Arambourgiania Animal Pictures

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Italiano: Fossil of Arambourgiania, an extinct reptile- Took the photo at Museum Histoire Naturelle, Paris

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Belonging to the Azharchids family, Arambourgiania was largely found in modern-day Middle East.

Apex predators from ecosystems containing giant azhdarchids to scale with a giant azhdarchid species, A, the largest known tyrannosaurid, Tyrannosaurus rex from North America, contemporary of Quetzalcoatlus northropi and other large azhdarchids; B, the small Haţeg dromaeosaur Balaur bondoc, contemporary of Hatzegopteryx thambema;. C, the 10 metres (33 ft) wingspan Arambourgiania philadelphiae (note that H. thambema was proportionally more robust than Arambourgiania); D, Homo sapiens, standing height of 1.83 metres (6.0 ft).

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Two paleontologists, Frey and Martill, also estimated that the Arambourgiania had a wingspan of about 35 to 45 feet, or about as long as a yellow school bus.

Two giant, long-necked azhdarchids—the Maastrichtian species Arambourgiania philadelphiae—argue over a small theropod. Because large predatory theropods are unknown on Late Cretaceous Haţeg Island, giant azhdarchids may have played a key role as terrestrial predators in this community.

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So far, only 2 fossil specimens have been discovered for this species, so we still have much to learn about this giant pterosaur!