Bilby Animal Pictures

Macrotis lagotis

Peter J. Wilson/


Greater bilby looking forwards with ears up on red outback dirt.

Greater bilby looking forwards with ears up on red outback dirt.
Peter J. Wilson/

Greater bilby looking forwards with ears up on red outback dirt.

Captive Bilby on red soil.

Captive Bilby on red soil. Griffiths

Captive Bilby on red soil.

Bilby, or rabbit-bandicoots, is a desert-dwelling marsupial.

Bilby, or rabbit-bandicoots, is a desert-dwelling marsupial.
John Carnemolla/

Bilby, or rabbit-bandicoots, is a desert-dwelling marsupial.

Bilby foraging for food in a field.

Bilby foraging for food in a field.
Susan Flashman/

Bilby foraging for food in a field.

Animals That Burrow Underground: Bilby Captive Greater Bilby on red soil

Animals That Burrow Underground: Bilby
Ken Griffiths/

A captive Bilby on red soil. A female bilby's pouch opens downwards to prevent earth from entering while digging.

Greater bilby looking forwards with ears up on red outback dirt

Greater bilby looking forwards with ears up on red outback dirt
Peter J. Wilson/

Greater bilby looking forwards with ears up on red outback dirt