Blue Whale Animal Pictures
Balaenoptera musculus
T. Bjornstad - Public Domain
Largest and smallest whale (Blue Whale and Hector Dolphine)
NOAA - Public Domain by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Adult blue whale from the eastern Pacific Ocean.
Postverk Foroya - Public Domain
Blue Whale on Faroe stamp
Gregory "Slobirdr" Smith - License Information.
A Blue Whale tail.
NOAA Photo Library - License Information.
The largest blue whale ever recorded was captured in 1947 and weighed 418,878 pounds.
Blue Whale (Balsenoptera Musculus)
A comparison of some of the largest whales in the world
Blue Whale (balaenoptera musculus), Mirissa, Sri Lanka, Indian Ocean
The blue whale’s diet consists almost entirely of krill, but they also eat a small percentage of copepods and fish.
Fat Animal: Blue Whale
A Blue Whale underwater. Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. These magnificent marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long and upwards of 200 tons.
Loudest Animals: Blue Whales
The biggest animal in the world, a blue whale breach, showing its back from dorsal fin to tail flukes.
Blue Whale under water with sun light streaming down from the surface above
Blue Whale under water with sun light streaming down from the surface above
Biggest Whale the Blue Whale
Biggest Whale the Blue Whale
Blue Whale (Balsenoptera Musculus)