Discover When Hummingbirds Leave West Virginia

Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird
© Steve Byland/ via Getty Images

Written by Deniz Martinez

Updated: August 31, 2023

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Did you know West Virginia only has one truly native hummingbird species? That’s right, only the ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) calls West Virginia a home state. In fact, this is the only hummingbird species native to the whole of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern U.S. and Canada! Like other hummingbird species, they are strongly dimorphic, with males sporting more colorful plumage that includes an iridescent red throat patch called a gorget. Read on to find out when these little flying jewels arrive in and leave the state, where they go, and what other species may drop in from time to time for a visit.

When Do Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds Arrive in West Virginia?

Ruby Throated Hummingbird at Feeder

Putting up a hummingbird feeder during spring migration season is a great way to coax ruby-throated hummingbirds to stay in West Virginia and breed!

©Christine Balleau/iStock via Getty Images

Ruby-throated hummingbirds are not year-round residents of West Virginia. Rather, they arrive during the annual spring migration season. While many are just passing through as they migrate as far north as southern Canada, others will stick around and make West Virginia their home for the breeding season. Males usually arrive first to claim breeding territories, around mid-April, with females arriving soon after to choose mates and nest. If you want to entice these migrating hummingbirds into making your home theirs for the season, you can attract them by planting their favorite nectar flowers and putting up hummingbird nectar feeders!

When Do Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds Leave West Virginia?

Rocky Mountain Ruby-Throated Hummingbird sitting on a branch.

Just as adult males are usually first to arrive in spring, they are often the first to leave in fall.


After breeding and raising their young through the summer, ruby-throated hummingbirds will reverse their path during the fall migration season. During this time, birds who stayed to breed (and their young!) will join up with others traveling back down from further north. Departures usually begin by early September, with most hummingbirds gone from the state by early October.

Where Do Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds Go After Leaving West Virginia?

Ruby-throated hummingbird range map

This map illustrates the range of the

ruby-throated hummingbird

. Orange represents its breeding range, yellow its extended migration range, and blue its overwintering range.

©Jebbles / CC0 Public Domain – Original / License

Ruby-throated hummingbirds migrate south to overwintering grounds in Florida, Mexico, and Central America. Astonishingly, many will cross the Gulf of Mexico in a single super-powered nonstop flight!

Do Other Hummingbirds Visit West Virginia Too?

While the ruby-throated hummingbird is West Virginia’s only official native species, other species from western and southern North America and Central America occasionally pop up in the state as “vagrants.” These are individuals from species whose natural ranges aren’t normally in the state but who somehow turn up anyway. They may have been blown in by storms, gotten thrown off course during migration, hitchhiked on vehicles or cargo, or otherwise just managed to break new ground for their species! At least three such vagrant species have been recorded in West Virginia in recent decades.

1. Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus)

Rufous Hummingbird flaring it's gorget

The male rufous hummingbird distinguishes itself from the ruby-throated hummingbird by its brilliant orange coloration.


While this hummingbird species is native to western North America, it appears as a vagrant east of the Rockies more frequently than any of the other western species. It is most likely to turn up as a special visitor to West Virginia during autumn migration season into early winter.

2. Black-Chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri)

Black chinned hummingbird

The male “black-chinned” hummingbird sports a beautiful deep purple gorget too.


This is another of the western hummingbird species, though it is a much rarer vagrant. There are only a few records of it visiting West Virginia, including a sighting in November 2006.

3. Mexican Violetear (Colibri thalassinus)

Mexican Violetear (Colibri thalassinus)

This male Mexican Violetear shows off the glittering purple patch that gives the species its name.

©jons2 at / CC0 – Original / License

This exceptionally rare visitor to West Virginia is native to Mexico and Central America. It was only ever recorded once in the state, back in July 2003.


The ruby-throated hummingbird is West Virginia’s one and only native hummingbird species. This migratory species will arrive in the state during the spring, usually starting in mid-April. While some will continue to points further north, others will stay in the state to breed and raise families. They will leave again for autumn migration in September and October, making their way south to their overwintering grounds. There are also at least three other hummingbird species that, while not native to the state, have been recorded as rare visitors. If you want to make whatever hummingbirds show up in your area feel welcome, make sure to provide them with a hummingbird-friendly habitat!

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About the Author

Deniz Martinez is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is on biogeography, ornithology, and mammalogy. Deniz has been researching, teaching, and writing about animals for over 10 years and holds both an MS degree from American Public University earned in 2016 and an MA degree from Lindenwood University earned in 2022. A resident of Pennsylvania, Deniz also runs Art History Animalia, a website and associated social media dedicated to investigating intersections of natural history with art & visual culture history via exploring animal iconography.

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