Witness the Intense Power of an Enraged Bull as It Rips a Car Door Clean Off

A portrait of a Texas Longhorn cattle with black and white patterned skin in the farmland
Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock.com

Written by Sharon Parry

Updated: October 4, 2023

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The power of this bull is immense. In the startling clip below which was captured in Spain, we see him charge at a car door and rip it completely off its hinges. Sheltering on top of the car are several people who have had a lucky escape. How they are going to get off the top of the car is not clear! 

What Are Domestic Cattle Bulls?

Research has shown that all of the domestic cattle around today can be traced back to a herd of just 80 animals. They were domesticated from wild ox living in the Near East and this happened around 10,500 years ago! Scientists have made this extraordinary discovery by testing DNA obtained from the bones of domestic cattle excavated at archaeological sites in Iran. The ancestors of modern-day domestic cattle were called aurochs and were found throughout Asia and Europe. Early humans captured them and bred them for certain favorable traits. Docile animals would have been preferred because they were much easier to handle. As we can see in this clip, not all domestic cattle are docile!

We don’t know the exact breed of the bull in this clip, but we do know that Spanish fighting bulls (Toro Bravo) are an Iberian heterogeneous breed. They are bred free-range in Spain, Portugal, France, and Latin America.  

Beef cattle breeder, american brahman red.

Domestic cattle are powerful animals that can injure and kill humans.

Are Bulls Normally Dangerous?

Data from the US Centers for Disease Control shows that between 2003 and 2007 there were 108 deaths involving cattle in agriculture. Victims of these incidents were more likely to be older (i.e. above 60 years of age) and male. In the majority of cases, death was caused by blunt force trauma to the head or chest. The people killed in these ways were either working with cattle in enclosed areas, moving and herding cattle, loading cattle, or feeding them. Importantly, a third of the deaths were caused by cattle that had previously shown aggressive behavior. Both male and female cattle are associated with such attacks but working with bulls is particularly dangerous.

When Are Cattle Most Dangerous?

Cattle livestock can be very protective of their territory and their calves. They can be especially unpredictable when they are breeding. Dairy bulls can be very protective of their herd. Many animals and do not take well to disruptions to their feeding and milking routines. We hope that no one was injured in this particular incident.

See the Shocking Clip Below

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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