Mike Tyson vs Gorilla: Who Would Win in a Fight?


Written by August Croft

Published: January 9, 2023

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Is it even a competition when considering who would win in a fight between Mike Tyson vs a gorilla? Mike Tyson holds boxing world records and championship titles, including over 40 knockout performances, but can a gorilla hold a candle to his strength? Who would win in an honest and fair fight between a gorilla and former heavyweight boxing champ Mike Tyson?

In this article, we will take a close look at the fighting styles and abilities of both Mike Tyson and the average gorilla to see who would win in a fierce competition between the two. We’ll go over specific facts and figures related both to gorillas and the physical abilities of Tyson, including just how hard Mike Tyson can punch. So, who would win? Let’s find out!

Comparing Mike Tyson vs Gorilla

Mike Tyson vs Gorilla
While Mike Tyson holds world records and championship titles, including over 40 knockout performances, can a gorilla hold a candle to his strength?
StatsMike TysonGorilla
Strength-Bite strength of roughly 150 PSI
-Punch strength of roughly 1,170-foot-pounds
-Lifts roughly 200 pounds
-Bite strength of roughly 1,200 PSI with large fangs
-Punch strength of over 2,000-foot-pounds
-Lifts roughly 1,500 pounds
Speed6-8 mph average with excellent maneuverability; height of 5’10”25 mph maximum with decent agility otherwise; height of 4-5’
TechniqueWell-trained and highly adaptable; aggressive and capable of taking on any human opponentNot typically aggressive unless provoked; well-made for lifting, dragging, and standing up to threats
DefenseExcellent defensive strategies; bobbing, weaving, and blocking faceHuge muscled body makes an excellent defense; senses are heightened

What Are Key Differences Between Mike Tyson and a Gorilla?

mike tyson vs gorilla

A closer look should be taken at the abilities of both of these champions so that we can fully determine whether a gorilla or Mike Tyson would win in a fight.

There are a number of key differences between Mike Tyson and a gorilla. Some of these differences include height and weight variations, differences in fighting style, technique, and motivations, as well as the overall defense capabilities of these two fighters. However, a closer look should be taken at the abilities of both of these champions so that we can fully determine whether a gorilla or Mike Tyson would win in a fight.

Mike Tyson vs Gorilla: Strength

mike tyson vs gorilla

Despite having plenty of knockout victories, a gorilla has more strength and would win against Mike Tyson.

There’s no denying the strength of Mike Tyson. With countless heavyweight boxing championship titles and a punch strength of roughly 1,170-foot-pounds, Tyson can knock out an average human without question. However, gorillas are stronger than humans, with an average punch strength of over 2,000-foot-pounds. 

This doesn’t even include the strength found in the jaw of a gorilla, with a bite strength of roughly 1,200 PSI and large fangs to boot. Tyson would likely not choose to bite a gorilla, especially when you consider the fact that humans only have a bite strength of roughly 150 PSI. The last bastion of strength that Tyson has is his lifting ability. While bench presses were not his favorite form of weights, he can lift an estimated 200 pounds, while gorillas can lift 1,500 pounds or more, depending on the gorilla’s size.

Despite having plenty of knockout victories, a gorilla has more strength and would win against Mike Tyson.

Mike Tyson vs Gorilla: Speed

mike tyson vs gorilla

Looking at speed on its own, gorillas are much faster than humans, even agile and quick competitors like Mike Tyson.

Despite his heavyweight boxing class, Mike Tyson exhibits plenty of speed in his fighting technique– but is it enough when used against a gorilla? When it comes to speed on its own, gorillas can reach up to 25 miles per hour when provoked, while Tyson averages less than 10 miles per hour. However, the overall height and reach of Tyson may put him within reach of an agile gorilla, but not without a struggle. 

Looking at speed on its own, gorillas are much faster than humans, even agile and quick competitors like Mike Tyson.

Mike Tyson vs Gorilla: Technique and Defenses

mike tyson vs gorilla

Given Tyson’s unique fighting style, the technique and defense mechanisms at his disposal may create an even fight between Tyson and a gorilla.

One of the primary reasons that Mike Tyson is renowned in the boxing world is because of his technique and defensive capabilities. Tyson’s bobbing and weaving techniques as well as his blocking abilities make him unrivaled in a ring, but a gorilla may still be able to break through these defenses. With thick, muscled bodies, gorillas can certainly take a punch without needing to defend very much, something that would likely disrupt Mike Tyson’s technique.

Given Tyson’s unique fighting style, the technique and defense mechanisms at his disposal may create an even fight between Tyson and a gorilla. However, this isn’t the only factor in this fight.

A Victory for the Gorilla or Mike Tyson?

Unfortunately, it appears as if the average gorilla would win in a fight against Mike Tyson. While Tyson has an uncanny and almost inhuman physical presence, the average adult gorilla is simply stronger, faster, and more capable of defending itself from an unarmed human. However, Tyson’s fearsome personality and overall agility may bring him close to winning, especially when you consider the fact that the average gorilla does not want to fight without reason!

Interestingly, did you know that Mike Tyson may actually have a slight vendetta against gorillas?

Did Mike Tyson Actually Threaten a Gorilla?

mike tyson vs gorilla

Gorillas are the largest living primates.

Okay, let’s set the record straight. Mike Tyson did not actually ever fight a gorilla. However, he once offered a New York zookeeper $10,000 to open the silverback gorilla enclosure after hours so that Tyson could take a swing at the animal. The zookeeper declined the request, despite Mike Tyson insisting that the male silverback gorilla was picking on all of the other gorillas in the enclosure. While Tyson likely would’ve been defeated at the hands of said gorilla, it’s a relief that he was never allowed this opportunity in the first place!

If you liked reading about whether or not Mike Tyson would win in a fight against a gorilla, check out some of our other versus articles below!

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About the Author

August Croft is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on astrology, symbolism, and gardening. August has been writing a variety of content for over 4 years and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theater from Southern Oregon University, which they earned in 2014. They are currently working toward a professional certification in astrology and chart reading. A resident of Oregon, August enjoys playwriting, craft beer, and cooking seasonal recipes for their friends and high school sweetheart.

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