Watch This Insatiable Komodo Dragon Snatch a Live Octopus and Slurp It Down as a Snack

Apex predator: Komodo dragon

Written by Zeek Lepakko

Updated: September 27, 2023

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The notably clever Komodo dragon always seems down for a good meal. We can see that in the below clip, which features one of these hulking creatures searching the shallows for a midday pick-me-up. Much to his fortune, a calamari-flavored morsel lies in wait. Without hesitation, our hunter finds a way to gobble the whole thing down with ease. After realizing snack time is over, he stares curiously back at the cameraman for a good moment!

These reptiles boast powerful neck muscles that allow them to toss prey around until it’s in the right position to swallow whole. Guess dragon moms forgot to teach them the importance of chewing your food! Jokes aside, the serrated teeth seen on these biters are actually designed for cutting into flesh instead of chewing. Interestingly enough, their special teeth also regrow, much like a shark’s.

Let’s take a brief tour of some of the Komodo dragon’s most exciting assets, and see just how unique they truly are.

What’s Up With Komodo Dragon Teeth?

Yawning Komodo Dragon. Rinca island, Indonesia. Canon 5D MkII.

The Komodo dragon is incontestably the largest living lizard found across the world.

©kiwisoul/ via Getty Images

Maybe you’ve seen a picture (like the one seen above) of a Komodo dragon with an open mouth. It doesn’t seem very convincing to say these critters have 60 razor-sharp teeth – where the heck are they? Closer inspection reveals that their abundant chompers are hidden within a layer of thick gums. Many theories exist regarding why their mouths are shaped like this, and scientists certainly argue over them.

It might be best to take the various possibilities as food for thought (no pun intended). Is it a form of self-protection from their own vicious bites? Or do they look that because of how they regrow new teeth? Perhaps one day we’ll learn all of the dragon’s secrets!

How Good Are Komodo Dragon Senses?

Starting with their strongest suit, Komodo dragons have an amazing sense of smell. However, this isn’t in the classic way involving their nose. Much like a snake, they rely on their long, forked tongues to pick up scents for analysis. Due to how honed their scent perception is, it’s possible for them to detect carrion from almost 6 miles away. For context, that’s how far the average person would travel after running for a solid hour. Honestly, if dragons were around, that kind of running is in order!

In comparison, the other senses these athletic reptiles sport are nowhere near as strong. Namely, their vision is considered fairly poor, and they’re thought to have a relatively small range of hearing compared to a human’s. Thought to be deaf at first, careful studies showed that they may be better listeners than originally assumed.

Watch This Seafood Surprise

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About the Author

Zeek is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering wildlife in Africa and international travel. Zeek has been studying animals for over 15 years and holds an Associate's Degree in Arts from Lone Star Montgomery, earned in 2011. A resident of Washington, Zeek enjoys designing video games and training his Shiba Inu, Cheems.

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