential to water your rosemary plants immediately. Delaying may result in irreversible damage to the plant.

Tips to Maintain Soil Moisture

If you want to maintain good soil moisture, here are some tips to follow.

  1. It’s important to water your plant deeply until the water runs out of the drainage holes.
  2. Only water when necessary.
  3. Water your plants early in the morning to allow the leaves to absorb the moisture.
  4. Water your plants more frequently during hot weather and less during cold weather.
  5. Check the soil’s moisture level using your fingertip and water it only when it’s dry.
  6. Regularly prune the plant to keep its form and encourage the health of its roots.
cutting rosemary

A woman harvesting fresh rosemary herbs from the garden.

©AlexRaths/ via Getty Images

Indoor Planting

When growing plants indoors, it’s important to use a lightweight, fast-draining potting mix and place a tray under the pot to catch excess water. Avoid overwatering your plant, and keep the container near a bright window while keeping it away from dry heat sources, such as heaters, during the winter months.

Plant of rosemary in pot and rosemary stalk in glass for rooting

Plant rosemary in a pot and stalk in glass for rooting on the window sill.

©Albina Yalunina/iStock via Getty Images

Outdoor Planting

For optimal growth of the Rosemary plant, it’s recommended to plant during either Fall or Spring. Prior to planting, ensure that the plant is well-saturated to minimize transplant shock. Choose a sunny location with well-draining soil and apply mulch after planting. Water thoroughly until roots are established, but be sure to check the soil’s moisture level before watering to avoid over-watering.

watering can on ground

Check the soil’s moisture level before watering to avoid over-watering.


More Information

For more information, check out these links:

  1. Complete Guide on Growing Your Rosemary Plant.
  2. Is Rosemary a Perennial or Annual?
  3. Family History of Rosemary Herb.


Even though the rosemary plant can tolerate dry conditions, it is highly sensitive to underwatering and can easily dehydrate. To ensure proper growth, it is recommended to use a lightweight potting soil mix that drains quickly and water the plant frequently only when needed.

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About the Author

Hi, I'm Shashi Kallae, and I absolutely love writing. I come from Dallas, TX. I've had a strong passion for writing since I was a kid. Whether it was creating exciting stories, writing heartfelt letters, or simply jotting down my thoughts in a journal, writing has always been my way of expressing myself and sharing my ideas and feelings. As I've grown up, my love for writing has only gotten stronger. I've written for school, my own projects, and even at work. Writing brings me peace, happiness, and a sense of fulfillment as I turn my thoughts into words. It's my way of connecting with others and letting them see the world through my eyes. Professionally, I've worked in the Communications and Financial industries, where I've had the chance to improve my writing skills, especially when it comes to technical documents and business requirements. I'm here to share my experiences and gain insights from all of you. When I'm not busy with words, you'll find me tending to my garden, exploring new places, capturing moments with my camera, or indulging in my passion for making films.

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