The 6 Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Families with Kids

West Highland Terrier with fresh haircut laying on pavers

Written by Liz O’Connell

Published: June 15, 2024

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For the majority of the past two decades, the number of households that own dogs has steadily increased. Dogs are the most common pet to own with over 65 million households owning a dog. Certain dog breeds always top the list of most family-friendly, but for those who are allergic, owning a dog might be a challenge. 

Luckily, there are plenty of hypoallergenic dog breeds that might lessen one’s allergic reactions. Let’s dive into a few of those hypoallergenic dog breeds that would be best for families with kids. 

What Are Hypoallergenic Dogs? 

It’s unfortunate that not everyone can snuggle their faces into the fluffiness of a dog because of allergies. A 2018 review posted by the National Institute of Health found that 10 to 20% of the world’s population suffer from cat or dog allergies. But rather than living with no cats or dogs, these people might be able to tolerate a hypoallergenic animal. 

Despite popular belief, there is not one completely hypoallergenic dog that exists. Instead, there are less-allergenic dogs. This means that certain dog breeds will cause fewer reactions to those with allergies. 

Most people’s allergies to pets are linked to dander or a protein found in doggy saliva. Dander, which is found in just about every pet with fur or feathers, are tiny pieces of dead skin that shed. This triggers many allergic reactions in people. Although allergy symptoms differ from person to person, the following are the most common among people who are allergic to dander:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Watery/red/itchy eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy nose and/or throat

Why Are Some Breeds More Hypoallergenic than Others?

Because a person’s allergies are mostly triggered by the dander or the dog’s saliva, it’s best to find a dog that doesn’t shed or drool as much. Less shedding equals fewer allergens floating around the house. Although, it is important to note again, that even hypoallergenic breeds aren’t free of allergens. They just don’t spread it as much. 

Labrador retrievers are always listed as some of the best family dogs, but because of how much they shed, it would trigger quite a reaction for those with allergies. Don’t lose hope, though, because there are plenty of hypoallergenic dogs you can own. The following hypoallergenic breeds will be better suited for families with kids.

How To Pick a Hypoallergenic Dog Breed

When selecting a perfect hypoallergenic dog breed for your kid-filled home, you’ll want to consider the size, energy level, and temperament. If you’re looking for a smaller dog, consider a bichon frisé, miniature schnauzer, or shih tzus. 

For medium-sized dogs, which usually range from 20 to 60 pounds, look into terrier dog breeds. One exceptionally excellent terrier that gets along well with children, although on the smaller side, is the West Highland white terrier. 

Some families love having a larger dog in the house. Portuguese water dogs and labradoodles are all great hypoallergic family-friendly breeds. Read through each breed to see what might fit best for you and your family.

1. Bichon Frisé

These tiny, white dogs that look like floating clouds stand just under a foot tall. A bichon frisé is a great dog for families with kids, as they’re patient, playful, and loving. Although, training these dogs can take a little longer than it might for other breeds since they’re very independent and strong-minded. You’ll want to make sure your family’s schedule isn’t too busy to dedicate the time to their training.

Bichon frisé

A bichon frisé’s curious and playful nature works well for families with children of all ages.


2. Miniature Schnauzer

Originally bred in Germany, miniature schnauzers were used to hunt rodents and guard properties. Now, these wiry, playful dogs are seen as a perfect family dog. They have big personalities while also being extremely affectionate. Miniature schnauzers are intelligent dogs and relatively easy to train, although, they might be a little stubborn. The best training method to use is positive reinforcement.

These dogs can weigh from 12 to 20 pounds. Grooming will need to be a part of their daily routine, as it is for most hypoallergenic dogs. It is advised to brush miniature schnauzers out every four to six weeks.

A miniature schnauzer on a dog grooming table next to cosmetics and grooming tools is out of focus.

It is recommended to brush out miniature schnauzers every four to six weeks.

©Ihar Halavach/

3. Shih Tzus

If you’re looking for a dog with more energy, turn to the adorable, teddy bear-like shih tzus. These tiny balls of energy love to play and don’t require too much space, which makes them great for apartment living. Consistent, positive reinforcement training is recommended for shih tzus.

As much as they love playing, they love being with their families even more. Shih tzus were bred to be companion dogs, meaning they make excellent lap dogs. They’re adaptable and bond very well with children.

Shih tzu dog

Shih tzus are adaptable dogs that love forming a special bond with their families.


4. West Highland White Terrier

West Highland white terriers, also known as Westies, are packed with personality. They’re friendly, independent, and hardy all rolled into one. They enjoy spending time with their people, but they also like to venture off on their own. This is great for families who leave the house for work and school, because you don’t have to worry too much about separation anxiety.

It is recommended that Westies live in a household with older children, at least 7 or older, since younger kids might be too lively and unexpected. The reason behind this is that Westies have a long history of being hunting dogs and the loudness could cause them to bark or react.

West Highland Terrier

West Highland white terriers don’t shed. That means hairs are less likely to end up on your surfaces.

©Dora Zett/

5. Portuguese Water Dogs

For families with very active lifestyles, Portuguese water dogs might be the perfect fit, as they’re very athletic. These dogs were originally bred to be fishing dogs, making them natural-born swimmers. They’re fun-loving, aim to please, and especially love learning new tricks.

Because of their athletic nature, Portuguese water dogs require at least an hour of exercise each day. Keeping them fit and happy needs to be the top priority with this breed, otherwise, they have a tendency to chew on items when bored.

Types of Retriever Dogs

Portuguese water dogs are athletic dogs that fit perfectly into the lifestyle of an active family.

©Eve Photography/

6. Labradoodles

Although labradoodles are still a relatively new breed, they are quickly becoming one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States. These dogs are very intelligent, loving, and social. They’re very quick learners, which makes training easier. In fact, they oftentimes excel in obedience.

Labradoodles do require a high amount of exercise. Regular walks, playtime, and mental stimulation are all great forms of exercise for this breed. They especially love fetch and swimming. Their energy makes them a perfect playmate for kids, while their soft coat is perfect for cuddling.


Labradoodles are quick learners with tons of energy.


Summary of the Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Families with Kids

An overview of the best hypoallergenic dog breeds for families with kids.
Hypoallergenic, Kid-Friendly Dog BreedsSize
Bichon Frisé10-18 pounds
Miniature Schnauzer12-20 pounds
Shih Tzus9-16 pounds
West Highland White Terrier14-20 pounds
Portuguese Water Dogs35-60 pounds
Labradoodles50-65 pounds

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What's the right dog for you?

Dogs are our best friends but which breed is your perfect match?


If you have kids or existing dogs select:

Other Dogs

Should they be Hypoallergenic?

How important is health?
Which dog groups do you like?
How much exercise should your dog require?
What climate?
How much seperation anxiety?
How much yappiness/barking?

How much energy should they have?

The lower energy the better.
I want a cuddle buddy!
About average energy.
I want a dog that I have to chase after constantly!
All energy levels are great -- I just love dogs!
How much should they shed?
How trainable/obedient does the dog need to be?
How intelligent does the dog need to be?
How much chewing will allow?

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