7 Reasons Doberman Pinschers Are the Best Guard Dogs

© DragoNika/Shutterstock.com

Written by Sharon Parry

Published: June 11, 2024

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Doberman Pinschers are one of the most highly valued protection breeds on the planet. They were developed in Germany during the late 1800s and can be a variety of colors including black, rust, brown, white, blue, and red. They were bred with the sole purpose of protection – they looked after tax collectors which was a very demanding job! The man who developed the breed was a tax collector himself and came up with the idea of getting a canine protector for rounds. His name was – Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. The tax collector turned dog breeder did a great job and here will list the 7 reasons why Doberman Pinschers are the best guard dogs.

Do Male or Female Dobermans Make Better Guard Dogs

Both male and female Dobermans make great guard dogs but they differ in important ways. Firstly, females tend to mature earlier than males so they can start training earlier. The focus of their protective instinct is slightly different. Males are more interested in guarding property (and can be territorial) whereas the females are inclined to protect their owner. This means that females are best at protecting one person but if you want a large property protected, you may be better opting for a male. Females also tend to be more aggressive towards strangers. Finally, males are larger and more muscular which suits some types of protection work. Females are more agile which is useful for other guarding tasks.

Training Dobermans as Guard Dogs

Whilst this breed has all the attributes needed to be a great guard dog, they also need the correct training. To train a Doberman you need patience and consistency. The aim is to teach your dog to warn you of danger and not to attack every stranger they come across! Most experts recommend that you start with obedience training, followed by barking on command, territory and boundaries training, and teaching ‘leave it’. It is vital that you never encourage aggression.

Physical Appearance

Doberman pinscher standing tall with ears straight up

Dobermans have an imposing build.


These are large and imposing dogs. Males can weigh up to 70 pounds as adults and grow to 28 inches tall. The females can weigh up to 65 pounds and reach 27 inches in height. They are both muscular and powerful and are built for both speed and endurance – which are highly valued traits in a guard dog. Females tend to be more agile than males.

Protective Instinct

German pinscher standing tall in front of shrubs

The natural instinct of the Doberman is to protect.

©Dora Zett/Shutterstock.com

This breed has a naturally protective nature. They form a strong bond with their human family and have a strong instinct to protect you. They consider it their job! Even though they have a reputation as a fierce dog, they are affectionate and gentle with their own family. Females in particular form a strong bond with one human.


Dobermans are eternally loyal to their owners.

©Tanya Consaul Photography/Shutterstock.com

These are very people-oriented dogs who are exceptionally loyal to their human family. These pooches are utterly devoted to their humans. Their affectionate and empathetic disposition make them excellent therapy dogs which surprises some people! Females can be wary of people they do not know and keep strangers on edge – which is their job after all!


3 dobermans in a park

This is one of the most intelligent dog breeds.


Dobermans are ranked as one of the most intelligent breeds out there. This makes them highly suited to both military and police work and is one of the main reasons that they make the best guard dogs. They respond well to training and do well in obedience competitions. This breed progresses from curious pups to highly perceptive adults. They do well in active families which give them opportunities to use their brains as well as their bodies.



You must socialize your Doberman pup.

©Gregory Culley/Shutterstock.com

This is a highly trainable breed but they need a confident and dedicated trainer. Early work should include socialization – exposing the pup to lots of different tactile and auditory stimuli. They need a lot of good experiences so that they grow into confident dogs. A nervous Doberman is not a good dog to have around!

Ability to Read Body Language

Doberman Pinscher pair

Dobermans are a highly perceptive breed.


One little know reason why Dobermans make great guard dogs is that they can read human body language. This is a highly perceptive breed. They were developed as a human companion and are very good at picking up on how we are feeling. Don’t be surprised if your Doberman seems to know what you are thinking!


Dog chewing on raw bone

You cannot fault the bravery of Dobermans.

©iStock.com/Mikhail Dmitriev

You only have to look at the fact that Doberman Pinschers are used as guard dogs to know that they are incredibly brave. They are willing to enter dangerous situations to obey and protect their precious humans. Sadly, Dobermans have been killed in the line of duty.

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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