Samoyed Prices in 2024: Purchase Cost, Vet Bills, Grooming, and More!

Big white dog with fluffy hair of Samoyed breed
© Zanna Pesnina/

Written by Dina Sostarec

Updated: November 6, 2023

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The Samoyed, affectionately known as the “smiling Sammie,” has a rich history dating back over a thousand years. The Samoyedic people from Siberia bred these dogs for herding, hunting, and hauling sleds. Their gentle disposition, coupled with their stunning white, fluffy coats, has made them a beloved breed worldwide.

In the late 18th century, Arctic adventurers introduced these dogs to England. Later, they quickly gained popularity in the U.S. as well. Take Moustan of Argenteau as an example. This bright white dog made history in 1906 as the first dog of its breed (called the Samoyede at the time) to be registered by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Today, Samoyeds are cherished family companions known for their friendly and social temperament.

These are also large dogs, genetically similar to wolves, with males typically weighing between 45 and 65 pounds and standing about 21 to 23.5 inches tall, while females are slightly smaller. Their luxurious white coats, which helped them withstand the harsh Siberian cold, are a significant grooming commitment and also part of their appeal. Their beauty and desirable temperament can make them a bit expensive, though, with prices being more or less comparable to those of a Shiba Inu, for example.

How Much Does a Samoyed Puppy Cost?

Location of purchase, breeding, and lineage are all factors that can affect the price of a Samoyed.

The price of Samoyed puppies generally ranges between $1,500 and $4,000. The exact price, however, largely depends on the breeder’s reputation, the location, and the puppy’s lineage. It can even escalate to $6,000 for exceptionally high-quality Samoyeds, usually from breeders with a long history of producing show-quality dogs. So, the breeder’s reputation is a major factor here.

Established breeders who adhere to ethical breeding practices, provide health clearances, and invest in the proper care and socialization of their puppies usually charge higher prices. Their puppies often come with initial vaccinations, veterinary care, microchipping, and a series of health tests to ensure good health and conformation​. With that in mind, a higher initial price may help you eliminate some medical expenses, at least in the beginning. The Samoyed Club of America’s (SCA) Breeder Directory is the best place to look for a reliable breeder.

Other Factors That Influence the Purchase Price of a Samoyed

Funny fluffy white Samoyed puppies dogs are playing

Samoyed puppies are on the expensive side. For example, they are typically more expensive than Doberman Pinschers and sometimes even Japan’s national treasure, the Shiba Inu.

©Zanna Pesnina/

As mentioned, the purchase price of a Samoyed puppy can also highly depend on the location. Prices in different American regions typically reflect the economic and demand dynamics unique to each area. The Northeast emerges as the priciest, with prices ranging between $2,500 and $4,000, while the Midwest is more affordable at $2,000 to $3,700. Also, getting a puppy from a rural area will usually be more cost-effective than getting one from a bigger, urban area.

The lineage of the Samoyed puppy also significantly impacts the price. Puppies from a strong lineage of show dogs or working dogs usually have a higher price tag due to their bred qualities and potential. 

If buying a Sammy is out of your financial reach, you can always consider adopting. It’s a more budget-friendly alternative, with costs typically ranging from $250 to $1,000. Though finding a Samoyed for adoption can be challenging, it’s a worthwhile consideration for those looking to provide a loving home to a dog in need​​. 

Cost of Vaccination and Other Medical Expenses for Samoyed 

Veterinarian doctor with face protective mask examining a Samoyed at vet ambulance.

Samoyeds are a generally healthy breed with a long life span, typically ranging between 12 and 14 years.


You can minimize your veterinary costs by investing in preventative care like regular vaccinations, deworming, and flea and tick prevention. You also want to keep up with dental care; it’s advisable to brush this pup’s teeth twice a week. Additionally, you should maintain a healthy diet for your dog, provide regular exercise to avoid potential health issues, and promote overall wellness.

Key health concerns for Samoyeds include glaucoma, hip dysplasia, and Samoyed hereditary glomerulopathy. Glaucoma arises from increased eye pressure, sometimes from heredity or other eye issues. Hip dysplasia, a common issue in many dogs, occurs when the thighbone doesn’t fit correctly into the hip joint, causing discomfort over time. Last but not least, Samoyed hereditary glomerulopathy is a severe condition that often affects males more drastically. Males can start showing symptoms around three months old, with severe cases leading to fatality by 15 months of age. This disease can cause the kidneys to malfunction in Samoyeds.

Regular health tests recommended by the National Breed Club can help in the early detection and management of these conditions. These tests include:

  • Hip evaluation,
  • DNA tests for retinal dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy,
  • Cardiac exam, and
  • Ophthalmologist evaluation.

Note also that Samoyeds may react adversely to sulfa-containing medication or sulfonamides. It’s advisable to alert your veterinarian to avoid these drugs.

Here is a breakdown of estimated veterinary costs for a Samoyed:

  • Initial vet visits: $100-$500
  • Initial vaccine shots: $50-$200
  • Deworming, flea, and tick medications: $40-$300
  • Neutering or spaying: $150-$800
  • Microchipping: $40-$60
  • X-Ray: $100-$250
  • Ultrasound: $300-$600
  • Teeth cleaning: $250-$750

Yearly veterinary service and medication total estimates can vary widely based on the health of your Samoyed, the cost of living in your area, and the quality of veterinary care available. A rough assessment could be between $880 and $2,960 for the first year, with subsequent years being potentially lower if no major health issues arise. Either way, you should always consider setting aside money for emergency veterinary costs. Unexpected illnesses or accidents can significantly impact your finances if you’re unprepared. 

Cost of Food and Supplies for Samoyed 

Let’s also not forget that owning a Samoyed also entails several ongoing and recurring expenses. In particular, you want to budget for dog food, care services, and other miscellaneous supplies, such as toys and poop bags. We’ll provide rough estimates below but note that you may be able to find more cost-effective options online.

#1: Food 

Canned Dog Food comes in all sorts of varieties.

Adult Samoyeds typically eat two and a half to three cups of food per day. Puppies, of course, eat less, but puppy food is usually more expensive.

©Yuriy Golub/

Given their size and energetic nature, Samoyeds require a nutritious, hearty diet. This is crucial for their optimal growth and weight maintenance, as they can be prone to obesity. You must also consider health concerns typical for their breed and proper nourishment for their luxurious coat. Allocating a significant portion of your annual budget to high-quality food, which tends to be pricier, is essential for your Samoyed’s overall health.

Estimated annual costs for puppy food average from $400 to $1,000. Annual food costs for an adult dog, on the other hand, typically range between $700 and $1,200. Buying ready-made or home-delivered fresh food will cost even more — between $1,800 and $2,400 on average — and the price won’t be significantly lower even if you cook it yourself. However, fresh food is usually the best option for most Samoyeds.

#2: Dog Care Services

A female groomer combing a Samoyed dog with comb. Big dog in grooming salon.

It’s recommended to brush Samoyeds every other day.

©Studio Peace/

Optional services like daycare, walking, and grooming can notably impact your budget. The total annual cost for these services can range from a couple hundred to several thousand dollars, varying with the frequency of use and chosen service providers. It’s vital to give your Samoyed enough attention, exercise, and social interaction, as they don’t do well with being left alone without human companions for extended periods of time. But if you need to hire a service for dog walking, you will pay around $25 per session.

One of many interesting facts about Samoyed is their unique fur. Though it would seem hard to keep their long, fluffy coat clean, it has a unique property where dirt doesn’t stick. Owners often report how surprised they are that cleaning the dog is very easy. Still, you will need to allocate a certain budget towards grooming. You can expect to pay between $50 and $80 for one grooming session.

#3: Miscellaneous Supplies

samoyed sitting in field of flowers

Samoyeds are a playful and active breed that can very much benefit from having a range of toys to choose from.

©Roman Milavin/

Miscellaneous costs cover a range of supplies and toys that need periodical replenishment or replacement. Estimating the cost for all these items can be challenging as prices vary widely. A rough estimate, however, might range from $500 to $1200 annually, depending on the quality and brand of products you choose. You can find a list of supplies to consider below.

Grooming Supplies:

  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Brushes and nail clippers
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

Play and Training:

  • Toys and games
  • Treats for training rewards

Basic Needs:

  • Food and water bowls
  • Leash and collar
  • Crate and bed
  • ID tag

Cleaning and Maintenance:

  • Poop bags and wipes
  • Urine odor remover spray
  • Car seat/sofa covers

Health and Safety:

  • First-aid supplies (e.g., antibacterial cream)
  • Camera monitoring system (for safety)

Fun Extras:

  • Costumes and party decorations for dogs

How Much Does It Cost to Insure a Samoyed?

Big white dog with fluffy hair of Samoyed breed

Pet insurance can help you cover potential medical expenses, either caused by certain diseases or injuries sustained in accidents. And accidents can indeed be common with this energetic breed!

©Zanna Pesnina/

The monthly pet insurance cost for a Samoyed averages between $15 and $77. It is influenced by many factors, including the dog’s age, health history, and the coverage level selected. Generally, insurance premiums are lower for younger and healthier Samoyeds than older ones or those with pre-existing conditions. However, these prices can significantly vary based on the specific circumstances and location. 

When considering pet insurance for your Samoyed, it’s crucial to get quotes from various companies to find the best deal. Reading the fine print of any pet insurance plan before committing is important to understand what the plan covers and what it excludes. You want to choose a plan that covers any particular health conditions your Samoyed may be prone to.

There’s a variety of pet insurance plans available to fit different budgets. Opt for a plan that is affordable and offers the necessary coverage, ensuring both the well-being of your Samoyed and your peace of mind.

How Much Does It Cost to Train a Samoyed?

Samoyed standing on top of rock

Training is essential for Samoyeds, especially because they were bred as working dogs.


The cost of dog training can fluctuate based on your location. However, training a Samoyed might cost more than training another dog. Among other reasons, this is so because Samoyeds can be a bit challenging to train, mainly because they can be impatient and too energetic.

The exact price will also depend on the complexity of the tasks you want it to perform and the trainer’s experience. Basic obedience training (which includes teaching basic commands, such as sit, stay, and come) might cost anywhere from $75 to $200. For more advanced training, such as agility or hunting training, prices can quickly accumulate up to around $1,000 or more. Another option is to self-train your dog. In that case, you may need to invest in online courses (averaging $30-$200), reputable training videos ($20-$80), or dog training books ($10-$20).

The Grand Total of Owning a Samoyed

Owning a Sammy comes with a significant financial commitment. The initial cost for a puppy can go up to $4,000, while yearly expenses can range between $1,875 and $4,450. These costs cover essentials like food, veterinary care, grooming, and other necessities. Though self-grooming and training offer ways to save money, a well-considered budget remains crucial for ensuring a healthy and happy life for your Samoyed. The companionship and joy a Samoyed brings into your life are invaluable, yet budgeting well for the 12 to 14 years of your furry companion’s lifetime is essential for their wellbeing.

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About the Author

Dina Sostarec is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is on symbolism, mammals, and various plants. Dina holds a Master's Degree in Philosophy and English language, and has been working as a full-time, professional writer since 2021. A resident of Croatia, Dina enjoys long walks in nature, yoga, and caring for her dog Chiquitita.

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