Ostrich Tries in Vain to Outrun a Trio of Cheetah Brothers Who Work Together to Take It Down!

Ostrich running through tall grass on a clear day
© JohnCarnemolla/iStock via Getty Images

Written by Zeek Lepakko

Published: November 21, 2023

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Cheetahs might not be the first big cat that comes to mind for their hunting prowess, but they more than have a knack for it. In the below video, we first see a wary ostrich walking through the savanna brush. A lone cheetah has spotted it, but the large bird doesn’t seem worried – yet. However, not a moment later two more spotted cats show up, making their plan all too obvious. The sleek cheetahs give chase as the ostrich tries to escape the ambush he’s fallen into. Another ostrich, a female, hurries to catch up with the other one, but the cheetahs decide to tackle her. Not expecting an attack from three hunters at once, the massive female ostrich struggles as hard as she can, but to no avail. The cheetahs clearly win this round of desert survival. Scroll on to see this mighty clash for yourself!

Watch Cheetah Hunting Tactics in Action

Do Cheetahs Often Work Together?

Female cheetah and her four tiny cubs sitting on a large termite mound with a smooth background with copy space in Serengeti Tanzania

Female cheetahs are more likely to have a nomadic lifestyle but will stay with their cubs for over a year.

©Stu Porter/Shutterstock.com

Cheetahs are interesting animals, and are very often solitary in nature. However, like in the video above, these quick cats can create groups known as coalitions. These teams are usually made of several brother cheetahs but can also consist of unrelated males as well. Once a coalition is formed, the cats will work together to secure territory for themselves and, of course, make more successful hunts. Normally no larger than three cheetahs, a coalition can greatly benefit these otherwise loner creatures.

How Fast Can Ostriches Run?

Types of Big Birds

Male ostriches have darker black and white plumage, whereas females have a lighter brown appearance.


Clearly not as quickly as the fastest land animal – cheetahs can run up to 75 MPH! In all seriousness, the speed of the ostrich is nothing to poke fun at. Clocking in at a top speed of 45 MPH, these flightless birds use their incredibly powerful legs to run at high speeds. However, they can only sustain speeds like that for a short period. When they’re not sprinting, ostriches regularly travel at a slightly lower speed, between 30 to 37 MPH.

It’s interesting to note that paired with their speedy nature and fittingly quick wit, these huge birds have been known to survive for up to 62 years. That might not happen as often in the wild as compared to ostriches in captivity, though – there are more predators after them, after all!

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About the Author

Zeek is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering wildlife in Africa and international travel. Zeek has been studying animals for over 15 years and holds an Associate's Degree in Arts from Lone Star Montgomery, earned in 2011. A resident of Washington, Zeek enjoys designing video games and training his Shiba Inu, Cheems.

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