Texas’s Biggest Christmas Snowstorm

Heavy Snow in Virginia
© Alexei Korshunov/Shutterstock.com

Written by Matthew Emma

Published: December 9, 2023

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When someone thinks of the big State of Texas, they likely conjure up images of cowboys, 10-gallon hats, and long-horned steers. That said, few people associate the land nicknamed the Lone Star State with snow. However, nearly a century ago, a city in the state’s central region received a record snowfall that still sits alone in the record books today. Learn more about Texas’s biggest Christmas snowstorm.

Heavy snow in Minnesota

Over 24 hours in December of 1929, Hillsboro, Texas received 26 inches of snow.

©Plume Photography/Shutterstock.com


The historic storm emerged from nowhere. During the first couple weeks of 1929, central Texas experienced warm temperatures averaging between the upper 60-degree and lower 70-degree marks.

However, the weather changed dramatically on December 17. On this date, an arctic blast tore through the area and the temperatures plummeted to below freezing by the morning of December 18. The quick burst of cold set the stage for what followed.

Snowstorm in St. Louis, Missouri.

By the early morning hours of December 21, 16 inches of snow had already blanketed Hillsboro.

©iStock.com/William Dummitt

The Storm

The system began in Texas’s panhandle region. In this northern portion of the state, temperatures dropped to as low as 0 degrees Fahrenheit and a couple of inches of snow fell. That said, the weathermaker gained strength as it headed in a southeasterly tract, bringing frigid temperatures, measurable snowfall, and even strikes of lightning and claps of thunder in its wake.

In Hillsboro, which is situated between Dallas and Waco, the precipitation started on December 20. By the early morning hours of December 21, an astounding 16 inches of snow had already come down. However, the storm was far from over. Snow continued until the early evening hours. By the time snowfall tapered down, 26 inches had blanketed the municipality.

In this day-long stretch, Hillsboro saw more snow than any Texas city has ever seen.

The Aftermath

One might have thought this legendary event would have crippled Hillsboro and the surrounding region for a significant time following the storm. However, in reality, the folks living in the area did not even get to enjoy a white Christmas. In a bizarre weather shift, by December 25, temperatures were once again leveling off around 70 degrees.

Interesting Fact

The Hillsboro storm has long been touted as the single greatest snowfall over a 24-hour period in state history. That said, the event only received official certification on its 88th anniversary in 2017.

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About the Author

I have been in the writing field for more than 20 years. During my career's first half, I served as print and online journalist for various local publications. Over the latter half, my interests turned to content and freelance writing where I've covered various topics for a wide-ranging client base. Relating to animals, I currently serve as a family assistant for a woman with two aging dogs. Raven and Cruz have intensified my love for dogs, increased my awareness of animal issues, and inspired me to devote more of my time and professional skills to promoting animal causes.

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