See a Great White Shark Swim Ridiculously Close to Shore at California Beach

Great White Shark breaching the sea surface after being lured to a cage diving boat by meat lures and wooden seal decoy, Gansbaai, South Africa
© Light and Vision/

Written by Hannah Crawford

Updated: November 8, 2023

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Like something out of the movie Jaws, an enormous great white shark is seen swimming a little too close to a California beach.

Great White Shark Sighting in California

Last Thursday, October 5, 2023, Eric Mailander captured some amazing footage on his boat of a great white shark that was swimming a little bit too close to the California shore!

“A lot of people come up to me – oh wow how close do sharks come to shore? And that video kind of speaks for itself it does speak volumes,” Mailander said.

In the newscast posted below, ABC7 News reports that there was a whale carcass near the shore that brought this great white shark to come so close. 

David Ebert, the program director for the Pacific Shark Research Center of Moss Landing, said, “I try to tell people the sharks are not out there looking for people, they’re not hunting people.”

Of course, that is easier said than believed. Most people who surf, swim, and relax on California beaches have absolutely no desire to come face to face with a shark, and a great white shark at that. 

Yahoo News adds that “There never used to be young great white sharks basking off the busy beaches of central California, but as climate change starts to bite, warmer waters are enticing them north — with possibly catastrophic consequences for a whole ecosystem.” 

How Big are Great White Sharks?

What Do Great White Sharks Eat?

Great white sharks

can live up to 40 years.


Great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) of the genus Carcharodon are large sharks. They would be terrifying to come face to face with. They weigh anywhere from 2,450-4,938 pounds (1,110-2,240 kilograms). Not only do they have this enormous weight, but they reach anywhere from 18-26 feet (5.5-8 meters) in length. 

Now, don’t get it twisted. Not all sharks are aggressive or terrifying. You can buy tickets to go swimming with sharks even! However, the great white shark is not one of these. Great white sharks are the most aggressive sharks in the world. So, adding the aggression to their size just makes them the monsters of the ocean in people’s eyes.  

What Do Great White Sharks Eat?

Great white sharks are carnivorous, which means that they eat meat. They prey on sea animals such as seals, sea lions, dolphins, rays, turtles, and, yes, even other sharks. 

And if you’re wondering if great white sharks eat humans, the answer is no. They don’t seek out humans to eat them; they don’t have any interest in that. 

Check the Incredible Video Footage Below!

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About the Author

Hannah Crawford is a writer at A-Z Animals where she focuses on reptiles, mammals, and locations in Africa. Hannah has been researching and writing about animals and various countries for over eight years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication\Performance Studies from Pensacola Christian College, which she earned in 2015. Hannah is a resident in Florida, and enjoys theatre, poetry, and growing her fish tank.

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