6 Trendy Houseplants to Add to Your Collection

Urban Jungle, repotting or potting houseplants - interior trend with potted plants
© denise1203/Shutterstock.com

Written by Andrew Dupont

Published: November 2, 2023

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Having a home with a fun interior can make all the difference, lifting your mood after a long day at work. One of the easiest ways to enhance your decor is by adding houseplants. Immersing yourself in nature indoors is relaxing. Houseplants can spruce up an apartment or space you rent if you can’t garden outdoors. If caring for an animal or human feels like too much, start by nurturing these low-maintenance, trendy houseplants.



A cactus is great for a small space.

©Marco Verch Professional Photographer / CC BY 2.0 – Original / License

If you’re looking for your first houseplant and are nervous about remembering to water it, start with a cactus. You don’t have to worry about watering a cactus as much as other houseplants. It needs a maximum of half a cup of water every other week. Many cacti are small, so they require little space. Cacti won’t require much attention so they’re perfect for people with busy schedules.


A global green pothos in a pot against a white background

Pothos is a green, trailing plant.


Another trendy houseplant you don’t have to worry about watering all the time is a pothos. When checking the water levels, you want to ensure the soil in the pot is dry before putting in more water. Giving it too much will cause the plant to drown in itself. In the meantime, you can spray the plant every so often. One spray a day is all it takes. These plants go perfectly on the counter or next to the television, wherever you prefer.

Areca Palm

Three areca palms growing out of white pots in a living room

Three areca palms growing out of white pots in a living room.

©iStock.com/Liudmila Chernetska

The areca palm requires a medium level of care. During the summer, it’s advised to water this plant once a week, with it going up to every ten days during the cooler months. This plant looks like it came straight from the rainforest. The plant shoots up and blossoms so perfectly. The best part about when it gets to the biggest height is you can put it outside on your balcony or patio. The areca palm is the perfect plant to add to your list.

Snake Plant

Two Dracaena trifasciata snake plants (Sansevieria trifasciata) and a small one on a wooden table at home

Also called “Mother-in-law tongue,” the snake plant is perfect for any bedroom.

©Adam Yee/Shutterstock.com

A snake plant is the perfect trendy houseplant to add to your home that will jump wherever you put it. The leaves on this plant are a deep green, and its yellow tint makes it hard to miss. These plants are small enough so they won’t overpower a room or take it over. You also don’t have to worry about watering these plants, as they only require it every two weeks. Adding a snake plant will give your home the lush feeling you might be looking for.


Closeup of Pilea peperomioides houseplant in terracotta pot on white table at home. Sunlight. Chinese money plant with water drops on green leaves. Indoor gardening, hobby concept

The pilea requires a little more attention than other plants since you’ll need to water it every week.


The deep green plant theme continues as the pilea is the next plant you should consider adding to your home. The pilea requires a little more attention than other plants since you’ll need to water it every week. Before you do, make sure the soil is dry so the plant doesn’t drown. This plant needs its own space to sprawl out and flourish. They can get pretty big since they don’t stop growing, but you’re able to put them outside still.

Aloe Vera

Planting Aloe vera in a pot

Aloe vera plants can soothe sunburns and insect bites.


There aren’t many better houseplants to have than ones that can actually be useful to you. You’ll need to do a lot of upkeep on this plant, but it’s worth it. The plant requires at least one watering session per week, maybe more depending on the climate you’re in. However, the benefits of having natural aloe vera are truly second to none. During the summer, if you get burnt, there’s nothing more refreshing than natural aloe vera. If you have a bug bite, aloe vera comes to the rescue to comfort you. If you want to add something to your food or drink, it’s safe to drink the gel.

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About the Author

Andrew Dupont is a writer who loves traveling and exploring during his free time. He tries to maintain at least one trip per month, loves seeing new animals, and appreciates learning about new areas.

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