Yellow Daisy: Name, Meaning, and Care Tips

Marguerite Daisy Yellow Flower, Anthemis Tinctoria

Written by Sammi Caramela

Updated: June 21, 2023

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Yellow daisies are one of the most popular and beloved flowers. Not only are they easy to grow, but they also bloom beautifully from spring to fall. This flower is specifically known for its bright and cheery appearance. But did you know they are actually considered mythical flowers? Here’s everything you should know about yellow daisies — including their spiritual meaning and care tips.

Yellow Daisy: Name 

Yellow daisies, also called Euryops pectinatus flowers, belong to the ​Asteraceae (or Compositae) family and are related to sunflowers and asters. Because most daisies bloom at dawn, they got their name from the Old English phrase “daes eage,” or “day’s eye.”

There are many different types of daisies, and “yellow daisies” are labeled as such because of their bright coloring. However, there are various types of daisies of yellow hues.

Yellow Daisy: Meaning

It’s nearly impossible to look at a garden of yellow daisies without feeling a sense of comfort and joy. The flower represents positivity, friendship, happiness, and cheerfulness. Spiritually, it also symbolizes rebirth and fresh starts. 

Many view yellow flowers as the signature “get-well-soon” flowers, and this is especially true for yellow daisies. If you want to cheer up a friend or send healing energy someone’s way, gift them a bouquet of these gorgeous and bright flowers.

Giant Honey Bee- types of honey bees

Yellow daisies represent positivity and new beginnings.


Types of Yellow Daisies

There are many different types of “yellow daisies,” which is the unofficial name for daisies of yellow coloring. Most people use this label interchangeably when referring to such flowers.

Here are some of the most well-known types of yellow daisies:

  • Melampodium divaricatumButter Daisy‘: These are low-maintenance summer annual flowers that have a bright, “buttery” color. This flower loves to soak up the sun.
  • Thymophylla tenuilobaDahlberg Daisy‘: These daisies are fragrant annual flowers that bloom during the late summer months. This flower is multi-branched with bright yellow blossoms.
  • Engelmannia peristeniaEngelmann’s Daisy’: These are cool-season perennials that are extremely tough and adaptable. This flower can bloom in a garden or thrive in a wildflower meadow. 
  • Berlandiera lyrateChocolate Daisy‘: These flowers are mounding perennial wildflowers. As its name suggests, this flower gives off the aroma of sweet chocolate.
  • Rudbeckia hirtaGloriosa Daisy‘: These are perennial forms of Black-Eyed Susans. This flower blooms during late summer into early autumn and its coloring ranges from light to deep yellows with brown-purple centers.
  • Chrysanthemum multicaule ‘Yellow Daisy‘: These are the “original” yellow daisies, meaning they are what most people think of when they hear the name. This bright yellow annual flower is from Africa and is known for its ability to reseed itself.

Care Tips for Yellow Daisies: Outdoors

Here are some care tips to consider if you’re growing these daisies outside.

Plant in Well-Draining Soil

Daisies require rich, well-draining soil. The ideal pH for the soil is 5.8 to 6.2. If growing daisies in-ground, it’s best to fertilize them just once when you first plant them; if planting them in a pot, try to fertilize them at least once every month. 

Keep Soil Moist

Daisies prefer moist soil. If you notice their soil is dry, water them at their base so they don’t wilt. Typically, once daisies begin to droop, it’s hard to revive them. Just be careful not to wet their leaves or blooms.

Trim Blooms

Daisies don’t require much trimming throughout the year. However, once during spring or autumn, you can use hedge shears or hedge trimmers to remove any stragglers.  

Ensure They Get Direct Sunlight

It’s no surprise daisies thrive with plentiful sunlight. While they can tolerate some shade, they grow best in full soon. To ensure you have the most beautiful and cheery yellow daisies in your garden, plant them in a spot that gets at least six to eight hours of direct sun.

Thelesperma filifolium

Yellow daisies thrive in direct sunlight and moderate temperatures.

©Charles Lemar Brown/

Care Tips for Yellow Daisies: Indoors

Daisies can be toxic to animals, so if you keep the plant indoors, make sure your furry ones stay away from it. Additionally, growing these flowers inside can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Here are some specific care tips for indoor daisies.

Place Them in a Sunny Spot

As noted earlier, daisies love the sun. Place your daisies in a spot that gets bright — preferably morning — sunlight. However, be sure not to scorch the flowers, as they can easily dry up if it becomes too hot.

Keep the Temperature Cool 

While they need sunlight, daisies can’t tolerate heat. For the best results, ensure your indoor temperature is not consistently above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. This might also mean moving your daisies to a sunny yet cool part of your home.

Water When Soil Is Dry

If your daisies’ soil is dry to the touch, water at their base using a pot that allows for drainage. Let the pot drain thoroughly over the sink or outdoors before placing it back on a saucer to catch any drippage.

Yellow daisies make a gorgeous addition to any home or yard. Practice the care tips above to ensure your daisies thrive all season!

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About the Author

Sammi is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering cats, nature, symbolism, and spirituality. Sammi is a published author and has been writing professionally for six+ years. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Writing Arts and double minors in Journalism and Psychology. A proud New Jersey resident, Sammi loves reading, traveling, and doing yoga with her little black cat, Poe.

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