The Oldest Church in Ireland Still Stands After 1000 Years

Beautiful ruins of the Quin Abbey with blooming flowers in Co. Clare, Ireland
© Patryk Kosmider/

Written by Alanna Davis

Published: February 1, 2024

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Ireland has a rich Christian history that dates back thousands of years. Due to its religious past, this European country is home to some of the most ancient churches in the world. Among these, one church stands out from the rest. The oldest church in the country is located in Tuamgraney and it has remained in operation for over 1,000 years! Let’s discuss the history of this remarkable church and explore its transitions over time.

What Is the Oldest Church in Ireland?

Irish Landscape, Co. Clare

Clare is located in western Ireland.


Although a variety of historic churches are peppered throughout Ireland, one church makes the rest pale in comparison. Founded during the 10th century CE, St. Cronan’s Church is the oldest, continually used church in Ireland. Because this church was built centuries ago, records detailing the exact date of its construction are difficult to find. Despite this, we can safely say that St. Cronan’s Church has been around for over a millennium.

Compared to other churches, the exterior and interior are humble and simple. Within the stone walls, a sculpture of St. Cronan gazes over the congregation. Visitors come to worship and pray here, and services are offered once a month. In addition to the church, the East Clare Heritage Centre and a historic graveyard are also on site.

History of Cronan’s Church

Beautiful ruins of the Quin Abbey with blooming flowers in Co. Clare, Ireland

There are roughly 4,000 churches scattered throughout Ireland.

©Patryk Kosmider/

As we stated before, accurate records of St. Cronan’s construction are not readily available. Despite this, the general consensus is that St. Cronan himself constructed a wooden monastery on this land sometime prior to the year 550 CE. Roughly 400 years passed, and although the wooden building was still standing, it became apparent a stronger structure was necessary. Cormac ua Cillín presided over the construction of a stone church between the years of 949 CE and 964 CE. This stone structure is the one that stands today. Although it has had several restorations and repairs throughout the years, in terms of appearance, it remains largely the same as it was hundreds of years ago.

According to Discover Lough Derg, “Brian Boru, High King of Ireland 1002-1014, is recorded as having repaired St. Cronan’s church and its long-disappeared round tower. Visitors to the building therefore enter through the same doorway as Brian Boru did over 1000 years ago.” Because of this incredible historical link, this church has become a popular destination for history enthusiasts as well as worshipers.

Final Thoughts

Visitors report feeling “transported through time” as they step through the ancient doors of this historic church. It’s easy to understand why; this incredible building has seen more than 40 generations of parishioners, far more than any other church in the surrounding area. Whether you’re a devout Christian, a history buff, or just interested in ancient architecture, Cronan’s Church is an absolute must-see destination in Ireland.

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About the Author

Alanna is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering insects, animals, and travel. In addition to writing, she spends her time tutoring English and exploring the east end of Long Island. Prior to receiving her Bachelor's in Economics from Stony Brook University, Alanna spent much of her time studying entomology and insect biology.

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