Two Pairs of Huge Male Lion Brothers Fight In an Epic Duel for Dominance

Two male lions fighting
© Elagina/

Written by Hannah Crawford

Updated: October 9, 2023

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Finding animals that fight one another in the wild is an extremely common occurrence in Africa. Perhaps that is why people love going on safaris, reading about animal fights, or watching videos on YouTube like the one below. It shares with us the experience of what animals are like in the wild. And in the case of the video shown below, it is no different! Let’s see what happens. 

Madikwe Game Reserve Findings 

This next video takes us to the Madikwe Game Reserve, which is located in southern Africa. According to the Madikwe Game Reserve website, they are the fifth largest game reserve in South Africa.

This game reserve offers amazing safaris that last anywhere from 3-5 days, which also includes spending the night. And one of the things that is expected to be seen on these African safaris is, of course, lions! What kind of an African safari would it be if they didn’t see at least one lion? Well, this tour was lucky enough to see four lions. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about this experience in the YouTube video description posted below. 

“Four lions fought in a brutal battle for dominance after passing less than two meters away from a stunned safari tour. Stephan Du Preez, 28, was leading a group through Madikwe Game Reserve, South Africa when a male wandered just a few feet past his jeep prowling after a rival.

Dramatic footage shows a younger male pinned to the ground by two older lions defending their territory while the air was filled by audible rips from their claws into his skin.”

An Epic Dual of Dominance

Three male lions fight

Prides have one, two, or three males who protect their territory.


As the video starts, we see lions that are quite simply enormous. It is one thing to see lions in a picture or a video, but being in person and seeing it up close is nothing short of amazing. We see the two brothers that are fighting together. There is nothing quite so powerful as to see grown lions fighting.

And that begs the question, why do lions fight with each other? Well, let’s find out below.

How Big are Lions?

Male Lion. Lincoln Park Zoo. Chicago, IL.

Lions can live up to 35 years in the wild.


Before we can dig into why lions fight with each other, we need to appreciate and understand just how large these animals can get, especially males. Lions can weigh anywhere between 120-249 kilograms (264-550 pounds). Male lions will weigh upwards of 500-550 pounds. They can also reach up to 1.4-2.5 meters (4.7-10 feet) in length. 

When we think of lions, we often focus our attention on how much a lion weighs or how long they are. However, we need to understand that this is just the tip. Along with their enormous size, lions’ claws can reach up to an inch and a half long! Which make for great weapons in a fight. 

In addition to these enormous claws, lions have some incredibly impressive teeth. Adult lions have 30 teeth. The African Lion and Environment Research Trust shares about each of these teeth. 12 are incisors, which are the small teeth at the front of the mouth. Four of the teeth are canine, which are the largest teeth that can reach up to seven centimeters in length. 10 of the teeth are called premolars, which are located at the cheeks. The last four of the teeth are the molars, which allow them to eat flesh and cut it easily. 

Now, we appreciate the fierceness of the lion, not only in his attitude as king of the jungle but also in his size. Now let us find out just why lions fight with each other.

Why Do Lions Fight Each Other?

Two male lions fighting over the rights to mate with a female

Lions can run 35 miles per hour.

©Hennie Briedenhann/

There can be any number of reasons that lions fight with one another. The biggest of them being the following.

  1. Mating rights with a lioness
  2. Dominance over their territory\pride
  3. Their food

As males go, asserting dominance is a trait that is taken even in the wild. Male lions will fight, sometimes even to the death, to assert their right to dominance in any of these types of situations. 

The Kariega Game Reserve found a situation with male brothers fighting as well. And they offer their thoughts on siblings fighting. “Even though the males are brothers they will need to establish who is the dominant male with mating rights to the females.”

So, even though these are brothers, they still will fight. And in the wild, that’s just how it goes. Don’t waste any more time; watch the incredible footage below, filmed in South Africa.

Check Out the Incredible Video Below!

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About the Author

Hannah Crawford is a writer at A-Z Animals where she focuses on reptiles, mammals, and locations in Africa. Hannah has been researching and writing about animals and various countries for over eight years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication\Performance Studies from Pensacola Christian College, which she earned in 2015. Hannah is a resident in Florida, and enjoys theatre, poetry, and growing her fish tank.

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